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Jan Wahl Archives
Jan Wahl •ï¿½4 Books
Crazy Brobobalou (1973)
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Published Reviews
  1. Books
    Children's Books (55 Reviews)
    The Best of the Spring Season
    1. Who Needs Donuts? by Mark Alan Stamaty
    2. Making Puppets Come Alive by Larry Engler and Carol Fijan
    3. How to Play Baseball Better Than You Did Last Season by Jonah Kalb
    4. Shadowplay by George Mendoza and Prasanna Rao
    5. Save the Earth by Betty Miles
    6. Thor Heyerdahl and the Reed Boat Ra by Barbara Beasley Murphy and Norman Kent Baker
    7. Candies, Cookies, Cakes by Aileen Paul and Arthur Hawkins
    8. Soup by Robert Newton Peck
    9. Cross Your Fingers, Spit in Your Hat by Alvin Schwartz
    10. Jenny's Revenge by Anne Norris Baldwin
    11. Sunset in a Spider Web by Virginia Olsen Baron
    12. Harry Is a Scaredy-Cat by Byron Barton
    13. Alfred Goes House Hunting by Bill Binzen
    14. The Mushroom Center Disaster by N.M. Bodecker
    15. The Green Isle by Philip Burton
    16. Take Tarts as Tarts Is Passing by Eleanor L. Clymer
    17. The Student Who Became King in Spite of Himself by Colos
    18. Two Good Friends by Judy Delton
    19. The Seal and the Slick by Don Freeman
    20. The History of Mother Twaddle and the Marvellous Achievements of Her Son Jack by Paul Galdone
    21. The Little Witch's Black Magic Cookbook by Linda Glovach
    22. Hugh and Fitzhugh by Peter Goodspeed
    23. Mr. Tickle by Roger Hargreaves
    24. Mr. Silly by Roger Hargreaves
    25. Mr. Topsy-Turvy by Roger Hargreaves
    26. Mr. Bump by Roger Hargreaves
    27. The Gorilla Did It by Barbara Shook Hazen
    28. Pippin and Robber Grumblecroak's Big Baby by Margriet Heymans
    29. The Cat and the Mouse Who Shared a House by Ruth Hurlimann
    30. Firerose by Susan Jeschke
    31. The Mystery of the Missing Red Mitten by Steven Kellogg
    32. Run, Little Monkeys! Run, Run, Run! by Juliet Kepes
    33. A Book of Sorcerers and Spells by Ruth Manning-Sanders
    34. Tortoise Tales by Ruth Manning-Sanders
    35. Bubblebath! by Fran Manushkin
    36. Arrow to the Sun by Gerald McDermott
    37. The Little Old Woman Who Used Her Head, and Other Stories by Hope H. Newell
    38. Funny Bags by Betsy Pflug
    39. See What I Caught! by Ann Thomas Piecewicz
    40. Circus by Jack Prelutsky
    41. Clementine by Robert M. Quackenbush
    42. The Gollywhopper Egg by Anne F. Rockwell
    43. Kongo and Kumba by Alice Schick
    44. Questions and Answers About Horses by Millicent E. Selsam
    45. Let's Catch a Fish! by Jack Stokes
    46. Free to Be...You and Me by Marlo Thomas
    47. Crazy Brobobalou by Jan Wahl
    48. Magic Tales and Magic Tricks by William Wiesner
    49. Tom Thumb by William Wiesner
    50. Old MacDonald Had an Apartment House by Judi Barrett
    51. Michael Bond's Book of Bears by Michael Bond
    52. A Dog's Book of Bugs by Elizabeth Griffen
    53. Fish Is Fish by Leo Lionni
    54. Potato Talk by Ennis Rees
    55. The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge by Hildegarde H. Swift
    The Saturday Review, May 4, 1974, pp. 42-50