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Wilbert Snow Archives
Wilbert Snow •ï¿½36 Items / 5 Books, 4 Articles, 1 Review, 26 Poems
Collected Poems (1964)
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Published Reviews
  1. Books
    Seven Poets: the Creation of Images to Delight (7 Reviews)
    Collected Poems, by Ralph Hodgson
    1. Collected Poems by Ralph Hodgson
    2. A Year and A Day by Carlos Baker
    3. Telephone Poles, and Other Poems by John Updike
    4. Sailing to an Island by Richard Murphy
    5. The Holy Merriment by Arnold Kenseth
    6. The Small Rain by Raymond Roseliep
    7. Collected Poems by Wilbert Snow
    Commonweal, May 8, 1964, p. 212