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Eslanda Goode Robeson Archives
Eslanda Goode Robeson •ï¿½4 Books
Paul Robeson, Negro (1930)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    The Week's Reading (5 Reviews)
    Years of Grace, by Margaret Ayer Barnes
    1. Years of Grace by Margaret Ayer Barnes
    2. Red Wagon by Eleanor Furneaux Lady Smith
    3. The Young and Secret by Alice Grant Rosman
    4. Very Good, Jeeves! by P.G. Wodehouse
    5. Paul Robeson, Negro by Eslanda Goode Robeson
    The Outlook, July 2, 1930, pp. 348-349
  2. [+]
    Books in Brief (19 Reviews)
    Parties, by Carl Van Vechten
    1. Parties by Carl Van Vechten
    2. Shepherds in Sackcloth by Sheila Kaye-Smith
    3. Seed by Charles G. Norris
    4. I Am Jonathan Scrivener by Claude Houghton
    5. Paul Robeson, Negro by Eslanda Goode Robeson
    6. Lone Cowboy by Will James
    7. The Kramer Girls by Ruth Suckow
    8. Kindness in a Corner by Theodore F. Powys
    9. An American Jezebel by Helen Augur
    10. Pay Day by Nathan Asch
    11. The Way Home by Henry Handel Richardson
    12. Emily Dickinson by Josephine Pollitt
    13. Three Came Unarmed by E. Arnot Robertson
    14. Meddlers by H.I. Brock
    15. Anthony in the Nude by Myron Brinig
    16. Soviet Russia: A Living Record and a History by William Henry Chamberlin
    17. Savonarola by Piero Misciattelli
    18. The Closing Hour by Norah Hoult
    19. Mastering a Metropolis by R.L. Duffus
    The Forum, October 1930