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The Mystery of Little Wing's Medicine Sack
Viahnett Sprague Martin
True West
August 1966
, pp. 32-33
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by Viahnett Sprague Martin
Frontier Times
True West
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Dan Muller
Brian J. Murphy
M.V. Murphy
Robert A. Murray
Tom G. Murray
Cindi Myers
John Myers Myers
Lee Myers
Richard D. Myers
Remi A. Nadeau
Al Martin Napoletano
Jeff Nathan
Mrs. Edgar Thomas Neal
Julia Needham
Dale Nelson
Dick Nelson
David Nevin
Ed Niciejewski
James Y. Nicol
William C. Nicola
Ora Niegel
Charles C. Niehuis
Carolyn J. Niethammer
Frederick W. Nolan
Paul T. Nolan
O.W. Nolen
Lewis T. Nordyke
Rudell Murray Norris
Rosie M. Norrish
Dick North
John B. Norwood
Annie Dyer Nunn
Robert Lincoln O'Brien
Mary O'Carroll
Diane Chamness O'Connor
R.S. O'Connor
Roy P. O'Dell
Tom O'Dwyer
George Oaks
Stephen B. Oates
Ernest Oberbillig
Eric M. Odendahl
Peter R. Odens
Charlotte M. Offen
Chick Oldham
Maggie Red Oldham
Richard L. Oliver
Robert G. Oliver
Lorena A. Olmsted
Mabel C. Olson
Shy Osborn
Ike Osteen
Verne Ostrander
Charles Overstreet
Bill Owen
W.T. Owen
Harry J. Owens
C.L. Packer
Charles A. Page
Lauran Paine
Allie B. Palmer
Robert F. Palmquist
Charles S. Park
Forbes Parkhill
Jamie Custer Parmenter
Joe K. Parrish
Vern Parslow
Charles C. Patch
Edith Paterson
T.W. Paterson
Pamela Patrick-Davis
Paul Patterson
Richard M. Patterson
J.R. Pattie
J.M.S. Paul
Jan S. Paul
Edgar S. Paxson
William Edgar Paxson
Hugh S. Penn
Robin Pennock
Choral Pepper
Gregory Perillo
Glen W. Perrins
Bobette Perrone
Milton F. Perry
Paul Perry
James Stevens Peters
Steven Peters
David L. Petersen
Barbara Tucker Peterson
C.O. Peterson
Frederick A. Peterson
Jessie Peterson
Marc Peterson
Nancy M. Peterson
Richard H. Peterson
John Barton Pettitt
I.L. Pfalser
Ross Phares
Agnes M. Pharo
Augusta L. Philbrick
Shine Philips
Andrew D. Phillips
George Phillips
B.L. Phipps
Delmas Pickens
Mabel Pickering
Peter Pierce
Robert E. Pike
Ben E. Pingenot
Joe Pires
Dale Plank
Martha Edgerton Plassmann
Michael Plemmons
Vincent J. Plesko
Charlsie Poe
John W. Poe
Darlene Polachic
Stella Gipson Polk
R.C. Pollen
Diane M. Pollock
Harold Pope
Rufus L. Porter
Willard H. Porter
Willie Victory Poteet
Shirley R. Powell
Alfred Powers
Jim Prendergast
James Presley
Thomas E. Preston
Olyn Vane Price
Will Price
Joe Pride
Gene Prigge
Brad A. Prowse
Jane Pruitt
Russell C. Prunty
Dorothy Pryse
Lida Wilson Pyles
Mabel T. Quebedeaux
Lelia La Vine Quihuis
Russell Quinn
Sondra Rabone
Allan Radbourne
Carl Raht
Ray D. Rains
William Rakocy
Walter W. Raleigh
Julian Ralph
Thomas P. Ramirez
Noda May Ramsdale
Gay Randall
Philip J. Rasch
Judith Rascoe
George J. Rawlins
Kermit Rayborn
Dade Rayfield
Marilyn Read
Alma Ready
Leslie J. Reagan
Robert Rears
Stan Redding
E. Lisle Reedstrom
Richard Reese
Loretta Rehder
Ken Reid
Peter Reid
Ruth L. Reid
S.J. Reidhead
Buck Reilly
Henry Reinhart
Herman Francis Reinhart
Randall A. Reinstedt
Judy R. Reis
Frederic Remington
Ken Retallic
E.V. Reyner
Fred Rhoads
Douglas Nelson Rhodes
L. Partsche Rhodes
W.J. Rice
B.J. Richardson
Bill Richardson#2
Cecil C. Richardson
Cris Richardson
Leander P. Richardson
Frank H. Richey
Robert W. Richmond
Colin Rickards
Montana Rickards
Harry E. Rieseberg
Frank C. Rigler
G.L. Riker
Charlie Rile
Kenneth Riley
Jerry Riness
Louise Riotte
Lyndon Ripley
Milt Riske
Al Ritter
Shelly Ritthaler
Richard M. Rivers
Harry Robb
Vesta O. Robbins
Maggie S. Roberson
Chris Roberts
Gary L. Roberts
Dorothy Robertson
Josephine Robertson
R.G. Robertson
Vesta-Nadine Robertson
Bill Robinson
G.E. Robinson
J.F. "Jim" Robinson
Olivia Robinson
W.L. Robinson
Ruby Robison
Ruth Robison
David P. Robrock
Paul High Rock
Gladys Rodehaver
JoAnn Roe
Kenneth S. Roe
Field Roebuck
Oscar H. Roesner
Lisa Waller Rogers
Minnie Lea Rogers
Zella Rogerson
Trancito Romero
Herman Ronnenberg
William A. Roope
Fred H. Root
William L. Roper
Joseph G. Rosa
Dan Rose
Dina Rose
Milton F. Rose
Edythe A. Rosenberry
Joseph V.H. Ross
Mary'n Rosson
Neil Rounds
Norman Edward Rourke
M.C. Rouse
Noel Routson
R. Rowkay
Robert Rowley
Lily-B Rozar
Robert H. Ruby
B.J. Rupert
Charles M. Russell
F.I. Russell
Ruth Russell
Mary Jane Massey Rust
William Rutledge
Jack Ryan
M.E. Ryan
Lois Ryker
Lee Ryland
Vera D. Saban
Sandra K. Sagala
Francisco Salazar
J.S. Sampson
Joanna Sampson
Ben Sanchez
Lynda A. Sanchez
Max Sanchez
Terry Sanders
L. Sanford
Charles W. Sasser
Gladys L. Savage
Harold Sawley
Cynthia Scanlon
A.L. Schafer
Harold Schindler
Jeanne Schinto
Henry Schipman
Dale T. Schoenberger
Konrad F. Schreier
Raymond Schuessler
Barry Scobee
Robert A. Scott
J. Leo Seely
Arthur H. Seigfried
Richard F. Selcer
W.B. Self
Francis E. Sell
Olaf C. Seltzer
Verne Sems
Mitchell C. Sena
L.W. Servis
Mary Lund Settle
Raymond W. Settle
Florence Severson
Jewell Fay Sewell
Clifton Seymour
Gladys Payne Shafer
Ed Shannon
Ernest J. Shaw
Ruth Mepham Shaw
O.C. Sheley
Vern Shelton
Connie Sheppard
R. Joshua Sherman
Mack Sherrill
Herb Sherwood
Grace Elise Shippen
H.M. Shoebotham
A.R. Shoemaker
Arthur Shoemaker
Gene Shortridge
George Sibley
Don G. Sikes
Lee A. Silva
Frank Simmons
Tom Simonton
John L. Sinclair
Samuel O. Sisco
Sven Skaar
Tannis Skaggs
Joe Austell Small
James Smallwood
Jack Smillie
Alexander McCall Smith
Alson J. Smith
Davidson Smith
Duane A. Smith
F.E. Smith
Fay Smith
H.J. Smith
J. Greg Smith
Joe H. Smith
Julia B. Smith
Lew Smith
Randy D. Smith
Scott L. Smith
Waddell F. Smith
Larry Smitherman
W.D. Smithers
Dot Smollen
Joseph W. Snell
Earl Snipes
Bill Sole
Andy Sonnek
C.L. Sonnichsen
M.G. Sorenson
B.D. Sorrells
John Southworth
Phil Spangenberger
Bonnie Speer
Earl Spendlove
Gene Sperry
Wayne Spiller
Will Spindler
Harvey St. John
John K. Standish
Pearl Stanford
Samuel Stanley
Mary G. Stano
Matilda White Starbuck
Roberta M. Starry
Rick Steber
Rory Steel
Fannie Sperry Steele
Peter Steele
Philip W. Steele
Phillip Steele
Randy Steffen
Robert M. Stegmaier
Louis William Steinwedel
Garnet Stephenson
Norman Stephenson
Peggy Stephenson
Charles P. Sterrett
Karen D. Stevens
Lois Stevens
Ray W. Stevens
Graham Stevenson
John Stevenson
H.W. Steward
Arthur James Stewart
Clarice A. Stewart
John Stewart
Miller J. Stewart
R. Lee Stewart
Richard Stickann
Thomas S. Stimmel
H. Henrietta Stockel
Ted Stokes
J. Bernard Stolz
Fred A. Stone
Lew Stoner
Byron Claude Stork
Mark Storm
Robert Joe Stout
Helen Strayer
Charles Strom
Gordon B. Strunk
Harry P. Stubblefield
Virginia Stumbough
Doris Sturges
Richard W. Sturges
B.P. Sullivan
Jerry M. Sullivan
A.C. Summerfield
Richard Summers
Hatton Sumners
Deborah S. Susser
R.A. Sutliff
Robin Sutton
Frances Leon Swadesh
John R. Sweet
Colen H. Sweeten
Pat Swingle
John M. Swisher
John D. Tanner
Karen Holliday Tanner
Beverly Taylor
Bob Taylor
Dabney Taylor
Fenton W. Taylor
Frankie M. Taylor
Fraser Taylor
John A. Taylor
Nat M. Taylor
Paul Taylor
Samuel W. Taylor
Walter "Spunky" Taylor
Theodore Ten Eyck
C.V. Tench
John Upton Terrell
James H. Tevis
Eric Thane
H.F. Thatcher
Robert H. Thaxton
Bob Thomas
Diane Thomas
Leva L. Thomas
Robert L. Thomas
George A. Thompson
Raymond Thompson
Frank Thomson
Ernest H. Thoresen
Jessy Quinn Thornton
Raymond W. Thorp
Russell Thorp
E.J. Thorpe
Dan L. Thrapp
Helen Starr Thrasher
William Thyrde
Robin Tibbets
Zoe A. Tilghman
Herbert M. Timmons
J. Rex Tims
B.D. Titsworth
Frank X. Tolbert
J.C. Tolman
Gord Tolton
John E. Tompkins
Robert J. Torrez
Charles Wayland Towne
Leroy Towns
Ben Townsend
Nora Trapp
H.M. Travis
Ben T. Traywick
Virginia Cole Trenholm
Mark Trey
Larry Tritten
Diane C. Troncale
Laura Trowbridge
Fred M. Truett
Eva Tubb
Rebecca L. Tumlinson
Brian Turner
Don Turner
Robert F. Turpin
Burl Tuttle
W.C. Tuttle
W. Stockton Twogood
Jack J. Underwood
Larry D. Underwood
William L. Urban
R.C. Valdez
Robert Valdner
Darwin Van Campen
M.J. VanDeventer
Lori Van Pelt
Gordon Vance
Tom Vance
James F. Varley
Jeanne Varnell
Glenn R. Vernam
Buffalo Vernon
Bennett Viken
J. Lee Humfre Ville
Edward Villiers
Dale Vincent
Gary Von Ilg
Henry Voss
Stephen M. Voynick
Robert L. Wagner
Eric Wahleen
Billy B. Waldeck
Larry Waldron
Jimmy Walker
Wayne T. Walker
John Wallace
Adam Wallenta
George A. Wallis
Raymond L. Walters
Homer C. Walton
Ralph C. Wambaugh
Fay E. Ward
Graham Ward
William Allen Ward
Ralph C. Warnbaugh
Robert Warnick
Dan E. Warren
Eric Warren
Larry Warren
Sherryl Warrick
Helen Waterman
Editha L. Watson
Harry E. Webb
Walter Prescott Webb
Ferris M. Weddle
Ken Weinman
James E. Welch
Joe Welch
Sam Weller
Lee M. Wells
Joan Wenner
Ben Werner
H.D. Wernex
Garland West
John Westbrook
William E. Whelchel
Karl T. White
Marjorie B. White
R.R. White
Victor H. White
Doris Whithorn
Dorothy N. Whitley
V. Whitlock
Thelma Wible
Mary Wiegand
Jerry S. Wilcox
Victoria Wilcox
Homer Wilkes
Bruce M. Wilkinson
Helen Wilkinson
Beryl M. Williams
Cynthia A. Williams
Ernestine Chesser Williams
George Williams
Jean Williams
Oscar W. Williams
John Williamson
Louise Huckabee Willington
Bob Willis
Larry Willis
Samuel L. Willis
Dick Wills
Charles Banks Wilson
Colin H. Wilson
Fred L. Wilson
Jim Wilson
Mary Jean Wilson
Steve Wilson
C.W. Wimberley
Vern Wimmer
John R. Winslowe
Wayne Winters
Bruce Wishart
Sylvia Wittels
Byron B. Wolfe
George D. Wolfe
Smoki Wolfe
Otto Wolfgang
C.D. Wood
David Wood
Herb Wood
Lamont Wood
Louise Wood
Mertie Ellis Wood
Greg Woodard
Daniel Woods
Larry J. Woods
Mary Woods
Weldon D. Woodson
Norman G. Woolsey
Donald E. Worcester
Charles G. Worman
Mary M. Worthylake
George F. Worts
Bob Wright
Chris J. Wright
Kathryn Wright
Mabel C. Wright
"Old Cowboy" Ed Wright
P.M. Wright
Richard T. Wright
Tom Wright
Unasue Sellers Wright
Gus A. Wurdinger
Evan M. Wylie
Howard Wylie
Dorothy Emerson Yeager
T.P. Yeatman
Donald Yena
Nellie Snyder Yost
Bob Young
Harry Young
Jan Young
Juanita Daniel Zachry
Stan Zamo
Stanley W. Zamonski
M.H. Zimmerman
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