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George Thomas Smart Archives
George Thomas Smart •ï¿½5 Items / 4 Books, 1 Article
Studies in Conduct (1905)
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Published Reviews
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    Books of the Week (36 Reviews)
    The Aftermath of Slavery, by William A. Sinclair
    1. The Aftermath of Slavery by William A. Sinclair
    2. An Angler's Hours by Hugh T. Sheringham
    3. The Breath of the Gods by Sidney McCall
    4. The Christian Ministry by Lyman Abbott
    5. The Classics and Modern Training by Sidney G. Ashmore
    6. The Corrected English New Testament by Samuel Lloyd
    7. Curly: A Tale of the Arizona Desert by Roger Pocock
    8. The Dark Side of the Beef Trust by A Practical Butcher
    9. Dictionary of Battles by Thomas Benfield Harbottle
    10. Dorset Dear by M.E. Francis
    11. The First Romanovs (1613-1725) by R. Nisbet Bain
    12. The Flower of Destiny by William Dana Orcutt
    13. For a Free Conscience by L.C. Wood
    14. The Gospel of Mark by William Prentiss Drew
    15. History Unveiling Prophecy by H. Grattan Guinness
    16. The Home Life of Wild Birds by Francis Hobart Herrick
    17. Hunting Without a Gun, and Other Papers by Rowland E. Robinson
    18. Iole by Robert W. Chambers
    19. Life's Dark Problems by Minot J. Savage
    20. The Life Insurance Company by William Alexander
    21. Lynch Law by James Elbert Cutler
    22. Mrs. Darrell by Foxcroft Davis
    23. Mrs. Essington by Esther Chamberlain and Lucia Chamberlain
    24. Modern Masters of Pulpit Discourse by William Cleaver Wilkinson
    25. A Mother of Czars by Mrs. Colquhoun Grant
    26. Our Presidents, and How We Make Them by Alexander K. McClure
    27. Pardners by Rex E. Beach
    28. Problems of the Panama Canal by Brig.-Gen. Henry L. Abbot
    29. The Psychology of Beauty by Ethel D. Puffer
    30. The Royal Academy and Its Members, 1768-1830 by John Evan Hodgson, R.A. Eaton, and Fred A. Eaton, ...
    31. The St. Lawrence River by George Waldo Browne
    32. Some Thoughts on Inspiration by J. Armitage Robinson
    33. Studies in Conduct by George Thomas Smart
    34. The Unfolding of the Ages in the Revelation of John by Ford C. Ottman
    35. The Weird Picture by John R. Carling
    36. Wild Wings by Herbert Keightley Job
    The Outlook, June 10, 1905, pp. 390-395