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Roy Turner Archives
Roy Turner •ï¿½1 Book
India's Urban Future (1962)
Selected Studies from an International Conference
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Reviews (3 Reviews)
    Economic Development and Social Change in South India, by T. Scarlett Epstein
    1. Economic Development and Social Change in South India by T. Scarlett Epstein
    2. Prospects for Indian Development by Wilfred Malenbaum
    3. India's Urban Future by Roy Turner
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1963, pp. 648-651
  2. [+]
    Book Reviews (7 Reviews)
    On India and Asia
    1. Asia in the European Age, 1498-1955 by Michael Edwardes
    2. Nehru: A Pictorial Biography by Michael Edwardes
    3. Land and Labour in India by Daniel Thorner and Alice Thorner
    4. India's Urban Future by Roy Turner
    5. Caste Today by Taya Zinkin
    6. Rajendra Prasad, First President of India by Kewal Lalchand Panjabi
    7. Krishna Menon by Emil Lengyel
    Current History, March 1963, p. 177
  3. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (13 Reviews)
    South and Southeast Asia
    1. Foreign Aid and the Defense of Southeast Asia by Amos A. Jordan, Jr.
    2. The Arc of Crisis by Claude A. Buss
    3. East Asia in Danger by Lorenz Stucki
    4. India's China Policy by P.C. Chakravarti
    5. Divide and Quit by Penderel Moon
    6. India's Urban Future by Roy Turner
    7. With Malice Toward None by Sadashiv G. Barve
    8. Tilak and Gokhale by Stanley A. Wolpert
    9. The Making of Burma by Dorothy Woodman
    10. A History of Malaya by Joseph Kennedy
    11. Problems of Freedom: South Vietnam Since Independence by Wesley R. Fishel
    12. The Viet-Minh Regime by Bernard B. Fall
    13. Peasant Marketing in Java by Alice G. Dewey
    Foreign Affairs, October 1962, p. 235