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Harold E. Scarborough Archives
Harold E. Scarborough •ï¿½11 Items / 1 Book, 10 Articles
England Muddles Through (1932)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Muddler Magnificent (Review)
    England Muddles Through, by Harold E. Scarborough
    1. England Muddles Through by Harold E. Scarborough
    The Saturday Review, May 7, 1932, p. 711
  2. [+]
    Foreign and Comparative Government (2 Reviews)
    England Muddles Through, by Harold E. Scarborough
    1. England Muddles Through by Harold E. Scarborough
    2. Who Are These French? by Friedrich Sieburg
    American Political Science Review, June 1932, p. 580
  3. [+]
    Some Recent Books on International Relations (21 Reviews)
    The British Commonwealth of Nations
    1. Politicians and the War, 1914-1916 by Max A. Beaverbrook
    2. The Life of John Redmond by Denis Gwynn
    3. The Strange Case of Andrew Bonar Law by Henry Archibald Taylor
    4. England Muddles Through by Harold E. Scarborough
    5. A Plan of Action by L.S. Amery
    6. The Tragedy of the Pound by Paul Einzig
    7. The Empire and the Army by John W. Fortescue
    8. The British Way in Warfare by Basil H. Liddell Hart
    9. The Real Navy by Joseph M. Kenworthy Strabolgi
    10. Ireland, Dupe or Heroine by William S.F.B. Midleton
    11. The National Ideal by Joseph Hanly
    12. Canada by Alexander Brady
    13. South African Memories by Percy Fitzpatrick
    14. Forty Years in Africa by Tudor G. Trevor
    15. The English in India by J.A.R. Marriott
    16. The India Round Table Conference and After by D. Madhava Rao
    17. India: A Foreign View by Andre Philip
    18. Danger in India by Geoffrey Tyson
    19. That Strange Little Brown Man Gandhi by Frederick B. Fisher
    20. The Indian Peasant Uprooted by Margaret Read
    21. Growth of Trade and Industry in Modern India by C.N. Vakil
    Foreign Affairs, October 1932, pp. 201-202