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John Varley Archives
John Varley •ï¿½47 Items / 14 Books, 31 Articles, 1 Poem
Millennium (1983)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    On Books (6 Reviews)
    Millennium, by John Varley
    1. Millennium by John Varley
    2. Code of the Lifemaker by James P. Hogan
    3. The Sword Is Forged by Evangeline Walton
    4. The Tartarus Incident by William Greenleaf
    5. The Blue Hawk by Peter Dickinson
    6. Red Moon and Black Mountain by Joy Chant
    Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, December 1983, pp. 167-177
  2. Departments
    Books (6 Reviews)
    The 57th Franz Kafka, by Rudy Rucker
    1. The 57th Franz Kafka by Rudy Rucker
    2. Tea with the Black Dragon by R.A. MacAvoy
    3. Benefits by Zoe Fairbairns
    4. Millennium by John Varley
    5. Skyripper by David Drake
    6. The Shadow of the Ship by Robert Wilfred Franson
    The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1983, pp. 19-27
  3. [+]
    Book Reviews (7 Reviews)
    White Gold Wielder, by Stephen R. Donaldson
    1. White Gold Wielder by Stephen R. Donaldson
    2. The Steel of Raithskar by Randall Garrett and Vicki Ann Heydron
    3. The Glass of Dyskornis by Randall Garrett and Vicki Ann Heydron
    4. The Bronze of Eddarta by Randall Garrett and Vicki Ann Heydron
    5. Millennium by John Varley
    6. Orion Shall Rise by Poul Anderson
    7. Mindkiller by Spider Robinson
    Amazing Science Fiction Stories, September 1983, pp. 7-13
  4. [+]
    The Reference Library (11 Reviews)
    The Bones of Zora, by L. Sprague de Camp and Catherine Crook de Camp, ...
    1. The Bones of Zora by L. Sprague de Camp and Catherine Crook de Camp, ...
    2. Forty Thousand in Gehenna by C.J. Cherryh
    3. Millennium by John Varley
    4. Bluesong by Sydney J. Van Scyoc
    5. The Gates of Eden by Brian M. Stableford
    6. A Matter for Men by David Gerrold
    7. The Shadow of the Ship by Robert Wilfred Franson
    8. Invasion: Earth by Harry Harrison
    9. Transformer by M.A. Foster
    10. The Winds of Change by Isaac Asimov
    11. Dream Makers, Vol. II by Charles Platt
    Analog/Astounding Science Fiction, October 1983, pp. 163-169