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Harold Z. Schiffrin Archives
Harold Z. Schiffrin •ï¿½8 Items / 2 Books, 6 Reviews
Military and State in Modern Asia (1974)
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Published Reviews
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    Recent Books on International Relations (22 Reviews)
    Asia and the Pacific
    1. Wind in the Tower by Suyin Han
    2. Mao Tse-tung and China by C.P. Fitzgerald
    3. China in World Politics by Jagdish P. Jain
    4. After Mao What? by Jagdish P. Jain
    5. Jawaharlal Nehru: A Biography, Vol. I: 1889-1947 by Sarvepalli Gopal
    6. Political Culture and Group Conflict in Communist China by Alan P.L. Liu
    7. Woman-Work by Delia Davin
    8. Japan Is a Circle by Kenichi Yoshida
    9. Japanese and Americans by Charles Grinnell Cleaver
    10. Japan at the Brink by Konosuke Matsushita
    11. Modernization and the Japanese Factory by Robert M. Marsh and Hiroshi Mannari
    12. Choices for the Japanese Economy by Hiroshi Kitamura
    13. Economic Neocolonialism by Lev L. Klochkovsky
    14. Korean Politics in Transition by Edward Reynolds Wright
    15. Giai Phong! by Tiziano Terzani
    16. Community and Revolution in Modern Vietnam by Alexander B. Woodside
    17. India's Nuclear Option by Ashok Kapur
    18. History of the Mongolian People's Republic
    19. The United States and Burma by John F. Cady
    20. Military Roles in Modernization by Moshe Lissak
    21. Military and State in Modern Asia by Harold Z. Schiffrin
    22. Australia in the New World Order by J.A.C. Mackie
    Foreign Affairs, October 1976, pp. 231-233