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A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Leo W. Schwarz Archives
Leo W. Schwarz •ï¿½7 Books
The Redeemers (1953)
A Saga of the Years 1945-1952
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Published Reviews
  1. Books in Review
    The Saving Remnant (Review)
    The Redeemers, by Leo W. Schwarz
    1. The Redeemers by Leo W. Schwarz
    Commentary, November 1953, pp. 490-491
  2. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (15 Reviews)
    Western Europe
    1. European Union and United States Foreign Policy by F.S.C. Northrop
    2. The Economic Future of Europe
    3. Politics in Post-War France by Philip Williams
    4. The Death of the Fourth Republic by Ronald Matthews
    5. Who's Who in France: Paris
    6. Toward Understanding Germany by Robert H. Lowie
    7. German History: Some New German Views by Hans Kohn
    8. The Bormann Letters by H.R. Trevor-Roper and Martin Bormann
    9. The Scourge of the Swastika by Edward F.L. Russell
    10. Tyranny on Trial by Whitney R. Harris
    11. The Sword in the Scales by Hans Fritzsche and Hildegard Springer
    12. The Seven Men of Spandau by Jack Fishman
    13. The Redeemers by Leo W. Schwarz
    14. Close Contact by Brigadier Claude H. Dewhurst
    15. The Dancing Bear: Berlin de Profundis by Frances Faviell
    Foreign Affairs, January 1955, pp. 339-341