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Ross Terrill Archives
Ross Terrill •ï¿½66 Items / 11 Books, 47 Articles, 8 Reviews
China in Our Time (1992)
The Epic Saga of the People's Republic, from the Communist Victory to Tiananm...
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Published Reviews
  1. Book Reviews
    China in Our Time (Review)
    China in Our Time, by Ross Terrill
    1. China in Our Time by Ross Terrill
    The American Spectator, April 1993, pp. 58-59
  2. [+]
    China Plain (2 Reviews)
    China: A New History, by John King Fairbank
    1. China: A New History by John King Fairbank
    2. China in Our Time by Ross Terrill
    Commentary, October 1992, p. 60
  3. Books
    Chinese Puzzles (3 Reviews)
    The Claws of the Dragon, by John Byron and Robert Pack
    1. The Claws of the Dragon by John Byron and Robert Pack
    2. The New Emperors by Harrison E. Salisbury
    3. China in Our Time by Ross Terrill
    The National Interest, Summer 1992, pp. 94-101
  4. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (7 Reviews)
    Asia and the Pacific
    1. China in Our Time by Ross Terrill
    2. State and Society in China by Arthur Lewis Rosenbaum
    3. The Last Leninists by Robert A. Scalapino
    4. Trial After Triumph by William E. Odom
    5. Perfidious Albion by William McGurn
    6. Japan Thrice-Opened by Hideo Ibe
    7. Mother India by Pranay Gupte
    Foreign Affairs, Fall 1992, pp. 216-217