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Haile Sellassie Archives
Haile Sellassie •ï¿½1 Book
My Life and Ethiopia's Progress, 1892-1937 (1976)
The Autobiography of Emperor Haile Sellassie I
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Africa (Review)
    My Life and Ethiopia's Progress, 1892-1937, by Haile Sellassie
    1. My Life and Ethiopia's Progress, 1892-1937 by Haile Sellassie
    The American Historical Review, February 1977, p. 156
  2. [+]
    Book Reviews (7 Reviews)
    On Africa
    1. Southern Africa: The Escalation of a Conflict by Signe Landgren-Backstrom
    2. The Soviet Union and Black Africa by Christopher Stevens
    3. Conflict in Africa by Adda B. Bozeman
    4. Ghana Observed by Dennis Austin
    5. By Kenya Possessed by John W. Cell, Norman Leys, and J.H. Oldham
    6. My Life and Ethiopia's Progress, 1892-1937 by Haile Sellassie
    7. Politics in the Sudan by Peter K. Bechtold
    Current History, November 1976, p. 177
  3. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (10 Reviews)
    1. The "Tar Baby" Option by Anthony Lake
    2. The Shrinking Political Arena by Nelson Kasfir
    3. The Politics of Natural Disaster by Michael H. Glantz
    4. Coups and Army Rule in Africa by Samuel Decalo
    5. Civil-Military Relations in Sierra Leone by Thomas S. Cox
    6. Arab Dollars for Africa by E.C. Chibwe
    7. My Life and Ethiopia's Progress, 1892-1937 by Haile Sellassie
    8. The Development of an African Working Class by Richard Sandbrook and Robin Cohen
    9. The Politics of Change in a Zambian Community by George C. Bond
    10. The Search for National Integration in Africa by David R. Smock and Kwamena Bentsi-Enchill
    Foreign Affairs, October 1976, pp. 234-235