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Rose M. Stein Archives
Rose M. Stein •ï¿½33 Items / 25 Articles, 7 Reviews, 1 Book
M-Day: The Day America Mobilizes for War (1936)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Propaganda (Review)
    M-Day: The Day America Mobilizes for War, by Rose Marian Stein
    1. M-Day: The Day America Mobilizes for War by Rose Marian Stein
    Commonweal, May 29, 1936, p. 138
  2. [+]
    War and Profits (Review)
    M-Day: The Day America Mobilizes for War, by Rose Marian Stein
    1. M-Day: The Day America Mobilizes for War by Rose Marian Stein
    The Nation, April 1, 1936, p. 424
  3. [+]
    Der Tag (Review)
    M-Day: The Day America Mobilizes for War, by Rose Marian Stein
    1. M-Day: The Day America Mobilizes for War by Rose Marian Stein
    The New Masses, April 21, 1936, pp. 22-23
  4. [+]
    The Great Day (Review)
    M-Day: The Day America Mobilizes for War, by Rose Marian Stein
    1. M-Day: The Day America Mobilizes for War by Rose Marian Stein
    The New Republic, April 22, 1936, p. 320
  5. [+]
    The Check List (5 Reviews)
    1. M-Day: The Day America Mobilizes for War by Rose Marian Stein
    2. When Japan Goes to War by O. Tanin and E. Yohan
    3. The Battle of Jutland by Holloway Halstead Frost
    4. War in the Pacific by Sutherland Denlinger and Charles B. Gary
    5. Forward---March! by Frank J. Mackey and Marcus Wilson Jernegan
    The American Mercury, August 1936, pp. 507-508
  6. [+]
    The New Books (9 Reviews)
    Diane the Huntress, by Grace Hart Seely
    1. Diane the Huntress by Grace Hart Seely
    2. I Was a Soviet Worker by Andrew Smith #2 and Maria Smith
    3. Until I Find... by Edgcumb Pinchon
    4. A Time for Love by Ramona Herdman
    5. Best in the Greenwood by Frederick Lambeck
    6. The Diary of a Suburban Housewife by Dorothy Blake
    7. Banjo on My Knee by Harry Hamilton
    8. M-Day: The Day America Mobilizes for War by Rose Marian Stein
    9. Man and the Sea by J. Holland Rose
    The Saturday Review, April 4, 1936, pp. 34-35
  7. [+]
    Some Recent Books on International Relations by (16 Reviews)
    International Relations of the United States
    1. The Far Eastern Crisis by Henry L. Stimson
    2. The Devil Theory of War by Charles A. Beard
    3. The Neutrality Policy of the United States by Julia Emily Johnsen
    4. M-Day: The Day America Mobilizes for War by Rose Marian Stein
    5. Whose Constitution? by Henry A. Wallace
    6. After the New Deal, What? by Norman Thomas
    7. A Program for Modern America by Harry W. Laidler
    8. Who Owns America? by Herbert Agar and Allen Tate
    9. An American Experiment by Edward M. Hugh-Jones and E.A. Radice
    10. Jews in America
    11. Hearst: Lord of San Simeon by Oliver Carlson and Ernest Sutherland Bates
    12. War in the Pacific by Sutherland Denlinger and Charles B. Gary
    13. American Diplomacy by Benjamin H. Williams
    14. State Interests in American Treaties by Nicholas Pendleton Mitchell
    15. What the International Labor Organization Means to America by Spencer Miller, Jr.
    16. The President's Control of the Tariff by John Day Larkin
    Foreign Affairs, October 1936, pp. 207-208