The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
William Van O'Connor Archives
William Van O'Connor •ï¿½23 Items / 8 Books, 1 Article, 14 Reviews
The New University Wits and the End of Modernism (1963)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    The New Books (7 Reviews)
    Of Snobs & Taxes & Unimpressed Men
    1. One Fat Englishman by Kingsley Amis
    2. The New University Wits and the End of Modernism by William Van O'Connor
    3. Can I Get There by Candlelight? by Julius Horwitz
    4. The Selected Letters of Bernard Berenson by Arthur K. McComb and Bernard Berenson
    5. The Great Treasury Raid by Philip M. Stern
    6. Taxpayers' Hayride by Julius Duscha
    7. Because I Was Flesh by Edward Dahlberg
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1964, pp. 106-109