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Robert L. Scott Archives
Robert L. Scott •ï¿½7 Items / 5 Books, 2 Reviews
Runway to the Sun (1945)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Books for Young People (9 Reviews)
    From the Maine Woods
    1. Runway to the Sun by Robert Lee Scott, Jr.
    2. Brave Nurse by Ellsworth Newcomb
    3. Windigo by Kathrene S. Gedney Pinkerton
    4. Franklin: The Life of an Optimist by Andre Maurois
    5. In the Days of the Han by M.A. Jagendorf
    6. Mystery of the Secret Drawer by Helen Orton
    7. Mystery of the Old Barn by Mary Urmston
    8. The Burro of Barnegat Road by Delia Goetz
    9. When Our Town Was Young by Frances Eicher and Helen Ferris Tibbets
    The Saturday Review, September 8, 1945, pp. 32-35
  2. [+]
    Books for Young People (153 Reviews)
    One Nation
    1. Augustus by Claire Huchet Bishop
    2. You Can Write Chinese by Kurt Wiese
    3. Clear the Track for Michael's Magic Train by Louis Slobodkin
    4. The Skittle-Skattle Monkey by Dorothy P. Lathrop
    5. How the Automobile Learned to Run by M. Ilin
    6. The Big Fire by Elizabeth Olds
    7. Danny and Company 92 by Doris Spiegel
    8. Too Big by Ingri d'Aulaire and Edgar Parin d'Aulaire
    9. Little People in a Big Country by Norma Cohn
    10. Nine Cry-Baby Dolls by Josephine B. Bernhard
    11. Mr. Bunny Paints the Eggs by Lee Maril
    12. Belinda's New Shoes by Winifred Bromhall
    13. The P-Zoo by Elizabeth Hamilton
    14. The Umbrella Man by Emma L. Brock
    15. Burlap by Morgan Dennis
    16. The Christmas Whale by Roger Duvoisin
    17. Ilemka by Lee Kingman
    18. Major and the Kitten by Helen Hoke
    19. The Little Red Hen by Helen Dean Fish
    20. Stuffy by Rowena Laird
    21. Russian Fairy Tales by Norbert Guterman
    22. True and Untrue, and Other Norse Tales by Sigrid Undset
    23. The Stars Came Down by Regina J. Woody
    24. Bhimsa, the Dancing Bear by Christine Weston
    25. Jungle Boy by Lysle Carveth
    26. The Plain Princess by Phyllis McGinley
    27. Stuart Little by E.B. White
    28. This Way to Christmas by Ruth Sawyer
    29. The Wizard and His Magic Powers by Alfred S. Campbell
    30. The Mitchells by Hilda Van Stockum
    31. Sibby Botherbox by Mabel Leigh Hunt
    32. Rainbow's End by Berta Hader and Elmer Hader
    33. Little Boat Boy by Jean Bothwell
    34. Gold of Glanaree by Maura Laverty
    35. All Those Buckles by E.R. Gaggin
    36. The Eskimo Hunter by Florence Hayes
    37. Fish Hook Island Mystery by Wendell Farmer
    38. Lo and Behold! by Myna Lockwood
    39. Matthew, the Young King by Janusz Korczak
    40. The Mule Skinners by Myra Reed Richardson
    41. Mystery Island by Enid Blyton
    42. Mystery of the Mayan Jewels by Pachita Crespi and Jessica Lee
    43. Mystery of the Secret Drawer by Helen Orton
    44. Nathan, Boy of Capernaum by Amy Morris Lillie
    45. Necessary Nellie by Charlotte Baker
    46. Sir Toby and the Murrays by Katherine G. Pollock
    47. Snow Over Bethlehem by Katherine Milhous
    48. Strawberry Girl by Lois Lenski
    49. Two Lands for Ming by Stanley Hong Chin and Virginia Fowler
    50. The Year Without a Summer by Ethel Parton
    51. Harvest of the Hudson by Erick Berry
    52. Fair Is the Morning by Loula Grace Erdman
    53. Lance of Mystery Hollow by Hazel L.R. Langdale
    54. Goal to Go by Jackson Volney Scholz
    55. Forest Ranger by Mark Layton
    56. Crossroads for Penelope by Mary Wolfe Thompson
    57. The Silver Inkwell by Phyllis A. Whitney
    58. Arrow Fly Home by Katharine Gibson
    59. Border Iron by Herbert Best
    60. Chucklebait: Funny Stories for Everyone by Margaret C. Scoggin
    61. A City for Lincoln by John R. Tunis
    62. Emeralds for the King by Constance Savery
    63. Enemies in Icy Strait by Margaret E. Bell
    64. Galewood Crossing by Alta Halverson Seymour
    65. Hull-Down for Action by Armstrong Sperry
    66. Hurricane Treasure: The Secret of Injun Key by Bert Sackett
    67. The Junior Sports Anthology by Robert F. Kelley
    68. Just Jenifer by Janet Lambert
    69. Laurel for Judy by Helen Hull Jacobs
    70. The Moved-Outers by Florence Crannell Means
    71. The Mudhen and the Walrus by Merritt Parmelee Allen
    72. Mystery in Blue by Gertrude E. Mallette
    73. Patriot in the Saddle by Jeannette Covert Nolan
    74. Sandy by Elizabeth Janet Gray
    75. A Sea Between by Lavinia R. Davis
    76. The Singing Cave by Margaret Leighton
    77. Smoke Jumper by Marjorie Hill Allee
    78. Sturdy Rogue by Magdalen King-Hall
    79. Windigo by Kathrene S. Gedney Pinkerton
    80. With a High Heart by Adele De Leeuw
    81. Yellowstone Scout by William Marshall Rush
    82. Reunion in Poland by Jean Karsavina
    83. Petar's Treasure by Clara Ingram Judson
    84. Wildcat Furs to China by Carl L. Carmer
    85. Here Is India by Jean Wilson Kennedy
    86. That Boy Nikolka, and Other Tales of Soviet Children by Ruth Epperson Kennell
    87. Children of South Africa by Louise A. Stinetorf
    88. Gold in the Streets by Mary Vardoulakis
    89. The Gulf Stream by Ruth Brindze
    90. The Land and the People of India by Manorama R. Modak
    91. The Land of the Chinese People by Cornelia Spencer
    92. Let's Do Better by Munro Leaf
    93. New Found World by Katherine B. Shippen
    94. The Piasts of Poland by Antoni Gronowicz
    95. Picture Map Geography of the Pacific Islands by Vernon Quinn
    96. Riddles Around the World by Otto Zoff
    97. School in the Sky by Ruth Carroll and Latrobe Carroll
    98. Sky Highways: Geography from the Air by Trevor Lloyd
    99. The Springfield Plan by Alexander Alland and James Waterman Wise
    100. That Country Called Virginia by Lena Barksdale
    101. The Very Good Neighbors by Irmengarde Eberle
    102. Within the Circle: Portrait of the Arctic by Evelyn Stefansson Nef
    103. American Champions by Gladys Emerson Cook
    104. A Book of Wayside Fruits by Margaret McKenny and Edith F. Johnston
    105. The Burro of Barnegat Road by Delia Goetz
    106. Farm Animals and Working and Sporting Breeds of the United States and Canada by Dorothy Childs Hogner
    107. Indian Harvest: Wild Food Plants of America by Jeanette May Lucas
    108. Mickey: The Horse that Volunteered by Carl Glick
    109. Sentinel of the Snow Peaks by Harold McCracken
    110. Skippy's Family by Stephen W. Meader
    111. A Touch of Greatness by C.W. Anderson
    112. Turtles by Wilfrid S. Bronson
    113. Your Forests by Martha Bensley Bruere
    114. Brave Companions by Ruth Adams Knight
    115. Ahoy, Shipmate! by Henry B. Lent
    116. Brave Nurse by Ellsworth Newcomb
    117. General Marshall's Report by George C. Marshall
    118. History of World War II by Francis Trevelyan Miller
    119. Runway to the Sun by Robert Lee Scott, Jr.
    120. The Story of War Weapons by Marshall McClintock
    121. This Is the Navy by Critchell Rimington
    122. Wacs at Work by Fjeril Hess
    123. Wings Over the Desert by Graham M. Dean
    124. Youth Replies, I Can by May Lamberton Becker
    125. Adventures and Escapes of Gustavus Vasa by Hendrik Willem Van Loon
    126. American Emperor: Dom Pedro II of Brazil by Rose Brown
    127. Echo of a Cry by Mai-Mai Sze
    128. Garibaldi, Knight of Liberty by Jean Burton
    129. Born to Command by Helen Nicolay
    130. Fashion Is Our Business by Beryl Williams Epstein
    131. First Whisper of "The Wind in the Willows" by Kenneth Grahame and Elspeth Grahame
    132. Franklin: The Life of an Optimist by Andre Maurois
    133. Give Me Liberty by Hildegarde Hawthorne
    134. Green Peace by Marjorie Hayes
    135. Son of Thunder: Patrick Henry by Julia M.H. Carson
    136. Square Sails and Spice Islands by Laura Long
    137. Wind Island by Hedvig Collin
    138. The Adventures of Don Quixote de la Mancha by Leighton Barret and Miguel de Cervantes
    139. Art in the New Land by Charlie May Simon
    140. Caddie Woodlawn by Carol Ryrie Brink
    141. The Golden Song Book by Katharine Tyler Wessells
    142. Horned Snake Medicine by William H. Bruce
    143. Rock Crystal: A Christmas Tale by Adalbert Stifter
    144. Climbing Our Family Tree by Alex B. Novikoff
    145. Adventure in Radio by Margaret Cuthbert
    146. How Planes Are Made by Georgette Louise Meyer Chapelle
    147. Junior Model Planes by James D. Powell and Ed Clarke
    148. Making the Movies by Jeanne Bendick
    149. The Model Airplane Annual by David C. Cooke
    150. Mother Goose Handicraft by Nina Ralston Jordan
    151. Peter's Silver Dollar by Olive Woolley Burt
    152. Picture Book of Astronomy by Jerome S. Meyer
    153. Rockets and Jets by Herbert S. Zim
    The Saturday Review, November 10, 1945, pp. 48-82