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Richard F. Staar Archives
Richard F. Staar •ï¿½58 Items / 34 Articles, 21 Books, 3 Reviews
USSR Foreign Policies After Detente (1985)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Books in Brief---Foreign Affairs (2 Reviews)
    Pravda: Inside the Soviet News Machine, by Angus Roxburgh
    1. Pravda: Inside the Soviet News Machine by Angus Roxburgh
    2. USSR Foreign Policies After Detente by Richard F. Staar
    Chronicles, December 1987, p. 49
  2. [+]
    The Bear and His Claws (3 Reviews)
    USSR Foreign Policies After Detente, by Richard F. Staar
    1. USSR Foreign Policies After Detente by Richard F. Staar
    2. The American Retreat by Joseph Churba
    3. Observations by Henry Kissinger
    Chronicles, February 1986, pp. 16-17
  3. [+]
    Pitfalls of Detente (3 Reviews)
    How Democracies Perish, by Jean-Francois Revel
    1. How Democracies Perish by Jean-Francois Revel
    2. Russia: The Roots of Confrontation by Robert V. Daniels
    3. USSR Foreign Policies After Detente by Richard F. Staar
    Problems of Communism, May 1987, pp. 78-85
  4. [+]
    Book Reviews (5 Reviews)
    On East Europe
    1. Eroding Empire: Western Relations with Eastern Europe by Lincoln Gordon
    2. Tito, Mihailovic and the Allies, 1941-1945 by Walter R. Roberts
    3. Tito's Flawed Legacy by Nora Beloff
    4. USSR Foreign Policies After Detente by Richard F. Staar
    5. Environmental Management in the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia by Barbara Jancar
    Current History, November 1987, pp. 382-394
  5. [+]
    The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe (5 Reviews)
    East Germany and Detente, by A. James McAdams
    1. East Germany and Detente by A. James McAdams
    2. Opposition in the GDR Under Honecker, 1971-85 by Roger Woods
    3. Russian Studies by Leonard Schapiro and Ellen Dahrendorf
    4. USSR Foreign Policies After Detente by Richard F. Staar
    5. Vaclav Havel: Living in Truth by Jan Vladislav
    Orbis, Summer 1987, pp. 261-264
  6. [+]
    Book Reviews (6 Reviews)
    1. Black Box by Alexander Dallin
    2. Ballistic Missile Defense by Ashton Carter and David N. Schwartz
    3. USSR Foreign Policies After Detente by Richard F. Staar
    4. Directory of European Political Scientists
    5. Biography Geneaology Master Index, 1981-1985 Cumulation by Barbara McNeil
    6. Annual Register, 1984: A Record of World Events by H.V. Hodson
    Current History, November 1985, pp. 385-393
  7. [+]
    The Soviet Union and Asia (6 Reviews)
    USSR Foreign Policies After Detente, by Richard F. Staar
    1. USSR Foreign Policies After Detente by Richard F. Staar
    2. The USSR and the Muslim World by Yaacov Ro'i
    3. Discreet Partners by Aldo Cesar Vacs
    4. Modern China by Ian W. Mabbett
    5. The Sino-Japanese Axis by Robert Taylor
    6. The Philippines After Marcos by Ronald James May and Francisco Nemenzo
    Orbis, Fall 1985, pp. 639-640
  8. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (12 Reviews)
    The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe
    1. Soviet International Behavior and U.S. Policy Options by Dan Caldwell
    2. Sectors of Mutual Benefit in U.S.-Soviet Relations by Nish Jamgotch, Jr.
    3. The Soviet State by Curtis Keeble
    4. USSR Foreign Policies After Detente by Richard F. Staar
    5. Investment and Reindustrialization in the Soviet Economy by Boris Z. Rumer
    6. The Drama of the Soviet 1960s by Alexander Yanov
    7. Soviet Dissent by Ludmilla Alexeyeva
    8. Reluctant Farewell by Andrew Nagorski
    9. Ordinary Stalinism by Ronald Tiersky
    10. Ideology in a Socialist State by Raymond Taras
    11. Poland 1980-81: Solidarity Versus the Party by Nicholas G. Andrews
    12. Das Einsame Albanien by Paul Lendvai
    Foreign Affairs, Fall 1985, pp. 187-189