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Seymour Topping Archives
Seymour Topping •ï¿½4 Items / 3 Books, 1 Article
Journey Between Two Chinas (1972)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Comparative Government and Politics (Review)
    Journey Between Two Chinas, by Seymour Topping
    1. Journey Between Two Chinas by Seymour Topping
    American Political Science Review, December 1975, p. 1510
  2. [+]
    Which the Ocean, Which the Wave? (2 Reviews)
    Journey Between Two Chinas, by Seymour Topping
    1. Journey Between Two Chinas by Seymour Topping
    2. The Morning Deluge by Suyin Han
    The Saturday Review, November 18, 1972, pp. 91-96
  3. [+]
    East and South Asia (8 Reviews)
    America's Response to China, by Warren I. Cohen
    1. America's Response to China by Warren I. Cohen
    2. China Returns by Klaus Mehnert
    3. India, Pakistan, and the Great Powers by William J. Barnds
    4. Journey Between Two Chinas by Seymour Topping
    5. Military and Political Power in China in the 1970's by William W. Whitson
    6. The Pacific Rivals by The Asahi Shimbun
    7. Sino-American Relations, 1949-71 by Roderick MacFarquhar
    8. Viet Cong Repression and its Implications for the Future by Stephen T. Hosmer
    Orbis, Fall 1972, p. 828
  4. Review Article
    The Yunan Way and Its Power (9 Reviews)
    The Yenan Way in Revolutionary China, by Mark Selden
    1. The Yenan Way in Revolutionary China by Mark Selden
    2. Chinese Communism in 1927: City vs Countryside by Tso-Liang Hsiao
    3. The Kuomintang-Communist Struggle in China, 1922-1949 by Chung-Gi Kwei
    4. Living with the Communists by Humphrey Trevelyan
    5. Journey Between Two Chinas by Seymour Topping
    6. China's Changing Map by Theodore Shabad
    7. The City in Communist China by John W. Lewis
    8. Mao Tse-Tung's Cultural Revolution by Tai-Sung An
    9. The Making of a Model Citizen in Communist China by Charles P. Ridley, Paul H.B. Godwin, and Dennis Doolin, ...
    The American Historical Review, June 1974, pp. 744-750
  5. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (10 Reviews)
    East Asia and the Pacific
    1. 800,000,000: The Real China~~Eight Hundred Million: The Real China by Ross Terrill
    2. China: An Introduction by Lucian W. Pye and Mary W. Pye
    3. Journey Between Two Chinas by Seymour Topping
    4. China and the Overseas Chinese by Stephen A. Fitzgerald
    5. Law and Policy in China's Foreign Relations by James Chieh Hsiung
    6. A Taste of Freedom by Peng Ming-min
    7. Forecast for Japan by James W. Morley
    8. John Gunther's Inside Australia by William H. Forbis and John Gunther
    9. Australia in the Nuclear Age by Ian Bellany
    10. The Politics of Dependence by A.L. Epstein
    Foreign Affairs, October 1972, p. 244