The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Ann S. Stephens Archives
Ann S. Stephens •ï¿½17 Books
Malaeska (1929)
The Indian Wife of the White Hunter
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Fiction Briefs (8 Reviews)
    The Hawbucks, by John Masefield
    1. The Hawbucks by John Masefield
    2. Malaeska by Ann S. Stephens and Frank P. O'Brien
    3. Up At the Villa by Marie Cher
    4. The Uncertain Trumpet by A.S.M. Hutchinson
    5. The House of Gold by Liam O'Flaherty
    6. Mississippi by Ben Lucien Burman
    7. Seven Women by William M. John
    8. Dido: Queen of Hearts by Gertrude Atherton
    The Nation, January 8, 1930, p. 50
  2. [+]
    The New Books (25 Reviews)
    Dime Novels, by Edmund Pearson
    1. Dime Novels by Edmund Pearson
    2. Malaeska by Ann S. Stephens and Frank P. O'Brien
    3. Sir Francis Bacon: The First Modern Mind by Byron Steel
    4. Michelangelo, and Other Sketches by Dmitri S. Merezhkovsky
    5. Vanamee by Mary Conger Vanamee
    6. Those War Women
    7. Miss Welby at Steen by Archibald Marshall
    8. Son of John Winteringham by Warrene Piper
    9. The Wisdom of Love by Jakob Schaffner
    10. Madder Music by Mildred Cram
    11. Pay Day by Nathan Asch
    12. The Earth-Tube by Gawain Edwards
    13. Song-Bird by Sophia Cleugh
    14. Peace by Arne Garborg
    15. The Voyage Home by Storm Jameson
    16. The Redemption of Morley Warville by Stephen McKenna
    17. Answer Before Dark by Elizabeth Moorhead
    18. Things Any Boy Can Make by Joseph Leeming
    19. Kidnapped by Air by Dillon Wallace
    20. Robin and Jean in England by Lawrence S. Williams
    21. Hakluyt's Voyages by A.S. Mott and Richard Hakluyt
    22. This Happened to Me by Helen Ferris
    23. When Sally Sews by Helen Perry Curtis
    24. Vocational Psychology and Character Analysis by Harry L. Hollingworth
    25. Fifty Poems by Lord Dunsany
    The Saturday Review, March 29, 1930, p. 877