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Charles Edward Russell Archives
Charles Edward Russell •ï¿½50 Items / 30 Books, 19 Articles, 1 Review
The Twin Immortalities, and Other Poems (1904)
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Published Reviews
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    Books of the Week (43 Reviews)
    The Abbess of Vlaye, by Stanley Weyman
    1. The Abbess of Vlaye by Stanley Weyman
    2. After Work by E. Marston
    3. Air, Food and Exercises by A. Rabagliati
    4. Arbitration and the Hague Court by John W. Foster
    5. The Basket Woman by Mary Austin
    6. Bible Study Popularized by Frank T. Lee
    7. A Book of Drawings by A.B. Frost
    8. Cambridge and Its Story by Charles William Stubbs
    9. Captain Kidd and Other Charades by Florence L. Sahler
    10. Christian Character by J.R. Illingworth
    11. Citizenship and the Duties of a Citizen by Walter L. Sheldon
    12. Delightful Dodd by Elliott Flower
    13. Dr. Barnardo: The Foster-Father of "Nobody's Children" by John Herridge Batt
    14. Duties in the Home and the Family by Walter L. Sheldon
    15. Economic Essays by Charles Franklin Dunbar and O.M.W. Sprague
    16. The Encyclopedia of Missions by Henry Otis Dwight, H. Allen Tupper, Jr., and Edwin Munsell Bliss, ...
    17. The Ethics of the Christian Life by Henry E. Robins
    18. The Father: A Drama by Henry Copley Greene
    19. The Face Beyond the Door by Coulson Kernahan
    20. Fifty Years of Fleet Street by Frederick Moy Thomas and John Richard Robinson, ...
    21. The First Stone and Other Stories by W.T. Washburn
    22. From the Monarchy to the Republic in France, 1788-1792 by Sophia H. MacLehose
    23. The Holy Spirit: Then and Now by E.H. Johnson
    24. The Human Nature of the Saints by George Hodges
    25. An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith, R.H. Campbell, and A.S. Skinner
    26. Japanese Life in Town and Country by George William Knox
    27. John Knox: His Ideas and Ideals by James Stalker
    28. Light on the Hills by Charles Carroll Albertson
    29. Makers of Song by Anna Alice Chapin
    30. A Modern Tomboy by L.T. Meade
    31. Our Schools: Their Administration and Supervision by William Estabrook Chancellor
    32. Party Organization and Machinery by Jesse Macy
    33. Personal and Ideal Elements in Education by Henry Churchill King
    34. Philosophy as Scientia Scientiarum by Robert Flint
    35. Poems by James Alexander Tucker
    36. Prayers in the Senate by Chaplain Edward E. Hale
    37. The Prospector by Ralph Connor
    38. The Songs of an Egyptian Peasant by Heinrich Schaefer
    39. Thomas Platter and the Educational Renaissance of the Sixteenth Century by Paul Monroe
    40. The Twin Immortalities, and Other Poems by Charles Edward Russell
    41. Wagner's Music-Dramas Analyzed, with the Leading Motives by Gustav Kobbe
    42. The Wisdom of the Desert by James O. Hannay
    43. The Younger American Poets by Jessie B. Rittenhouse
    The Outlook, December 24, 1904, pp. 1042-1050