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Marek Thee Archives
Marek Thee •ï¿½3 Books
Notes of a Witness (1973)
Laos and the Second Indochinese War
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (7 Reviews)
    South and Southeast Asia
    1. Pakistan: Failure in National Integration by Rounaq Jahan
    2. Massacre by Robert Payne
    3. The United States and India, Pakistan, Bangladesh by W. Norman Brown
    4. Americans in Southeast Asia by Russell H. Fifield
    5. My War with the CIA by Norodom Sihanouk and Wilfred Burchett
    6. Cambodia in the Southeast Asian War by Malcolm Caldwell and Lek Tan
    7. Notes of a Witness by Marek Thee
    Foreign Affairs, July 1973, p. 843