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John C. Shairp Archives
John C. Shairp •ï¿½12 Books
On Poetic Interpretation of Nature (1877)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    New English Books (Review)
    On Poetic Interpretation of Nature, by John C. Shairp
    1. On Poetic Interpretation of Nature by John C. Shairp
    The Century Magazine, January 1878, p. 440
  2. [+]
    Recent Literature (9 Reviews)
    Lectures on Preaching, by Phillips Brooks
    1. Lectures on Preaching by Phillips Brooks
    2. The Life of the Rev. George Whitefield by Luke Tyerman
    3. The Crimea and Transcaucasia by J. Buchan Telfer
    4. Syrian Sunshine by Thomas G. Appleton
    5. The Bride of the Rhine by George E. Waring, Jr.
    6. History of French Literature by Henri Van Laun
    7. Olivia Raleigh by W.W. Follett Synge
    8. Foreign Classics for English Readers by Mrs. Oliphant
    9. On Poetic Interpretation of Nature by John C. Shairp
    The Atlantic Monthly, April 1878, pp. 547-552