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A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Derek V. Schuster Archives
Derek V. Schuster •ï¿½1 Book
Bad Blood Among Brothers (1972)
An Inside View Behind Today's Separatist Movements
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (14 Reviews)
    General: Political and Legal
    1. The Foreign Affairs 50-Year Bibliography by Byron Dexter, Elizabeth H. Bryant, and Janice L. Murray, ...
    2. Things To Come by Herman Kahn and Barry Bruce-Briggs
    3. Transnational Relations and World Politics by Robert Keohane and Joseph S. Nye, Jr.
    4. Theory and World Politics by Robert J. Lieber
    5. Socialism by Michael Harrington
    6. Nuclear Politics by Andrew J. Pierre
    7. Collective Violence by James F. Short, Jr. and Marvin E. Wolfgang
    8. Bad Blood Among Brothers by Derek V. Schuster
    9. A Hundred Years of International Relations by Frederick Samuel Northedge and Muriel Joy Grieve, ...
    10. The Church and Revolution by Francois Houtart and Andre Rousseau
    11. The Party of Eros by Richard King
    12. Prohibitions and Restraints In War by Sydney D. Bailey
    13. The International Regulation of Civil Wars by Evan Luard
    14. The Future of the International Legal Order, Vol IV by Cyril E. Black and Richard A. Falk
    Foreign Affairs, October 1972, pp. 228-229
  2. Books Received
    Politics History Economics (16 Reviews)
    Aid As Imperialism, by Teresa Hayter
    1. Aid As Imperialism by Teresa Hayter
    2. Aid Performance and Development Policies of Western Countries by Bruce Dinwiddy
    3. Bad Blood Among Brothers by Derek V. Schuster
    4. Health and the Developing World by John H. Bryant
    5. The Ideologies of the Developing Nations by Paul E. Sigmund
    6. Military Aid and Counterrevolution in the Third World by Miles D. Wolpin
    7. The Nuremberg Fallacy by Eugene Davidson
    8. One Hundred Countries, Two Billion People by Robert S. McNamara
    9. Power and Equilibrium in the 1970s by Alastair Buchan
    10. The Reform of Power by Leonard Beaton
    11. Rich Against Poor: The Reality of Aid by C.R. Hensman
    12. SALT: Implications for Arms Control in the 1970s by William R. Kintner and Robert L. Pfaltzgraff, Jr., ...
    13. The Structure of Protection in Developing Countries by Bela A. Balassa
    14. Three Worlds of Development by Irving Louis Horowitz
    15. The United Nations in Perspective by E. Berkeley Tompkins
    16. World Handbook of Political and Social Indicators by Charles Lewis Taylor and Michael C. Hudson
    Orbis, Spring 1973, pp. 277-279