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Panayiotis J. Vatikiotis Archives
Panayiotis J. Vatikiotis •ï¿½17 Items / 8 Books, 4 Articles, 5 Reviews
Politics and the Military in Jordan (1967)
A Study of the Arab Legion, 1921-1957
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Near East (Review)
    Politics and the Military in Jordan, by P.J. Vatikiotis
    1. Politics and the Military in Jordan by P.J. Vatikiotis
    The American Historical Review, October 1968, p. 238
  2. [+]
    Foreign Governments and Comparative Politics (Review)
    Politics and the Military in Jordan, by P.J. Vatikiotis
    1. Politics and the Military in Jordan by P.J. Vatikiotis
    American Political Science Review, December 1968, pp. 1375-1376
  3. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (7 Reviews)
    The Middle East
    1. Bitter Harvest by Sami Hadawi
    2. Israel: Politics and People by Leonard J. Fein
    3. The Case for Israel by Frank Gervasi
    4. Israel and the Developing Countries by Leopold Y. Laufer
    5. Politics and the Military in Jordan by P.J. Vatikiotis
    6. Yemen and the Western World: Since 1571 by Eric Macro
    7. The Origins of Communism in Turkey by George S. Harris
    Foreign Affairs, July 1968, p. 794
  4. [+]
    Middle East and Africa (12 Reviews)
    Africa in Search of Democracy, by K.A. Busia
    1. Africa in Search of Democracy by K.A. Busia
    2. Black Revolutionary by James R. Hooker
    3. The Burden of Empire by L.H. Gann and Peter Duignan
    4. Education in Africa by Abdou Moumouni
    5. European Powers and South-East Africa by Mabel V. Jackson-Haight
    6. Modern Egypt by Tom Little
    7. Pan-Africanism and East African Integration by Joseph S. Nye, Jr.
    8. The Politics of African Trade Unionism by G.E. Lynd
    9. Politics and the Military in Jordan by P.J. Vatikiotis
    10. The Rise of Nationalism in Central Africa by Robert I. Rotberg
    11. South West Africa and the United Nations by Faye Carroll
    12. Southern Africa and the United States by William A. Hance
    Orbis, Spring 1968, pp. 352-353