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Allan Temko Archives
Allan Temko •ï¿½16 Items / 2 Books, 12 Articles, 2 Reviews
Eero Saarinen (1962)
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Published Reviews
  1. Books and the Arts
    Art Books of 1962: I (20 Reviews)
    A Concise History of Painting, by Michael Levey
    1. A Concise History of Painting by Michael Levey
    2. Art and the Spirit of Man by Rene Huyghe
    3. The Loom of Art by Germain Bazin
    4. Renoir, My Father by Jean Renoir
    5. Renoir: His Life and Work by Francois Fosca
    6. Portraits by Degas by Jean Sutherland Boggs
    7. The Great Experiment: Russian Art 1863-1922 by Camilla Gray
    8. Leger by Robert L. Delevoy
    9. Dictionary of Modern Sculpture by Robert Maillard
    10. Paul Klee by Felix Klee
    11. Abstract Painting by Michel Seuphor
    12. A Sea Ringed with Visions by Oskar Kokoschka
    13. Louis I. Kahn by Vincent J. Scully, Jr.
    14. Eero Saarinen by Allan Temko
    15. R. Buckminster Fuller by John McHale
    16. Philip Johnson by John M. Jacobus, Jr.
    17. Kenzo Tange by Robin Boyd
    18. Eero Saarinen On His Work by Aline B. Saarinen and Eero Saarinen
    19. The Evolution of an Architect by Edward Durell Stone
    20. The Biology of Art by Desmond Morris
    The Nation, December 15, 1962, pp. 426-427