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Caleb W. Saleeby Archives
Caleb W. Saleeby •ï¿½24 Items / 14 Books, 10 Articles
The Cycle of Life According to Modern Science (1904)
Being a Series of Essays Designed to Bring Science Home to Men's Business and...
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    Books of the Week (49 Reviews)
    An Abridged History of Greek Literature, by Alfred Croiset, Maurice Croiset, and George...
    1. An Abridged History of Greek Literature by Alfred Croiset, Maurice Croiset, and George Frederick Heffelbower, ...
    2. The Art of Cross-Examination by Francis L. Wellman
    3. Behind the Footlights by Mrs. Alec-Tweedie
    4. The Book and the Land by Rev. R.W. Van Shoick
    5. The Boy Captive of Old Deerfield by Mary P. Wells Smith
    6. British Poets of the Nineteenth Century by Curtis Hidden Page
    7. The Cathedrals of England by Mary Jane Taber
    8. A Chicago Princess by Robert Barr
    9. Children of the Forest by Egerton R. Young
    10. The Complete Poetical Works of Dante Gabriel Rossetti by William M. Rossetti and Dante Gabriel Rossetti, ...
    11. The Cycle of Life According to Modern Science by C.W. Saleeby
    12. Dan Black, Editor and Proprietor by Seymour Eaton
    13. Denizens of the Deep by Frank T. Bullen
    14. The Diversions of a Music-Lover by Charles L. Graves
    15. Doctor Tom, the Coroner of Brett by John Williams Streeter
    16. Eight Cousins by Louisa M. Alcott
    17. Elements of Metaphysics by Alfred Edward Taylor
    18. The Flight of a Moth by Emily Post
    19. The Flower Princess by Abbie Farwell Brown
    20. The Good of the Wicked and the Party Sketches by Owen Kildare
    21. The Gray World by Evelyn Underhill
    22. Hearts in Exile by John Oxenham
    23. A History of the Ancient World by George Stephen Goodspeed
    24. Ideals of Science and Faith by Rev. James Edward Hand
    25. Life and Letters of Edward Byles Cowell by George Cowell and Edward Byles Cowell
    26. London in the Time of the Tudors by Walter Besant
    27. Loyalty Island by Marian W. Wildman
    28. Memories of Jane Cunningham Croly, "Jenny June"
    29. The Mind of Whittier by Chauncey J. Hawkins
    30. Monopolistic Combinations in the German Coal Industry by Francis Walker
    31. More Cheerful Americans by Charles Battell Loomis
    32. Nature and Culture by Hamilton Wright Mabie
    33. Nature's Invitation by Bradford Torrey
    34. Our Christmas Tides by Theodore L. Cuyler
    35. Poems of Childhood by Eugene Field
    36. The Poet's Corner by Max Beerbohm
    37. Presidential Problems by Grover Cleveland
    38. The Principles of Economics by Frank A. Fetter
    39. Quiet Talks on Prayer by S.D. Gordon
    40. Readings in European History, Vol. I by James Harvey Robinson
    41. Red-Cap Tales by S.R. Crockett
    42. Select Notes by Rev. F.N. Peloubet
    43. The Silent Christ by W.W. Sidey
    44. Stepping-Stones of American History
    45. Thirty-One Revival Sermons by Louis Albert Banks
    46. Traitor and Loyalist by Henry Kitchell Webster
    47. The Truants by A.E.W. Mason
    48. The United States: A History of Three Centuries, 1607-1904 by William Estabrook Chancellor and Fletcher Willis Hewes, ...
    49. A Yankee on the Yangtze by William Edgar Geil
    The Outlook, October 22, 1904, pp. 483-491