The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Harold Rosenberg Archives
Harold Rosenberg •ï¿½170 Items / 13 Books, 113 Articles, 39 Reviews, 5 Poems
The Case of the Baffled Radical (1986)
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Published Reviews
  1. Books & the Arts
    The Defense of Good Ideas (Review)
    The Case of the Baffled Radical, by Harold Rosenberg
    1. The Case of the Baffled Radical by Harold Rosenberg
    The Nation, April 12, 1986, pp. 526-528
  2. [+]
    Briefly Noted (7 Reviews)
    1. The Case of the Baffled Radical by Harold Rosenberg
    2. Estrangement: America and the World by Sanford J. Ungar
    3. A Testament of Hope by Martin Luther King, Jr. and James M. Washington, ...
    4. The Greatest Crusade by Richard Alexander Hough
    5. Nemesis by Donald Goldsmith
    6. The Book of Musical Anecdotes by Norman Lebrecht
    7. The Rome of Alexander VII, 1655-1667 by Richard Krautheimer
    The New Yorker, February 24, 1986, pp. 104-106
  3. Books
    War Crimes Trials, Now and Then (8 Reviews)
    Remembering in Vain, by Alain Finkielkraut
    1. Remembering in Vain by Alain Finkielkraut
    2. Stay the Hand of Vengeance by Gary Jonathan Bass
    3. War Crimes by Belinda Cooper and Richard J. Goldstone
    4. A Train of Powder by Rebecca West
    5. The Case of the Baffled Radical by Harold Rosenberg
    6. The Jew as Pariah by Hannah Arendt and Ron H. Feldman
    7. Janet Flanner's World by Irving Drutman and Janet Flanner
    8. The Question of German Guilt by Karl Jaspers
    Dissent, Winter 2002, pp. 125-130