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James Smith Archives
James Smith •ï¿½49 Items / 29 Books, 12 Articles, 6 Reviews, 1 Poem
Shakespearian and Other Essays (1974)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Response to Shakespeare (11 Reviews)
    Shakespeare, Santayana, and the Comic, by Elkin Calhoun Wilson
    1. Shakespeare, Santayana, and the Comic by Elkin Calhoun Wilson
    2. Shakespeare's Talking Animals by Terence Hawkes
    3. Dream in Shakespeare by Marjorie B. Garber
    4. The Poet's Method by Ronald Watkins and Jeremy Lemmon
    5. Macbeth by Ronald Watkins and Jeremy Lemmon
    6. An Essay on King Lear by S.L. Goldberg
    7. Shakespeare's Sugared Sonnets by Katharine Margaret Wilson
    8. Sex and Society in Shakespeare's Age by A.L. Rowse
    9. Shakespearian and Other Essays by James Smith
    10. The Growth and Structure of Elizabethan Comedy by M.C. Bradbrook
    11. William Shakespeare: The Critical Heritage, 1623-1692 by Brian Vickers
    Encounter, July 1974, pp. 64-69