The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Jeffrey D. Sachs Archives
Jeffrey D. Sachs •ï¿½33 Items / 8 Books, 23 Articles, 1 Review, 1 Film
Developing Country Debt and the World Economy (1989)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    International Economics (5 Reviews)
    Developing Country Debt and the World Economy, by Jeffrey D. Sachs
    1. Developing Country Debt and the World Economy by Jeffrey D. Sachs
    2. Gorbachev's Economic Strategy in the Third World by Giovanni Graziani
    3. The Insecure Alliance by Ethan B. Kapstein
    4. Lords of Poverty by Graham Hancock
    5. U.S. Protectionism and the World Debt Crisis by Edward John Ray
    Orbis, Summer 1990, pp. 449-451
  2. [+]
    International Economics (7 Reviews)
    Beyond Globalism, by Raymond Vernon and Debora L. Spar
    1. Beyond Globalism by Raymond Vernon and Debora L. Spar
    2. The Coming Soviet Crash by Judy Shelton
    3. Developing Country Debt and the World Economy by Jeffrey D. Sachs
    4. Exchange-Rate Instability by Paul Krugman
    5. The Informal Economy by Alejandro Portes, Manuel Castells, and Lauren A. Benton, ...
    6. The International Economic Order by Charles P. Kindleberger
    7. Oil Windfalls by Alan H. Gelb
    Orbis, Fall 1989, pp. 603-606