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S.P. Suslov Archives
S.P. Suslov •ï¿½1 Book
Physical Geography of Asiatic Russia (1961)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (12 Reviews)
    Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union
    1. Russians as People by Wright W. Miller
    2. Only in Russia by Howard Norton
    3. East Minus West = Zero by Werner Keller
    4. Soviet Marxism and Natural Science, 1917-1932 by David Joravsky
    5. Physical Geography of Asiatic Russia by S.P. Suslov
    6. Soviet State Law by Andrei I. Denisov and M. Kirichenko
    7. Stalinist Rule in the Ukraine by Hryhory Kostiuk
    8. The Hug of the Bear by Mischa Jac Feld and Ivan H. Peterman
    9. The Dynamics of Communism in Eastern Europe by Richard V. Burks
    10. Poland and Her National Minorities, 1919-39 by Stephan M. Horak
    11. Communist Propaganda Methods by Vladimir Reisky-Dubnic
    12. Czecho-Slovakia: A Critical History by Kurt Glaser
    Foreign Affairs, July 1961, pp. 703-704