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Adam Smith#2 Archives
Adam Smith#2 •ï¿½6 Items / 5 Books, 1 Article
Paper Money (1981)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Paper Tiger (Review)
    Paper Money, by Adam Smith#2
    1. Paper Money by Adam Smith#2
    Reason, January 1982, p. 53
  2. [+]
    Inflated Adam Smith (Review)
    Paper Money, by Adam Smith#2
    1. Paper Money by Adam Smith#2
    The Saturday Review, February 1981, pp. 60-61
  3. [+]
    Briefly Noted (5 Reviews)
    1. The Enigma of Felix Frankfurter by H.N. Hirsch
    2. Paper Money by Adam Smith#2
    3. Cosima Wagner by George R. Marek
    4. The Day They Stole the Mona Lisa by Seymour Reit
    5. George Orwell by Bernard Crick
    The New Yorker, April 13, 1981, pp. 163-168
  4. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (17 Reviews)
    General: Economic and Social
    1. East European Integration and East-West Trade by Paul Marer and John Michael Montias
    2. Money and Monetary Policy in Interdependent Nations by Ralph C. Bryant
    3. Paper Money by Adam Smith#2
    4. Private Power by Axel Madsen
    5. Road Maps to the Future by Bohdan Hawrylyshyn
    6. Global Planning and Resource Management by Antony J. Dolman
    7. Die Amerikanische Handelspolitik Gegenuber Westeuropa by Reinhard Rode
    8. Keys for the Future by Christian Megrelis
    9. East and West in the Energy Squeeze by Christopher T. Saunders
    10. Oil Crisis Management by Edward N. Krapels
    11. Energy and Security by David A. Deese and Joseph S. Nye
    12. Europe and World Energy by Hanns Maull
    13. World Energy: Issues and Policies by Robert Mabro
    14. New Policy Imperatives for Energy Producers by Ragaei El Mallakh and Dorothea H. El Mallakh
    15. Mining for Development in the Third World by S. Sideri and S. Johns
    16. Resources and Development by Peter Dorner and Mahmoud Ahmed El-Shafie
    17. The Poverty of Nations by William W. Murdoch
    Foreign Affairs, Spring 1981, pp. 949-951