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William Roscoe Thayer Archives
William Roscoe Thayer •ï¿½127 Items / 25 Books, 67 Articles, 24 Reviews, 7 Poems, 3 Sets
The Collapse of Superman (1917)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Other War Books (6 Reviews)
    France Bears the Burden, by Granville Fortescue
    1. France Bears the Burden by Granville Fortescue
    2. The Collapse of Superman by William Roscoe Thayer
    3. The United States and Pan-Germania by Andre Cheradame
    4. Headquarters Nights by Vernon Kellogg
    5. Bohemia's Case for Independence by Edvard Benes
    6. American Women and the World War by Ida Clyde Clarke
    The Literary Digest, April 13, 1918, p. 43
  2. [+]
    The New Books (12 Reviews)
    The Social Plays of Arthur Wing Pinero, Vol. I, by Clayton Hamilton and Arthur Wing Pinero
    1. The Social Plays of Arthur Wing Pinero, Vol. I by Clayton Hamilton and Arthur Wing Pinero
    2. The Lost Naval Papers by Bennet Copplestone
    3. The Tree of Heaven by May Sinclair
    4. North Atlantic Coast Fisheries Arbitration at the Hague by Elihu Root, Robert Bacon, and James Brown Scott
    5. Miscellaneous Addresses by Elihu Root, Robert Bacon, and James Brown Scott
    6. A Short History of Rome by Guglielmo Ferrero and Corrado Barbagallo
    7. Atlantic Classics: Second Series
    8. Some Modern Novelists by Helen Thomas Follett and Wilson Follett
    9. The Desert by John C. Van Dyke
    10. The Virgin Islands of the United States of America by Luther K. Zabriskie
    11. At the Serbian Front in Macedonia by Edward Percy Stebbing
    12. The Collapse of Superman by William Roscoe Thayer
    The Outlook, March 6, 1918, pp. 379-381