The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Russell Thorndike Archives
Russell Thorndike •ï¿½6 Books
The Tragedy of Mr. Punch (1924)
A Fantastic Play in Prologue and One Act
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Books in Brief (5 Reviews)
    Social Politics in the United States, by Frederick E. Haynes
    1. Social Politics in the United States by Frederick E. Haynes
    2. Slapstick and Dumbbell by Hiler Harzberg and Arthur Moss
    3. The Tragedy of Mr. Punch by Russell Thorndike and Reginald Arkell
    4. Stalking Big Game with a Camera in Equatorial Africa by Marius Maxwell
    5. Critical Studies of the Works of Charles Dickens by George Gissing
    The Nation, November 19, 1924, p. 550
  2. [+]
    Notes on New Books (14 Reviews)
    Recollections of a Happy Life, by Maurice Francis Egan
    1. Recollections of a Happy Life by Maurice Francis Egan
    2. Portraits: Real and Imaginary by Ernest A. Boyd
    3. Impressions and Comments: Third Series, 1920-1923 by Havelock Ellis
    4. Unscientific Essays by Frederick Wood Jones
    5. Passing the Torch by Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews
    6. The Hidden Player by Alfred Noyes
    7. Valentine's Manual of Old New York, 1925 by Henry Collins Brown
    8. Aces: A Collection of Short Stories
    9. The Coasts of Illusion by Clark B. Firestone
    10. The Joys and Tribulations of an Editor by L. Frank Tooker
    11. The Tragedy of Mr. Punch by Russell Thorndike and Reginald Arkell
    12. Unmasking Our Minds by David Seabury
    13. Bushrangers by Charles J. Finger
    14. The Shallow End by Ian Hay
    The Outlook, December 17, 1924, pp. 653-655