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William Robertson Archives
William Robertson •ï¿½35 Items / 1 Set, 30 Books
The Golden Book of English Sonnets (1917)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Recent Books in Brief Review (Review)
    The Golden Book of English Sonnets, by William Robertson
    1. The Golden Book of English Sonnets by William Robertson
    The Bookman, May 1923, p. 348
  2. [+]
    The Irrepressible Anthology (14 Reviews)
    Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1916, by William Stanley Braithwaite
    1. Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1916 by William Stanley Braithwaite
    2. The Poetic Year for 1916 by William Stanley Braithwaite
    3. The New Poetry by Harriet Monroe and Alice Corbin Henderson
    4. The Oxford Book of English Mystical Verse by Daniel H.S. Nicholson and A.H.E. Lee
    5. The Golden Book of English Sonnets by William Robertson
    6. Some Imagist Poems, 1917
    7. Poems by John Masefield by John Masefield
    8. Selected Poems of Thomas Hardy by Thomas Hardy
    9. The Religious Poems of Lionel Johnson by Lionel Pigot Johnson
    10. High Tide by Mrs. Waldo Richards
    11. The Little Book of Modern Verse by Jessie B. Rittenhouse
    12. The Dog's Book of Verse by J. Earl Clauson
    13. Poems of the Great War by J.W. Cunliffe
    14. Soldier Poets: Songs of the Fighting Man
    The Nation, November 29, 1917, pp. 596-597