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H. Norman Schwarzkopf Archives
H. Norman Schwarzkopf •ï¿½1 Book
It Doesn't Take a Hero (1992)
The Autobiography of General H. Norman Schwarzkopf
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Published Reviews
  1. Books in Review
    General's Story (Review)
    It Doesn't Take a Hero, by H. Norman Schwarzkopf and Peter Petre
    1. It Doesn't Take a Hero by H. Norman Schwarzkopf and Peter Petre
    Commentary, January 1993, pp. 54-57
  2. [+]
    Between Iraq and a Soft Place (Review)
    It Doesn't Take a Hero, by H. Norman Schwarzkopf and Peter Petre
    1. It Doesn't Take a Hero by H. Norman Schwarzkopf and Peter Petre
    The New Republic, December 21, 1992, pp. 36-39
  3. [+]
    Tales of the Desert (5 Reviews)
    Crusade: The Untold Story of the Persian Gulf War, by Rick Atkinson
    1. Crusade: The Untold Story of the Persian Gulf War by Rick Atkinson
    2. The Generals' War by Michael R. Gordon and Bernard E. Trainor
    3. Live from the Battlefield by Peter Arnett
    4. A Woman at War by Molly Moore
    5. It Doesn't Take a Hero by H. Norman Schwarzkopf and Peter Petre
    Foreign Affairs, May 1994, pp. 141-147
  4. [+]
    War Studies (8 Reviews)
    Guardians of the Gulf, by Michael A. Palmer
    1. Guardians of the Gulf by Michael A. Palmer
    2. House of Cards by Colin S. Gray
    3. It Doesn't Take a Hero by H. Norman Schwarzkopf and Peter Petre
    4. It Takes One to Tango by Edward L. Rowny
    5. The Military Balance 1992-1993
    6. Nonproliferation and the National Interest by Peter A. Clausen
    7. Pearl Harbor: Final Judgement by Henry C. Clausen and Bruce Lee
    8. Thunderblot by Lewis Sorley
    Orbis, Spring 1993, pp. 299-302
  5. [+]
    Bush Abroad (31 Reviews)
    Marching in Place, by Michael Duffy and Dan Goodgame
    1. Marching in Place by Michael Duffy and Dan Goodgame
    2. The Ruses for War by John Quigley
    3. The Shape of the New Europe by Gregory F. Treverton
    4. Guardians of the Gulf by Michael A. Palmer
    5. The Imperial Temptation by Robert W. Tucker and David C. Hendrickson
    6. The Outlaw State by Elaine Sciolino
    7. Lines in the Sand by Deborah Amos
    8. Mr. Bush's War by Stephen R. Graubard
    9. George Bush's War by Jean Edward Smith
    10. Sound and Fury by Eric Alterman
    11. The Commanders by Bob Woodward
    12. It Doesn't Take a Hero by H. Norman Schwarzkopf and Peter Petre
    13. Illusions of Triumph by Mohamed Heikal
    14. Desert Shield to Desert Storm by Dilip Hiro
    15. Triumph Without Victory
    16. On Strategy II by Harry G. Summers, Jr.
    17. Storm Over Iraq by Richard P. Hallion
    18. Needless Deaths in the Gulf War
    19. Ethics and the Gulf War by Kenneth L. Vaux
    20. Just War and the Gulf War by James Turner Johnson and George Weigel
    21. But Was It Just? by Jean Bethke Elshtain, Stanley Hauerwas, and Sari Nusseibeh, ...
    22. Against the Fires of Hell by T.M. Hawley
    23. The Fire This Time by Ramsey Clark
    24. Deterring Democracy by Noam Chomsky
    25. The Gulf War and the New World Order by Haim Bresheeth and Nira Yuval-Davis
    26. War and the Media by Philip M. Taylor
    27. Second Front by John R. MacArthur
    28. The Media and the Gulf War by Hedrick Smith
    29. A Search for Enemies by Ted Galen Carpenter
    30. Designing Defense for a New World Order by Earl C. Ravenal
    31. Defense for a New Era by Les Aspin and William L. Dickinson
    The New York Review of Books, November 5, 1992, pp. 54-58