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Mona Van Duyn Archives
Mona Van Duyn •ï¿½21 Items / 5 Books, 16 Poems
To See, to Take (1970)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Possibility After Possibility (Review)
    To See, to Take, by Mona Van Duyn
    1. To See, to Take by Mona Van Duyn
    The Nation, May 4, 1970, pp. 536-537
  2. [+]
    Poetry Quarterly (12 Reviews)
    Insights and Oversights in the Poetic Vision
    1. City Without Walls, and Other Poems by W.H. Auden
    2. Selected Poems by Dannie Abse
    3. Arias from a Love Opera, and Other Poems by Robert Conquest
    4. The Way of a World by Charles Tomlinson
    5. New Poems, 1965-1969 by A.D. Hope
    6. The Double Dream of Spring by John Ashbery
    7. The Art of Sylvia Plath by Charles Hamilton Newman
    8. Earth Walk by William Meredith
    9. To See, to Take by Mona Van Duyn
    10. The Mirrored Walls by Helene Mullins
    11. Dear John, Dear Coltrane by Michael S. Harper
    12. A Bed by the Sea by Arthur Gregor
    The Saturday Review, August 8, 1970, pp. 33-34