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Irwin Shaw Archives
Irwin Shaw •ï¿½55 Items / 23 Books, 27 Articles, 1 Review, 1 Visual
Welcome to the City, and Other Stories (1942)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Too Slick (Review)
    Welcome to the City, and Other Stories, by Irwin Shaw
    1. Welcome to the City, and Other Stories by Irwin Shaw
    The New Masses, March 10, 1942, p. 26
  2. [+]
    Check List (6 Reviews)
    1. Lonely Parade by Fannie Hurst
    2. Seven Tempest by Vaughan Wilkins
    3. Pied Piper by Nevil Shute
    4. Welcome to the City, and Other Stories by Irwin Shaw
    5. Seven for Cordelia by Catherine Macdonald Maclean
    6. No Match for Murder by Jean Francis Webb
    The American Mercury, March 1942, p. 371