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Where Did We Go, Dear?
John Vance Cheney
The Smart Set
September 1903
, p. 152
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by John Vance Cheney
The Atlantic Monthly
The Century Magazine
The Harpers Monthly
McClure's Magazine
The North American Review
The Outlook
The Smart Set
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Periodical Authors
Elsa Barker
Edward W. Barnard
Frank Roe Batchelder
Charlotte Becker
George W. Birdseye
Madeline S. Bridges
Gelett Burgess
James Branch Cabell
Bliss Carman
Felix Carmen
Guy Wetmore Carryl
Madison J. Cawein
Virginia Woodward Cloud
Marvin Dana
Caroline K. Duer
John Regnault Ellyson
Edgar Fawcett
Elisabeth R. Finley
Justus Miles Forman
Zona Gale
Theodosia P. Garrison
Julien Gordon
Roy Farrell Greene
Minna Irving
Kate Jordan
Reginald Wright Kauffman
Ethel M. Kelley
Gertrude F. Lynch
Thomas L. Masson
Kate Masterson
Tom P. Morgan
Richard Kendall Munkittrick
Samuel Minturn Peck
McCrea Pickering
Emery Bemsley Pottle
Myrtle Reed
Alex. Ricketts
Edwin L. Sabin
Edgar Saltus
Clinton Scollard
Frank Dempster Sherman
Arthur J. Stringer
Charles Hanson Towne
Carolyn Wells
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
John Winwood
Eleanor Hallowell Abbott
Meribah Philbrick Abbott
Arthur H. Adams
F.J. Knight Adkin
Cora Caskill Alberger
Claire K. Alden
Nora Alexander
Mrs. William Allen
Nina R. Allen
Isaac Anderson
Zoe Anderson-Norris
Alex. Andrea
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Roland Franklyn Andrews
Truman Roberts Andrews
Geraldine Anthony
Minna Thomas Antrim
John Arbuthnot
Ruby Archer
Frank S. Arnett
Rosalie Arthur
Margaret Lee Ashley
Claude Askew
Gabrielle Aspland
Gertrude F. Atherton
Mary Austin
Maud Christian Aymar
Landis Ayr
Bertrand W. Babcock
John H. Bacon
Cecile C. Bacot
William C. Bagley
Temple Bailey
Mercy E. Baker
Sargent Bancroft
John Kendrick Bangs
Mrs. Maraquita Bangs
Ralph Henry Barbour
Francis Barine
John Barker
Mrs. John Barker
Marjorie A. Barkley
C.E. Barnes
Nora Barnhart
Charles Edward Barns
Charles Raymond Barrett
Edward Barron
John D. Barry
Frederick Orin Bartlett
Helen Hicks Bates
Aileen Beath
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Francis Benedict
Frank Lee Benedict
S. Elgar Benet
Charles Love Benjamin
Henry Holcomb Bennett
E. Gardner Bentley
Jeannette Scott Benton
St. George Best
Susie M. Best
Martha Gilbert Dickinson Bianchi
Margery Williams Bianco
L.H. Bickford
Frank M. Bicknell
Edith Evelyn Bigelow
Alice Stead Binney
Edwin Bjorkman
Robert Bloom
Harry Crown Bloomberg
Henry M. Blossom
John Paul Bocock
Jules Bois
Albert Boissiere
Guy R. Bolton
Edward Boltwood
Augustus W. Bomberger
Paul Bonnetain
S. Boucherit
Robert Adger Bowen
Mrs. Findley Braden
Cyrus Townsend Brady
Venevill Bray
Edward Breck
S.M. Brenner
Sidney Brett
Edward Broderick
George Bronson-Howard
Florence Brooks
C. Clayton Brown
Demetra Vaka Brown
Edith Harman Brown
Florence Scollard Brown
Kenneth Brown
Matalie Brown
Mortimer Crane Brown
Elizabeth Gordon Bruce
Camille Bruno
William Brunton
Beatrix Buchanan
James Buckham
Walter Burbank
Rowena New Burford
Clinton Burgess
George Brown Burgin
O.N. Burke
Daisy Katherine Burner
Richard F. Burton
Ellis Parker Butler
Eleanor B. Caldwell
Della Kelsey Campbell
Lady Colin Campbell
Laura Campbell
Henry Seidel Canby
S. Carleton
Michael Carmichael
Marjorie L. Carolin
Edward Childs Carpenter
Harry C. Carr
Herbert Carroll
Hayden Carruth
Antoine Castellane
Charlton Castlemane
Blanche Cerf
Paul Cervieres
Frank Chaffee
Stephen Chaliners
Roy Melbourne Chalmers
Lucia Chamberlain
Anna Alice Chapin
Carlton T. Chapman
Cecil Charles
Annie Vivanti Chartres
E.W. Chase
H.C. Chatfield-Taylor
Helen Chauncey
Leon Chavignaud
John Vance Cheney
Frederick D. Chester
Nivade Chetam
A.M. Chisholm
Cively Cinnaron
Willis Leonard Clanahan
George Herbert Clarke
Violet Clarke
Josephine Coan
Florence Earle Coates
Zitella Cocke
William J. Coffin
W.B. Cohen
Aloysius Coll
Gertrude Collamer
Louise Collins
William Osmond Cone
Heinrich Conried
Jacques Constant
Edmund Vance Cooke
Grace MacGowan Cooke
Elizabeth Coolidge
Frederic Taber Cooper
Francois Coppee
Michel Corday
Anna Cosulich
Fletcher Cowan
Jasper Barnett Cowdin
Mrs. Stephen Crane
Arthur Crawford
Jack R. Crawford
Elizabeth Crighton
Ingram Crockett
Hillhouse Cromwell
Norman Henry Crowell
Mary Bradford Crowninshield
Miriam Cruikshank
Mary Stewart Cutting
J. d'Yvroie
A.R. Morgan Dahlgren
T.A. Daly
Henry J.W. Dam
Francis Dana
Danske Dandridge
Clinton Dangerfield
Herbert Dansey
Y.B. Dapoe
Jean Dare
Josephine Dodge Daskam
Frances Davidge
Charles Belmont Davis
Collin Davis
Foxcroft Davis
M.A. Davis
Mollie E.M. Davis
Rebecca Harding Davis
Sam Davis
Carlton Dawe
Le Vicomte Jacques de Beaufort
Jules Quesnay de Beaurepaire
Loveau de Chavanne
M. de Dunois
Henry de Forge
Jose-Maria de Heredia
Anna De Koven
Reginald de Koven
Amos De Lany
Jean de Launay
William C. de Mille
Le Comte Robert de Montesquiou
Francois de Nion
La Duchesse De Rohan
Camille de Sainte-Croix
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Leon de Tinseau
Eloi De Vaux
Thomas Farrell De Vine
Katharine de Wolf
Dorothea Deakin
Sara Dean
Francesca di Maria
M.Q. Dixon
Flora Bigelow Dodge
Henry Irving Dodge
Louis Dodge
Nathan Haskell Dole
William Coffin Dornin
Dorothy Dorr
Julia C.R. Dorr
James Dorrance
Malcolm Douglas
Victor du Bled
Tryntje Du Bois
A.S. Duane
Mrs. Henry E. Dudeney
Alice Duer
Elizabeth Duer
Richard Duffy
Henri Dumay
Aldis Dunbar
Alice Dunbar
Olivia Howard Dunbar
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Sara Jeannette Duncan
Curtis Dunham
Robert Dunn
Douglas Dunne
Julian Durand
Leah Durand
Harold R. Durant
Bruce Dustan
Ruth H. Dutcher
Harrison Griswold Dwight
John Earl
Mabel Earle
Mary Tracy Earle
Dorothy Eastman
Paul Webster Eaton
Janes Brevoort Eddy
W. Seward Edmonds
A. Cecil Edwards
Louise Betts Edwards
Maurice Francis Egan
John Eliot
Carlton Taylor Ellbury
Robert Elliot
Sarah Barnwell Elliott
George Allan England
Camille Enlart
Havelock Ettrick
Jane Findlay Evans
Jeannie Pendleton Ewing
Harold Eyre
Louis Faran
Constance Farmar
Jeffery Farnol
Waldon Fawcett
Richard Feckheimer
Frederick Fenn
Mary Fenollosa
Frances de Wolfe Fenwick
G.M. Fergess
Jessie Storrs Ferris
Henry Fevre
Arthur Davison Ficke
Clement Fielding
Harold Fielding-Hall
Chester Firkins
Martha Fishel
Dorothy Canfield Fisher
May Isabel Fisk
Stephen Fiske
Anita Fitch
Clyde Fitch
Sylvia Florance
Elliott Flower
Josiah Flynt
Charles Foley
Randolph Forbes
Robertson Forbes
James L. Ford
Sewell Ford
Julia B. Foster
Carlton Cattnach Fowler
Anatole France
Gilbert Frankau
Chelsea C. Fraser
Nora May French
Willard French
C.S. Friedman
Isaac K. Friedman
Anita Munoz Friedrichs
Jacques Futrelle
Helen Garabrant
Ruth Kimball Gardiner
Marguerite Gavin
Laura Cleveland Gaylord
Ernest George
H.T. George
Margarita Spalding Gerry
Ralph E. Gibbs
Leslie L. Gilbert
Strickland W. Gillilan
Inez Haynes Gillmore
Nellie Cravey Gillmore
Paul Ginisty
Claude M. Girardeau
Richard Butler Glaenzer
Mary W. Glascock
Susan Glaspell
Catharine Young Glen
Felicia Goddard
Charles Buxton Going
Robert Goldsmith
Dora Read Goodale
Blanche Goodman
Grace Duffield Goodwin
Zinn Gould
Erin Graham
William Lucius Graves
Julia Boynton Green
J.H. Greene
Mabel Greenwood
Hilton R. Greer
Eliot Gregory
Violet Greville
C.G. Gribble
Walter Grieve
William Griffith
Arthur C. Grissom
Herbert Grissom
Walter E. Grogan
Anna E. Gumaer
Tom Hall
Annetta Halliday-Antona
Eleanor A. Hallowell
Jean D. Hallowell
Braddin Hamilton
Cosmo Hamilton
Margaret Vinton Hamilton
Hilda C. Hammond-Spencer
St. John Hamund
Beulah Downey Hanks
William N. Harben
J.L. Harbour
Albert Hardy
Cyrille Hardy
Elizabeth Harman
Vincent Harper
H. Knapp Harris
Annette Schuyler Harrison
Constance Cary Harrison
Henry Sydnor Harrison
Norvell Harrison
M.T. Hart
Allen Harte
Jennie Betts Hartswick
Cockburn Harvey
James Clarence Harvey
Willis B. Hawkins
Henry Gaines Hawn
Hildegarde Hawthorne
Julian Hawthorne
Erwin Hayden
William H. Hayne
Grace Walcott Hazard
John Edward Hazzard
Joseph P. Healey
Harold Heaton
Jeanette I. Helm
William James Henderson
Lee Henry
O. Henry
Frank Henty
H.E. Hepner
Oliver Herford
Beatrice Heron-Maxwell
Sarah Cooper Hewitt
Robert S. Hichens
Helene Hicks
Ella Higginson
Frederick Trevor Hill
Marion Hill
Margaret Mary Hills
William B. Hills
William Hurd Hillyer
Emile Hinzlein
Adeline Mayo Hobart
Howard Markle Hoke
Mary S. Holbrook
Adele Durand Holt
Abel Homan
Charles Newton Hood
Graham Horne
Roy Horniman
G. Ray Horton
George Horton
Emerson Hough
Richard Hovey
Chapin Howard
Clifford Howard
William Hooper Howells
Lefa Field Hubbell
Una Hudson
May C. Hueston
Katharine Hughes
Rupert Hughes
Emeric Hulme-Beaman
James Gibbons Huneker
Louise Livingston Hunt
Douglas St. George Huntington
Harriet L. Huntington
Helen Huntington
Frank Walcott Hutt
Henry M. Hyde
The Infanta Eulalia of Spain
Eleanore S. Inslee
Wallace Irwin
Harold Jansmall
Kathryn Jarboe
Ernest Jarrold
Tudor Jenks
Wallace D. Jennings
Alexander Jessup
Burges Johnson
E. Pauline Johnson
Fanny Kemble Johnson
Margaret Johnson
Philander Johnson
Calvin Johnston
C.E. Johnstone
Rosalie M. Jonas
Florence A. Jones
Mabel Cronise Jones
Thomas Samuel Jones
Elizabeth Garver Jordan
William B. Kahn
Emma B. Kaufman
Hersilia A. Mitchell Keays
Mary Adelaide Keeler
Louis J. Keller
Arabella Kenealy
Sara B. Kennedy
Edna B. Kenton
Arthur Ketchum
Eleanor Talbot Kinkead
James Barrett Kirk
Richard Kirk
William F. Kirk
William Howard Kirkbride
Samuel E. Kiser
Margaret A. Klein
John Whittlesey Knapp
Gustav Kobbe
Augusta Kortrecht
May Kremer
L. de V.M.
Janet Laing
William J. Lampton
William Chauncy Langdon
A. Larcher
Jeannette Larrieu
Henri Lavedan
Richard Le Gallienne
Hugues Le Roux
Malcolm Leal
Agnes Lee
Albert Lee
Margaret Lee
Andre Lesourd
Montagu Lessing
Maurice Level
Nathan M. Levy
Alfred Henry Lewis
Charles Bertrand Lewis
Ludwig Lewisohn
Lin Leyman
Andre Lichtenberger
William R. Lighton
Joe Lincoln
Julie M. Lippmann
Elias Lisle
Edwin Carlile Litsey
Francis M. Livingston
Gerald Livingstone
R. Llewellyn
Jessie Llewllyn
Beatrix Demarest Lloyd
Jennie O. Loizeaux
Jack London
Charles Battell Loomis
Hattie Horner Louthan
Robert Loveman
May Austin Low
Ninette M. Lowater
Maria White Lowell
Mark Lee Luther
Phoebe Lyde
Maarten Maartens
Robert Emmet MacAlarney
Alice MacGowan
Harold MacGrath
Anne MacGregor
Seumas MacManus
Harold Macardell
Francis James Macbeath
Robert Mackay#2
Edith Macvane
Arthur Macy
Jean Madeline
Maurice Maeterlinck
Walter Dunham Makepeace
M.T. Maltby
Paul Margueritte
Victor Margueritte
Louis Marlow
J. Marni
Edward Clark Marsh
Richard Marsh
J. Sackville Martin
Sadie Martinot
Edward Wilbur Mason
Roy M. Mason
Catharine Van Cortlandt Mathews
Frances Aymar Mathews
Estelle Lambert Matteson
Lisle de Vaux Matthewman
J. Brander Matthews
Georges Maurevert
Arthur B. Maurice
Peter McArthur
John Ernest McCann
William B. McCourtie
Elizabeth McCracken
Martha McCulloch-Williams
George Barr McCutcheon
Robert McDonald
Ernest McGaffey
Gertrude H. McGiffert
Clara F. McIntyre
Andrew Comstock McKenzie
Emily McManus
Mildred I. McNeal-Sweeney
Henry Goelet McVickar
Leon Mead
Harold Melbourne
James H. Metcalfe
Robert C.V. Meyers
Miriam Michelson
Philip Verrill Mighels
Helen Milecete
Emma Bell Miles
Etta Wallace Miller
Harvey M. Miller
Henry Wise Miller
Joaquin Miller
Henry Talcott Mills
Ruth Milne
Octave Mirbeau
L.M. Montgomery
Isabel Kellogg Moore
Mary Moore
Arthur Moray
Katharine Morgan
Virginia Osborne Moroso
Constance Morris
Gouverneur Morris
Harrison S. Morris
Lucy Morris
William C. Morrow
Johnson Morton
Belle Moses
Montrose J. Moses
W.J.B. Moses
Louise Chandler Moulton
John Mowatt
Lois Muirhead
Ethel Watts Mumford
Allan Munier
Andy Name
Rosamond Napier
Gertrude Neres
E. Percy Neville
L.T. Newcross
Caroline Newnes
Charles F. Nirdlinger
Felix Noel
Jacques Normand
Frank Norris
Katherine La Farge Norton
Frank W. Noxon
James Jay O'Connell
Anne O'Hagan
John Myers O'Hara
John O'Keefe
Owen Oliver
John Onslow
E. Phillips Oppenheim
Duffield Osborne
William Hamilton Osborne
Lloyd Osbourne
E. Osmont
Gwendolen Overton
John Oxenham
Winthrop Packard
Catalina Paez
Barry Pain
Albert Bigelow Paine
Henry Gallup Paine
Cecil Carlisle Pangman
Gilbert Parker
Ada Patterson
Mabel Lakin Patterson
Stuart F. Patterson
Josephine Preston Peabody
Elia W. Peattie
Katharine Pelton
Max Pemberton
Mary L. Pendered
Louis Beauregard Pendleton
Pomona Penrin
Carlotta Perry
Irma Perry
James Raymond Perry
Marie Petite
Meribah Philbrick-Reed
R.S. Phillips
Eden Phillpotts
Reynale Smith Pickering
Ernest DeLancey Pierson
Frederick H. Pierson
F.P. Pitzer
Victor Plarr
Percival Pollard
Channing Pollock
Frank Lillie Pollock
N. Porter
I. Jay Potter
Richard Stillman Powell
Octave Pradels
Marcel Prevost
T. Harrington Price
Warwick James Price
Anne Tozier Prince
Michel Provins
Agnes Louise Provost
Ernest R. Punshon
Edwin Latham Quarles
Lilian Quiller-Couch
Henry Rand
Carroll Watson Rankin
E.J. Rath
Maud Stepney Rawson
Grace Florence Reed
J.A. Reed
Lizette Woodworth Reese
Lowell Otus Reese
Jean Reibrach
Agnes Repplier
Carrie E. Rewey
Beatrice E. Rice
Norval Richardson
Edith Rickert
W. Pett Ridge
Arthur S. Riggs
J.A. Ritchie
Caroline Mischka Roberts
Charles G.D. Roberts
Gerard Roberts
Theodore Goodridge Roberts
Harrison Robertson
Morgan Robertson
B. Fletcher Robinson
Celia Myrover Robinson
Ednah Robinson
Rose Robinson
James Jeffrey Roche
Bettie R. Rocke
Anna A. Rogers
Charles Gordon Rogers
Katharine Metcalf Roof
John Jerome Rooney
C.F. Rooper
Viola Roseboro
J.H. Rosny
Clinton Ross
James Rowe#2
Henry C. Rowland
Bertha Runkle
Florence Kimball Russel
A. Russell
Gordon Russell
Juliet G. Sager
Stanhope Sams
Alvan F. Sanborn
Beatrice D. Sanderson
James Gardner Sanderson
Fanny Gregory Sanger
Andre Sardou
Anthony Savelli
Frank Savile
Amy Sawyer
Robert Scheffer
Clement W. Scott
Duncan Campbell Scott
Helen Scott
Elizabeth A. Sears
Molly Elliot Seawell
Venita Seibert
Julia Lawrence Shafter
Maisie Shainwald
Edgar P. Shanks
Theodore Sheldon
Frederic Fairchild Sherman
John Dickinson Sherman
Zillah M. Sherman
Margaret P. Sherwood
George W. Shipman
Louis Evan Shipman
Anna McClure Sholl
Dora Sigerson Shorter
Ginet Sicaut
Ethel Sigsbee
Laura Simmons
William Henry Siviter
Charles M. Skinner
Douglas Sladen
Ethel Sigsbee Small
Constance Smedley
George Hawthorne Smith
H.J. Smith
Lilli Huger Smith
R.G. Smith
R.J. Smith
S. Decatur Smith
Natalie Bouligny Smyth
Guy Somerville
Lorenzo Sosso
John Lancaster Spalding
Harriet E. Prescott Spofford
R.W. St. Hill
Eunice Swift Standish
Edwin Stanley
Willis Steell
Louis J. Stellman
Sennett Stephens
S.F. Stern
Burton E. Stevenson
Rosalie Isabel Stewart
Eliza Atkins Stone
Charles Wharton Stork
Douglas Story
Lotta Prentiss Street
Ralph Strode
Theodore Strong
William Struthers
Carleton Stuart
Beatrice Sturges
McVay Sumner
Harold Susman
Halliwell Sutcliffe
Evelyn Greenleaf Sutherland
Hugh Sutherland
W.G. van Tassel Sutphen
Alfred Sutro
Margaret Rapelje Suydam
Carmen Sylva
Arthur Symons
John B. Tabb
Lila Munro Tainter
Charles F. Talman
Algernon Tassin
Gardner C. Teall
Margret Temple
Lue Ellen Teters
Tom Thatcher
Louis E. Thayer
Andre Theuriet
Charles Edward Thomas
Edith M. Thomas
Frances Thompson
Harry Arthur Thompson
Henry Adelbert Thompson
Inez G. Thompson
R. Leroy Thompson
Vance Thompson
J. Frederic Thorne
W.J. Thorold
Bert Timoney
Elizabeth K. Tompkins
John Tompkins
Juliet Wilbor Tompkins
Frederic Ridgely Torrence
Marguerite Tracy
Arthur C. Train
Katrina Trask
Jason Trench
Andre Tridon
Michel Triveley
John T. Trowbridge
Edith Sessions Tupper
James Drexel Turner
Nancy Byrd Turner
Lilian Tweed
Julia H. Twells
G. Vere Tyler
Henry Tyrrell
George F. Underhill
Arthur Upson
Allen Upward
Clarence Urmy
Mabel Herbert Urner
A. Walter Utting
Helene Vacarescu
Charles Vale
Robert Van Bergen
A. Van Dwight
Edward S. Van Zile
Vladimir Vaniatsky
Bayard Veiller
Kate Jordan Vermilye
Wallace Dunbar Vincent
Bettina von Hutten
Mary Heaton Vorse
Nora Vynne
Blanche Elizabeth Wade
Morris Wade
Mary T. Waggaman
Anna M. Walker
Gertrude Wall
Louise Herrick Wall
Henry Collins Walsh
Julia C. Walsh
Thomas Walsh
Eleanor Walton
Herbert D. Ward
Florence Warden
Richard D. Ware
May A. Waring
Cy Warman
Anne Warner
Onoto Watanna
Nixon Waterman
Theodore Waters
Lucile Watson
Rosamund Marriott Watson
Harvey M. Watts
Charles Stokes Wayne
Charles Henry Webb
Edwin J. Webster
Agnes Russell Weekes
Rose K. Weekes
Stella Weiler-Taylor
Charlotte Elizabeth Wells
Leila Burton Wells
Virginia Leila Wentz
Leonidas Westervelt
Charles W. Westron
Francis Willing Wharton
G.W. Wharton
Arthur Stanley Wheeler
James Terry White
Johnson White
Michael G. White
R.L.C. White
Stewart Edward White
William Wallace Whitelock
Stephen French Whitman
Hattie Whitney
Florence Wilkinson
James Hazleton Willard
Gilson Willets
J. Churchill Williams
Jesse Lynch Williams
Neva L. Williams
Draper Williamson
Elaine McLandburgh Wilson
Frances Wilson
Gordon Wilson
McLandburgh Wilson
Richard Wilsted
Ethel Winans
Herbert Hall Winslow
John Strange Winter
Louise Winter
A.V. Winterroth
Emma Wolf
Helen Woljeska
W. Carey Wonderly
Edith Elmer Wood
Henry Wood
Henry Cleveland Wood
Nancy Mann Waddell Woodrow
Erastus Worthington
A.H. Wright
Fred Wright#2
Frederick Blair Wright
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William Young
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