The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
The Reporter Archives
The Reporter •ï¿½20 Years, 469 Issues, 7,856 Articles, 24,666pp
In the Beginning (verse)
The Reporter, July 16, 1964, p. 44
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  1. [+]
    Issues of the 1940s = 1 Year, 18 Issues, 275 Articles
    1. [+]
      Issues of 1949 = 18 Issues, 275 Articles
    2. [+]
      Issues of the 1950s = 10 Years, 246 Issues, 3,947 Articles
      1. [+]
        Issues of 1950 = 26 Issues, 365 Articles
        1. [+]
          Issues of 1951 = 26 Issues, 359 Articles
          1. [+]
            Issues of 1952 = 26 Issues, 346 Articles
            1. [+]
              Issues of 1953 = 24 Issues, 354 Articles
              1. [+]
                Issues of 1954 = 24 Issues, 377 Articles
                1. [+]
                  Issues of 1955 = 24 Issues, 402 Articles
                  1. [+]
                    Issues of 1956 = 24 Issues, 426 Articles
                    1. [+]
                      Issues of 1957 = 24 Issues, 433 Articles
                      1. [+]
                        Issues of 1958 = 24 Issues, 439 Articles
                        1. [+]
                          Issues of 1959 = 24 Issues, 446 Articles
                        2. [+]
                          Issues of the 1960s = 9 Years, 205 Issues, 3,634 Articles
                          1. [+]
                            Issues of 1960 = 24 Issues, 445 Articles
                            1. [+]
                              Issues of 1961 = 24 Issues, 430 Articles
                              1. [+]
                                Issues of 1962 = 24 Issues, 420 Articles
                                1. [+]
                                  Issues of 1963 = 24 Issues, 399 Articles
                                  1. [+]
                                    Issues of 1964 = 25 Issues, 455 Articles
                                    1. [+]
                                      Issues of Jan.-Mar. 1964 = 7 Issues, 127 Articles
                                      1. [+]
                                        January 2, 1964 Issue = 18 Articles
                                        1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 6-9
                                        2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 10-13
                                        3. A Prayer for Reason by Max Ascoli, p. 14
                                        4. Paris by Edmond Taylor, pp. 15-18
                                        5. Berlin by George Bailey, p. 19
                                        6. London by Laurence W. Martin, pp. 20-23
                                        7. Oswald in Dallas by Leo Sauvage, pp. 24-26
                                        8. The Red and the Black by George Feifer, pp. 27-28
                                        9. The Winter of Communism's Discontent by Anatole Shub, pp. 29-31
                                        10. New Hampshire's Lottery by Daniel F. Ford, pp. 32-34
                                        11. The House of the Lady Aziza by Constance Wagner, pp. 35-36
                                        12. Happy New Year! by Fernando Krahn, p. 37
                                        13. What's the Matter with Edward Albee? by Tom F. Driver, p. 38
                                        14. Plenty of Horn by Nat Hentoff, pp. 39-41
                                        15. [+]
                                          All Bone by Mark Schorer, pp. 42-43 - 1 Review
                                          1. Balanchine: A Biography by Bernard Taper
                                        16. [+]
                                          The Masks He Wore by Hilton Kramer, p. 44 - 1 Review
                                          1. Apollinaire: Poet Among the Painters by Francis Steegmuller
                                        17. The Reporter Puzzle, pp. 45-50
                                        18. Cover by Gustave E. Nebel
                                      2. [+]
                                        January 16, 1964 Issue = 17 Articles
                                        1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-11
                                        2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 12-19
                                        3. The Foreign Aid Fiasco by Paul Duke, pp. 20-25
                                        4. Everett Dirksen's Newest Role by Meg Greenfield, pp. 26-29
                                        5. The Land-Grabbers of Cali by John P. Powelson, pp. 30-31
                                        6. Iran by H.B. Bloomer, pp. 32-35
                                        7. Yankee Fans in Yerevan by Linda Gottlieb and George Feifer, pp. 36-37
                                        8. India's Front Lines in the High Himalayas by Piers Anderton, pp. 38-41
                                        9. Where the Fields Are Fresh and Green---short story by Lois Phillips Hudson, pp. 42-44
                                        10. How to Fold a Newspaper by Joseph G. Colangelo, Jr., pp. 45-46
                                        11. [+]
                                          Of Cogs and Machines by John William Ward, p. 47 - 1 Review
                                          1. Individualism and Big Business by Leonard R. Sayles
                                        12. Security---drawings by Fernando Krahn, p. 48
                                        13. The Remedy---verse by N.L.S. Sand, p. 49
                                        14. The Reporter Puzzle, p. 50
                                        15. [+]
                                          Wapshot in the Dark by Gerald Weales, p. 51 - 1 Review
                                          1. The Wapshot Scandal by John Cheever
                                        16. [+]
                                          And, Behold, It Was Good by Sarel Eimerl, pp. 52-58 - 1 Review
                                          1. Animal Worlds by Marston Bates
                                        17. Cover by Mozelle Thompson
                                      3. [+]
                                        January 30, 1964 Issue = 17 Articles
                                        1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-15
                                        2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 16-25
                                        3. A Good Beginning by Max Ascoli, p. 26
                                        4. The President's Calculated Risk by M.J. Rossant, pp. 27-28
                                        5. Jordan's Troubled Waters by William Mehlman, pp. 29-33
                                        6. The Burning Question by Daniel S. Greenberg, p. 34
                                        7. The Navy at Ebb Tide by Hanson W. Baldwin, pp. 35-37
                                        8. Cursing de Gaulle Is Not a Policy by Stanley Hoffmann, pp. 38-41
                                        9. New York City by Barbara Carter, pp. 42-45
                                        10. 'Der Stellvertreter' by Frederic V. Grunfeld, pp. 46-49
                                        11. The Hunt (drawings) by Fernando Krahn, pp. 50-51
                                        12. A Field Guide to Government Jargon by Spencer Klaw, p. 52
                                        13. [+]
                                          The Ugly America by C.W. Griffin, Jr., pp. 53-55 - 1 Review
                                          1. God's Own Junkyard by Peter Blake
                                        14. [+]
                                          The Nuts That Bolt by Donald A. Allan, p. 56 - 1 Review
                                          1. A Singular Man by J.P. Donleavy
                                        15. The Reporter Puzzle, p. 57
                                        16. [+]
                                          A Continent Discovered by Ronald M. Schneider, pp. 58-60 - 1 Review
                                          1. The Winds of Revolution by Tad Szulc
                                        17. Cover by Ronald Julius Christensen
                                      4. [+]
                                        February 13, 1964 Issue = 19 Articles
                                        1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-11
                                        2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 12-15
                                        3. The Politics of Poverty by Douglass Cater, pp. 16-20
                                        4. West Virginia by William Francois, p. 21
                                        5. Draft Rejectees by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, pp. 22-23
                                        6. Ted Sorensen of Nebraska by William Lee Miller, pp. 24-29
                                        7. The Italian Tightrope Act by Claire Sterling, pp. 30-32
                                        8. Willy Brandt's Third Germany by George Bailey, pp. 33-35
                                        9. Communist China's 'Opening to the West' by Charles Ferdinand Nothomb, p. 36
                                        10. Labour's 'Shadow' Diplomacy by Gordon Brook-Shepherd, pp. 37-39
                                        11. The Artifacts of Adulation by Alan Levy, pp. 40-43
                                        12. How to Get a Red Hat by Andrew M. Greeley, pp. 44-45
                                        13. Courting Customs in the Workers' Paradise by John Kosa, p. 46
                                        14. First Love (drawing) by Fernando Krahn, p. 47
                                        15. [+]
                                          The Liberal as Optimist by Kenneth S. Lynn, pp. 48-50 - 1 Review
                                          1. The Quest for the Dream by John P. Roche
                                        16. The Reporter Puzzle, p. 51
                                        17. [+]
                                          Not Writ in Water by M.L. Rosenthal, pp. 52-53 - 2 Reviews
                                          1. John Keats: The Making of a Poet by Aileen Ward
                                          2. John Keats by Walter Jackson Bate
                                        18. [+]
                                          A Hungry Man by Jay Jacobs, pp. 54-58 - 1 Review
                                          1. The Most of A.J. Liebling by William Cole and A.J. Liebling
                                        19. Cover by Fred Zimmer
                                      5. [+]
                                        February 27, 1964 Issue = 18 Articles
                                        1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-13
                                        2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 14-21
                                        3. What's de Gaulle Up to? by Max Ascoli, pp. 22-23
                                        4. France by Edmond Taylor, pp. 24-25
                                        5. Vietnam by Denis Warner, pp. 26-27
                                        6. Panama by Donald A. Allan and George Sherman, pp. 28-29
                                        7. The Waiting Game of William W. Scranton by Paul Duke, pp. 30-31
                                        8. New York's Boycott by Thomas R. Brooks, pp. 32-33
                                        9. The Reapportionment Riddle by James E. Clayton, pp. 34-36
                                        10. The Nation's Primary Primary by Daniel F. Ford, pp. 37-38
                                        11. A Southerner's Answer to the Negro Question by C. Vann Woodward, pp. 39-45
                                        12. Arthur Miller's Pilgrimage by Tom F. Driver, pp. 46-47
                                        13. The Way the World Ends by Jay Jacobs, pp. 48-49
                                        14. The Reporter Puzzle, p. 50
                                        15. The Smoker---drawing by Fernando Krahn, p. 51
                                        16. [+]
                                          What Killed Forrestal? by William H. Hessler, pp. 52-53 - 1 Review
                                          1. James Forrestal by Arnold A. Rogow
                                        17. [+]
                                          The Search for Utopia by Ralph A. Stone, pp. 54-58 - 1 Review
                                          1. Collective Security and American Foreign Policy by Roland N. Stromberg
                                        18. Cover by Gustave E. Nebel
                                      6. [+]
                                        March 12, 1964 Issue = 20 Articles
                                        1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 6-9
                                        2. The Reporter's Notes by Max Ascoli, pp. 10-16
                                        3. Our Options in Vietnam by Bernard B. Fall, pp. 17-21
                                        4. Chou En-lai and the Watusi by Claire Sterling, pp. 22-23
                                        5. Pearson's Progress by William H. Hessler, pp. 24-28
                                        6. The High Cost of 'Fair Trade' by Julius Duscha, pp. 29-30
                                        7. Organizing the Old Folks by Barbara Carter, p. 31
                                        8. Prosciutto and Mrs. Mellon by Meg Greenfield, pp. 32-35
                                        9. The Great Air-Fare Snare by Mel Elfin, pp. 36-38
                                        10. When Pure Science Meets Pure Politics by Daniel S. Greenberg, pp. 39-41
                                        11. Beethoven Is Better Than Ever by Frederic V. Grunfeld, pp. 42-43
                                        12. The Kite (verse) by Charles Edward Eaton, pp. 44-45
                                        13. Lost Horizons by Fritz Littlejohn, p. 46
                                        14. Of Arms and the Man (drawings) by Fernando Krahn, p. 47
                                        15. [+]
                                          Our Wandering Course in the Flowery Kingdom by Robert P. Knapp, Jr., pp. 48-49 - 1 Review
                                          1. America's Failure in China, 1941-50 by Tang Tsou
                                        16. The Reporter Puzzle, pp. 50-51
                                        17. [+]
                                          Monument to Failure by Gouverneur Paulding, pp. 52-53 - 1 Review
                                          1. Cooper's Creek by Alan Moorehead
                                        18. [+]
                                          Estrangement Is Bad for You by John William Ward, pp. 54-55 - 1 Review
                                          1. Self-Renewal by John W. Gardner
                                        19. [+]
                                          1040 and All That by Herbert Robinson, pp. 56-58 - 1 Review
                                          1. The Great Treasury Raid by Philip M. Stern
                                        20. Cover by Alexander Russo
                                      7. [+]
                                        March 26, 1964 Issue = 18 Articles
                                        1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-9
                                        2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 10-15
                                        3. The Greatest of These... by Max Ascoli, p. 16
                                        4. Manpower Planning and the New Pariahs by Ely M. Brandes, pp. 17-19
                                        5. It Will Be a Long War by Bernard D. Nossiter, pp. 20-21
                                        6. Is Hoffa Finished? by A.H. Raskin, pp. 22-24
                                        7. Foreign Aid by Paul Duke, pp. 25-26
                                        8. And There Goes Cambodia by Denis Warner, pp. 27-29
                                        9. Illinois by James L. McDowell, pp. 30-31
                                        10. The 'Under Standing Neorger' and His Right to Vote by John Kenworthy and E.W. Kenworthy, pp. 32-34
                                        11. Grandma's Funeral---short story by Gideon Telpaz, pp. 35-38
                                        12. The Reporter Puzzle, p. 39
                                        13. The Rule of 'O' by Robert Bingham, pp. 40-42
                                        14. The New Hairdo---drawings by Fernando Krahn, p. 43
                                        15. [+]
                                          Latter-Day Puritans from Erin by John P. Roche, pp. 44-45 - 1 Review
                                          1. The American Irish by William V. Shannon
                                        16. [+]
                                          In the Wake of the Prophet by Anne Fremantle, p. 46 - 1 Review
                                          1. Anthology of Islamic Literature by James Kritzeck
                                        17. [+]
                                          Labor's Love Lost by Robert S. Gallagher, pp. 47-50 - 1 Review
                                          1. The Disenchanted Unionist by Paul E. Sultan
                                        18. Cover by Herbert Weintraub
                                    2. [+]
                                      Issues of Apr.-Jun. 1964 = 6 Issues, 104 Articles
                                      1. [+]
                                        April 9, 1964 Issue = 16 Articles
                                        1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-9
                                        2. The Reporter's Notes by Max Ascoli, pp. 10-13
                                        3. The Irksome Panama Wrangle by Philip Geyelin, pp. 14-16
                                        4. Closing the Books on Baker by Erwin Knoll and Laurence Stern, pp. 17-20
                                        5. Tanganyika by Claire Sterling, pp. 21-24
                                        6. Detroit by Thomas R. Brooks, pp. 25-26
                                        7. The Soviet Shadow Economy by Joseph M. Hochstein, pp. 27-30
                                        8. Last Chance in the Delta by Denis Warner, pp. 31-33
                                        9. After the Revolution by Oscar Lewis, pp. 34-36
                                        10. Secret Weapons (drawings) by Fernando Krahn, pp. 37-38
                                        11. The Reporter Puzzle, p. 39
                                        12. The Meaning of Silence by Tom F. Driver, pp. 40-43
                                        13. The Enemy (verse) by M.L. Rosenthal, p. 44
                                        14. [+]
                                          What We Remember by Moses Hadas, p. 45 - 1 Review
                                          1. The Hebrew Myths by Robert Graves and Raphael Patai
                                        15. [+]
                                          Readin', Ritin', and Rafferty by Fred M. Hechinger, pp. 46-50 - 1 Review
                                          1. What They Are Doing to Your Children by Dr. Max L. Rafferty
                                        16. Cover by Frederic Marvin
                                      2. [+]
                                        April 23, 1964 Issue = 16 Articles
                                        1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-9
                                        2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 10-15
                                        3. The Secret Life of the A-11 by Douglass Cater, pp. 16-17
                                        4. The Cuban Embargo Myth by Philip Geyelin, pp. 18-19
                                        5. Aid to Education by William Lee Miller, pp. 20-22
                                        6. Is This the Year for Medicare? by Paul Duke and Stanley Meisler, pp. 23-26
                                        7. As the Dust Settles in Brazil by A.A. Berle, p. 27
                                        8. Inflation and U.S. Aid by James W. Rowe, pp. 28-29
                                        9. De Gaulle's Mexican Hat Dance by Gladys Delmas, pp. 30-32
                                        10. How Sukarno Keeps His Revolution Spinning by Denis Warner, pp. 33-36
                                        11. My Oxford Tutor, C.S. Lewis by George Bailey, pp. 37-38
                                        12. The Decorators (drawing) by Fernando Krahn, pp. 39-41
                                        13. [+]
                                          The Many-Faced Terror by Sarel Eimerl, pp. 42-43 - 1 Review
                                          1. Paris in the Terror by Stanley Loomis
                                        14. [+]
                                          The Constitution of 1801 by John William Ward, p. 44 - 1 Review
                                          1. Alexander Hamilton and the Constitution by Clinton Rossiter
                                        15. The Reporter Puzzle, pp. 45-50
                                        16. Cover by Reg Massie
                                      3. [+]
                                        May 7, 1964 Issue = 17 Articles
                                        1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-7
                                        2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 8-11
                                        3. This Liberal Magazine, 1964 by Max Ascoli, pp. 12-14
                                        4. Kafka's Nightmare Comes True by George Bailey, pp. 15-20
                                        5. California Democrats by Bill Stout, pp. 21-23
                                        6. California Republicans by Jim Wood, pp. 24-25
                                        7. Kenya Discovers the Perils of Uhuru by Claire Sterling, pp. 26-28
                                        8. The Boy Wonder of Illinois Politics by Hal Higdon, pp. 29-30
                                        9. The Jalopy Nomads by Barbara Carter, pp. 31-33
                                        10. The God Who Eats Corn (verse) by Richard Murphy, pp. 34-36
                                        11. [+]
                                          Building a Monument by George Steiner, pp. 37-38 - 1 Review
                                          1. The Spire by William G. Golding
                                        12. The Opening (drawing) by Fernando Krahn, p. 39
                                        13. [+]
                                          The Medicine of the Angels by Sidney Alexander, pp. 40-41 - 1 Review
                                          1. A Long Madness by Antonio Barolini
                                        14. [+]
                                          Overlord: A Mosaic by Robert P. Knapp, Jr., pp. 42-43 - 1 Review
                                          1. Battle at Best by S.L.A. Marshall
                                        15. The Reporter Puzzle, p. 44
                                        16. The Durable Duke by Nat Hentoff, pp. 45-50
                                        17. Cover by Ronald Christensen
                                      4. [+]
                                        May 21, 1964 Issue = 20 Articles
                                        1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-9
                                        2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 10-15
                                        3. Ten Years Later by Max Ascoli, p. 16
                                        4. The Man Who Leads the Southern Senators by Meg Greenfield, pp. 17-20
                                        5. It Will Be a Hot Summer in Mississippi by Richard Woodley, pp. 21-23
                                        6. The Meaning of the Rail Settlement by A.H. Raskin, pp. 24-26
                                        7. A Look Ahead to the Auto Negotiations by Thomas R. Brooks, pp. 27-28
                                        8. Moscow by George Feifer, pp. 29-33
                                        9. How the Farmers Get What They Want by Theodore Lowi, pp. 34-36
                                        10. Portugal's Last Stand in Mozambique by Peter Schmid, pp. 37-39
                                        11. The Race Before the Race at Indianapolis by James A. Maxwell, p. 40
                                        12. The Perfect Crime (drawings) by Fernando Krahn, pp. 41-42
                                        13. 'I Know Not Seems' by Tom F. Driver, pp. 43-45
                                        14. The Cradle Still Rocks by Gerald Weales, pp. 46-50
                                        15. The Reporter Puzzle, p. 51
                                        16. Picasso Comes Home by Barry O'Brian, pp. 52-53
                                        17. [+]
                                          Leave Me Alone! by John P. Roche, pp. 54-55 - 2 Reviews
                                          1. The Naked Society by Vance Packard
                                          2. The Privacy Invaders by Myron Brenton
                                        18. [+]
                                          The People Inside by Nat Hentoff, p. 56 - 1 Review
                                          1. Dancers on the Shore by William Melvin Kelley
                                        19. [+]
                                          And a Time to Hate by Gouverneur Paulding, pp. 57-60 - 1 Review
                                          1. The Long Voyage by Jorge Semprun
                                        20. Cover by Joan Berg
                                      5. [+]
                                        June 4, 1964 Issue = 18 Articles
                                        1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-9
                                        2. The Reporter's Notes by Max Ascoli, pp. 10-11
                                        3. Cyprus by Claire Sterling, pp. 12-15
                                        4. This War in Bornea by Hamilton Fish Armstrong, pp. 16-20
                                        5. The Shadow and Substance of the ANZUS Pact by Denis Warner, pp. 21-23
                                        6. God's Little Helpers by Robert S. Gallagher, pp. 24-25
                                        7. 'And Now, a Brief Word from Our Sponsors...' by Daniel Rapoport, pp. 26-27
                                        8. Chicago's Hillbilly Ghetto by Hal Bruno, pp. 28-30
                                        9. Around the World, and Death, and Back Again by William Saroyan, pp. 31-32
                                        10. The Bugler, Whoever He Is (verse) by John Alexander Allen, p. 33
                                        11. The Wingless 'Sea Gull' by John Rosselli, p. 34
                                        12. The Tune-up (drawing) by Fernando Krahn, p. 35
                                        13. A Crash at the Start by Frederic V. Grunfeld, pp. 36-39
                                        14. [+]
                                          Postcards from Paris by Gouverneur Paulding, pp. 40-43 - 1 Review
                                          1. A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway
                                        15. The Reporter Puzzle, p. 44
                                        16. [+]
                                          Kong's Kin by Gerald Weales, p. 45 - 1 Review
                                          1. The Year of the Gorilla by George B. Schaller
                                        17. [+]
                                          A Rain Check on Utopia by Richard Bimonte, pp. 46-50 - 1 Review
                                          1. Letters and Speeches of Ibsen by Evert Sprinchorn and Henrik Johan Ibsen
                                        18. Cover by Abe Gurvin
                                      6. [+]
                                        June 18, 1964 Issue = 17 Articles
                                        1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-9
                                        2. The Reporter's Notes by Max Ascoli, pp. 10-15
                                        3. How LBJ Got the Nomination by Philip Potter, pp. 16-20
                                        4. The Catastrophic Non-War in Laos by Denis Warner, pp. 21-24
                                        5. De Gaulle at Trier by Edmond Taylor, pp. 25-26
                                        6. Can the Congo Go It Alone? by Claire Sterling, pp. 27-30
                                        7. 'Old Scratchhead' Wakes Up in Chester, Pennsylvania by Spencer Klaw, pp. 31-33
                                        8. The Mob Behind the Marchers by Pat Watters, pp. 34-35
                                        9. Sinkiang by Stanley Karnow, pp. 36-39
                                        10. The Moppet Market by Arturo F. Gonzalez, p. 40
                                        11. The Expressionist (drawing) by Fernando Krahn, pp. 41-42
                                        12. Resurrection from the County Home Gardens (verse) by John Engels, p. 43
                                        13. You Get a Lot to Like by John M. Conly, pp. 44-47
                                        14. [+]
                                          The Coin of Governance by Adolf A. Berle, pp. 48-50 - 1 Review
                                          1. Power in Washington by Douglass Cater
                                        15. The Reporter Puzzle, pp. 51-52
                                        16. [+]
                                          CIA on Trial by Jean Edward Smith, pp. 53-58 - 1 Review
                                          1. The Bay of Pigs by Haynes Johnson
                                        17. Cover by Natalie Bigelow
                                    3. [+]
                                      Issues of Jul.-Sep. 1964 = 5 Issues, 93 Articles
                                      1. [+]
                                        July 2, 1964 Issue = 17 Articles
                                        1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-6
                                        2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 7-11
                                        3. The G.O.P. Against Itself by Paul Duke, pp. 12-14
                                        4. Mark Hatfield, Man with a Tough Job by Julius Duscha, pp. 15-16
                                        5. How Goldwater Won in California by Bill Stout, pp. 17-18
                                        6. The Uneasy Truce Among Nehru's Heirs by Rawle Knox, pp. 19-21
                                        7. Goa by Sundar Rajan, p. 22
                                        8. New York's 'Jim Crow' Schools by Barbara Carter, pp. 23-25
                                        9. The Choice in Chile by Stanley Rothman, pp. 26-28
                                        10. A Window Full of Sky by Anzia Yezierska, pp. 29-30
                                        11. A Life on Four Records by Frederic V. Grunfeld, pp. 31-33
                                        12. [+]
                                          'One Hell of a Professor' by Benjamin DeMott, pp. 34-35 - 1 Review
                                          1. Flood: A Romance of Our Time by Robert Penn Warren
                                        13. The Neutrals (drawing) by Fernando Krahn, p. 36
                                        14. [+]
                                          Good-bye, Jean by Gerald Weales, p. 37 - 1 Review
                                          1. Harlow by Irving Shulman
                                        15. The Reporter Puzzle, pp. 38-39
                                        16. [+]
                                          Book Notes by Nora Magid, pp. 40-44 - 4 Reviews
                                          1. Britain in the Sixties by Philip O'Connor
                                          2. Suicide and Scandinavia by Herbert Hendin
                                          3. Claremont Essays by Diana Trilling
                                          4. New Wind in a Dry Land by Margaret Laurence
                                        17. Cover by David Passalacqua
                                      2. [+]
                                        July 16, 1964 Issue = 20 Articles
                                        1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-11
                                        2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 12-17
                                        3. And Now Enforcement by Max Ascoli, p. 18
                                        4. The Politics of Cloture by Elizabeth Brenner Drew, pp. 19-22
                                        5. A Recollection of Michael Schwerner by Richard Woodley, pp. 23-24
                                        6. Religion in the Soviet Union by George Bailey, pp. 25-29
                                        7. San Francisco (drawings) by Helen Drew, p. 30
                                        8. The Wandering Paths of a Transit Bill by Vincent J. Burke, pp. 31-33
                                        9. A Second Chance for Ninety Men in Norfolk by James W. Canan, pp. 34-35
                                        10. What the Germans Are Reading About Hitler by Gordon A. Craig, pp. 36-37
                                        11. Gide's Hamlet by Justin O'Brien, pp. 38-39
                                        12. In Black and White by Mary V. Walton, pp. 40-41
                                        13. [+]
                                          The Captive Commanders by Robert P. Knapp, Jr., pp. 42-43 - 1 Review
                                          1. The Swordbearers by Correlli Barnett
                                        14. In the Beginning (verse) by Thomas Kinsella, p. 44
                                        15. [+]
                                          'Vicisti, Galilaee' by George Steiner, p. 45 - 1 Review
                                          1. Julian by Gore Vidal
                                        16. The Reporter Puzzle, p. 46
                                        17. [+]
                                          Lots of Yaks at Oxbridge by Robert Sklar, p. 47 - 1 Review
                                          1. One Fat Englishman by Kingsley Amis
                                        18. Deadlocked (drawing) by Fernando Krahn, p. 47
                                        19. [+]
                                          Book Notes by Nora Magid, pp. 48-50 - 6 Reviews
                                          1. New York: True North by Gilbert Millstein and Sam Falk
                                          2. Earl Wilson's New York by Earl Wilson
                                          3. New York: People and Places by Victor Laredo and Percy Seitlin
                                          4. New York City and the Fair, 1964-1965 by Lucrecia Lopez
                                          5. New York: Places and Pleasures by Kate Simon
                                          6. New York in the Forties by Andreas Feininger
                                        20. Cover by Frederic Marvin
                                      3. [+]
                                        August 13, 1964 Issue = 20 Articles
                                        1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-13
                                        2. The Reporter Puzzle, pp. 14-15
                                        3. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 16-25
                                        4. The Runaway Republicans by Max Ascoli, pp. 26-27
                                        5. The G.O.P. and the Gap by Marya Mannes, pp. 28-30
                                        6. Who Speaks for Mississippi? by Reese Cleghorn, pp. 31-33
                                        7. The Fat Cats Are Hard to Find by Walter Pincus, pp. 34-36
                                        8. The Venezuelan Miracle by Romulo Betancourt, pp. 37-40
                                        9. De Gaulle's Romanian Gambit by Edmond Taylor, pp. 41-43
                                        10. The South Learns to Live with the Civil-Rights Law by Pat Watters, pp. 44-46
                                        11. The Rise and Fall of Jersey City by John J. Farmer, pp. 47-49
                                        12. Vietnam by Denis Warner, pp. 50-53
                                        13. God and Man at Flushing Meadow by Roberta Strauss Feuerlicht, pp. 54-56
                                        14. Business (drawings) by Fernando Krahn, p. 57
                                        15. The Young Folks by Nat Hentoff, p. 58
                                        16. [+]
                                          The Eloquence of Failure by Alfred Kazin, p. 59 - 1 Review
                                          1. Because I Was Flesh by Edward Dahlberg
                                        17. The Parrot (verse) by Charles Edward Eaton, pp. 60-61
                                        18. [+]
                                          The Most Marvelous Party by Sarel Eimerl, pp. 62-63 - 1 Review
                                          1. Memoirs of Lady Ottoline Morrell, 1915-1918 by Robert Gathorne-Hardy and Ottoline Morrell
                                        19. [+]
                                          Book Notes by Nora Magid, pp. 64-68 - 4 Reviews
                                          1. Handbook of Consumer Motivations by Ernest Dichter
                                          2. The Inevitable Americans by John Greenway
                                          3. Both Sides of the Ocean by Viktor Nekrasov
                                          4. A Vanished World by Anne Gertrude Sneller
                                        20. Cover by Frederic Marvin
                                      4. [+]
                                        September 10, 1964 Issue = 17 Articles
                                        1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-11
                                        2. The Reporter's Notes by Meg Greenfield, pp. 12-19
                                        3. The Reporter Puzzle, pp. 20-21
                                        4. The President-Candidate by Max Ascoli, p. 22
                                        5. Civil Rights by A.H. Raskin, pp. 23-27
                                        6. Gary's Rank-and-File Reaction by Victor Hoffmann and John Strietelmeier, pp. 28-29
                                        7. Freedom Schools, North and South by Carleton Mabee, pp. 30-32
                                        8. Drawing the Line in Southeast Asia by Denis Warner, pp. 33-35
                                        9. CAP and TVA by Don Oberdorfer, pp. 36-38
                                        10. The Air Around Us by C.W. Griffin, Jr., pp. 39-43
                                        11. Industry Dons Sock and Buskin by Alan Levy, pp. 44-46
                                        12. Virtuosity (drawings) by Fernando Krahn, pp. 47-49
                                        13. [+]
                                          Prospect of Delight by M.L. Rosenthal, pp. 50-51 - 1 Review
                                          1. Collected Poems by Horace Gregory
                                        14. [+]
                                          An Old Hand Speaks Out by Charles Burton Marshall, p. 52 - 1 Review
                                          1. Foreign and Other Affairs by John Paton Davies, Jr.
                                        15. [+]
                                          Growing Up Rich by John William Ward, p. 53 - 1 Review
                                          1. Children and Others by James Gould Cozzens
                                        16. [+]
                                          Dulles as Villain by Gordon A. Craig, pp. 54-58 - 1 Review
                                          1. Dulles Over Suez by Herman Finer
                                        17. Cover by Richard Pfahl
                                      5. [+]
                                        September 24, 1964 Issue = 19 Articles
                                        1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-13
                                        2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 14-25
                                        3. The Reporter Puzzle, pp. 26-27
                                        4. The Conservative Revolution by Max Ascoli, p. 28
                                        5. The Fine Art of President-Baiting by Meg Greenfield, pp. 29-32
                                        6. The Miracle Is Over by Claire Sterling, pp. 33-36
                                        7. Racism Wasn't the Issue in Tennessee by Bill Kovach, pp. 37-38
                                        8. The Soviet Submarine Threat by Hanson W. Baldwin, pp. 39-41
                                        9. The Legacy of Sarit Thanarat by Denis Warner, pp. 42-44
                                        10. The Supreme Court Under Fire Again by Alpheus Thomas Mason, pp. 45-47
                                        11. Somalia's Instant Army by Peter Schmid, pp. 48-51
                                        12. Sons and Fathers by William Saroyan, p. 52
                                        13. The Frog-Prince (verse) by Stevie Smith, p. 53
                                        14. Vox Humana Fortissimo by John M. Conly, pp. 54-55
                                        15. [+]
                                          Happy Birthday, Whoever You Are by David Littlejohn, p. 56 - 3 Reviews
                                          1. William Shakespeare: A Biography by A.L. Rowse
                                          2. Shakespeare: A Biography by Peter Quennell
                                          3. How Shakespeare Spent the Day by Ivor J.C. Brown
                                        16. Welcome (drawing) by Fernando Krahn, pp. 57-59
                                        17. [+]
                                          From the Tuscan by Sidney Alexander, pp. 60-63 - 1 Review
                                          1. Letters of Michelangelo by E.H. Ramsden and Michelangelo
                                        18. [+]
                                          4 Views of Rome by Andrew M. Greeley, pp. 64-68 - 4 Reviews
                                          1. The Pilgrim by Michael Serafian
                                          2. The Second Session by Xavier Rynne
                                          3. The Open Church by Michael Novak
                                          4. Observer in Rome by Robert McAfee Brown
                                        19. Cover by Rocco Negro
                                    4. [+]
                                      Issues of Oct.-Dec. 1964 = 7 Issues, 131 Articles
                                      1. [+]
                                        October 8, 1964 Issue = 20 Articles
                                        1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-11
                                        2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 12-21
                                        3. Neither an Echo nor a Choice by Max Ascoli, pp. 22-23
                                        4. The Grenier Plan for the G.O.P. by Jerald ter Horst, pp. 24-26
                                        5. Senator Goldwater and the Negro by Meg Greenfield, pp. 27-28
                                        6. The William Miller Problem by William Lee Miller, p. 29
                                        7. What We Got for Pampering Sukarno by Denis Warner, pp. 30-32
                                        8. The Gun Law That Didn't Go Off by Elizabeth Brenner Drew, pp. 33-35
                                        9. Updating the Indian Army by Rawle Knox, pp. 36-38
                                        10. Reapportionment by Robert G. Dixon, Jr., pp. 39-40
                                        11. The Making of a Negro Middle Class by Hannah Lees, pp. 41-44
                                        12. The Id in March Time by Frederic V. Grunfeld, pp. 45-48
                                        13. The Beast Under the Porch by Gerald Weales, p. 49
                                        14. [+]
                                          'Never the Whole Truth' by George Steiner, pp. 50-53 - 1 Review
                                          1. Corridors of Power by C.P. Snow
                                        15. [+]
                                          Grieving, Going On by Madeleine Chapsal, p. 54 - 1 Review
                                          1. No Longer Than a Sigh by Anne Philipe
                                        16. Good Against Evil (drawing) by Fernando Krahn, p. 55
                                        17. [+]
                                          Book Notes, p. 56 - 3 Reviews
                                          1. How to Succeed in Company Politics by Edward J. Hegarty
                                          2. Sex and the Office by Helen Gurley Brown
                                          3. The Gloucester Branch by John Leggett
                                        18. Youth Is Impatient (verse) by N.L.S. Sand, pp. 56-57
                                        19. The Reporter Puzzle, pp. 58-60
                                        20. Cover by Richard Rosenblum
                                      2. [+]
                                        October 22, 1964 Issue = 19 Articles
                                        1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-11
                                        2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 12-17
                                        3. Letter from an Old Locomotive by Spencer Klaw, pp. 18-21
                                        4. This Electoral Trauma by Max Ascoli, p. 22
                                        5. Illinois by Robert Bendiner, pp. 23-25
                                        6. Campaign Trail Hootenanny (verse) by Wallace Carroll, pp. 26-28
                                        7. California by Joseph Lewis, pp. 29-32
                                        8. New York by Meg Greenfield, pp. 33-35
                                        9. Ohio by James A. Maxwell, pp. 36-37
                                        10. Arkansas by Tom Dearmore, pp. 38-41
                                        11. Return to Fontamara by Ignazio Silone, pp. 42-44
                                        12. Gifts (drawings) by Fernando Krahn, p. 45
                                        13. The Liberals Hissed by Nat Hentoff, pp. 46-47
                                        14. The Reporter Puzzle, p. 48
                                        15. The Art of Anti-Acting by Richard Bimonte, pp. 49-52
                                        16. [+]
                                          Holy Moses by Marcus Klein, p. 53 - 1 Review
                                          1. Herzog by Saul Bellow
                                        17. [+]
                                          311 East 100th by C.W. Griffin, Jr., pp. 54-57 - 1 Review
                                          1. Let in the Sun by Woody Klein
                                        18. [+]
                                          Stars, But No Bench Warmers by Hal Higdon, pp. 58-60 - 1 Review
                                          1. Baseball Has Done It by Jackie Robinson and Charles Dexter
                                        19. Cover by Jerry Prueitt
                                      3. [+]
                                        November 5, 1964 Issue = 22 Articles
                                        1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-11
                                        2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 12-15
                                        3. The Leaders and Their Mandates by Max Ascoli, p. 16
                                        4. Mr. Wilson's Hour by Claire Sterling, pp. 17-19
                                        5. Signs of Things to Come by H.G. Nicholas, p. 20
                                        6. Who Was Bill Miller? by Barbara Carter, pp. 21-24
                                        7. The New B. & K. by Severyn Bialer, pp. 25-26
                                        8. Goldwater and the Bomb by Henry A. Kissinger, p. 27
                                        9. Long Odds and Sure Things on the California Ballot by Joe Saltzman and Barbara Saltzman, pp. 28-29
                                        10. Osagyefo Thinks Deep by Thomas Sterling, pp. 30-32
                                        11. A Place to Sleep in Romania by George Bailey, pp. 33-34
                                        12. Malaysia by Denis Warner, pp. 35-37
                                        13. The Kids in Wrangell by Joan K. Davidson, p. 38
                                        14. To a Child with a Top (verse) by Richard Moore, p. 39
                                        15. A Slapstick Renaissance by Walker Stuart, p. 40
                                        16. Flight (drawings) by Fernando Krahn, pp. 41-43
                                        17. Going for Baroque by John M. Conly, pp. 44-45
                                        18. The Reporter Puzzle, p. 46
                                        19. [+]
                                          Sartre Resartus by Justin O'Brien, p. 47 - 1 Review
                                          1. The Words by Jean-Paul Sartre
                                        20. [+]
                                          Dropout from What? by Nat Hentoff, pp. 48-49 - 1 Review
                                          1. Compulsory Mis-Education, and the Community of Scholars by Paul Goodman
                                        21. [+]
                                          Our Literary Tocqueville by Robert Sklar, pp. 50-52 - 2 Reviews
                                          1. The Symbolic Meaning by D.H. Lawrence
                                          2. The Banned Paintings of D.H. Lawrence by Mervyn Levy
                                        22. Cover by Edgar Blakeney
                                      4. [+]
                                        November 19, 1964 Issue = 17 Articles
                                        1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-11
                                        2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 12-23
                                        3. And Now We Look Abroad by Max Ascoli, p. 24
                                        4. Trouble Over Transylvania by George Bailey, pp. 25-28
                                        5. A Glass of Water (short story) by Lazar Lagin, p. 29
                                        6. Behind de Gaulle's Veiled Threats by Edmond Taylor, pp. 30-36
                                        7. A Rope to Jump, a Well to Dig by Thomas Parrish, p. 37
                                        8. Poverty in the Mountains (drawings) by Lajos Szalay, pp. 38-39
                                        9. Mr. Passman Meets His Match by Elizabeth Brenner Drew, pp. 40-43
                                        10. Is the AEC Obsolete? by John W. Finney, pp. 44-46
                                        11. What the Boys in the Bach Room Will Have by Frederic V. Grunfeld, pp. 47-48
                                        12. The Reporter Puzzle, pp. 49-51
                                        13. Joan and the Good Guys by Gordon Rogoff, pp. 52-54
                                        14. [+]
                                          How Good Is Old Siwash? by Barbara Carter, p. 55 - 1 Review
                                          1. Comparative Guide to American Colleges by James Cass and Max Birnbaum
                                        15. [+]
                                          The Globalists at Home by Dan Pinck, p. 56 - 1 Review
                                          1. Cambridge U.S.A. by Christopher Rand
                                        16. [+]
                                          Book Notes by Nora Magid, pp. 57-64 - 5 Reviews
                                          1. Conversations With Nelson Algren by H.E.F. Donohue and Nelson Algren
                                          2. The Ziegfelds' Girl by Patricia Ziegfeld
                                          3. Beginning Again by Leonard Woolf
                                          4. Other People's Houses by Lore Segal
                                          5. The Scotch by John Kenneth Galbraith
                                        17. Cover by Richard Powers
                                      5. [+]
                                        December 3, 1964 Issue = 19 Articles
                                        1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-11
                                        2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 12-17
                                        3. On Taking Education Seriously by James Bryant Conant, pp. 18-21
                                        4. Preferential Treatment for Negroes? by Fred M. Hechinger, pp. 22-24
                                        5. American Investments in Europe by Edmond Taylor, pp. 25-28
                                        6. Vietnam's Militant Buddhists by Denis Warner, pp. 29-31
                                        7. Mr. Blatnik Plans a Purge by Daniel Rapoport, pp. 32-33
                                        8. Aftermath in Alabama by Reese Cleghorn, p. 34
                                        9. Right-Wing Retreat in Seattle by Rillmond Schear, pp. 35-36
                                        10. A Visit to Dimeh by Anthony Astrachan, pp. 37-38
                                        11. Islanders (drawings) by Fernando Krahn, p. 39
                                        12. One Sort of Intimations Ode (verse) by Robley Wilson, Jr., p. 40
                                        13. Harlem Sounds by Nat Hentoff, pp. 41-43
                                        14. The Star Turn by Gerald Weales, pp. 44-49
                                        15. [+]
                                          A Bitten Apple by John William Ward, pp. 50-51 - 1 Review
                                          1. The Meaning of the Twentieth Century by Kenneth E. Boulding
                                        16. [+]
                                          Living with a Legend by Jay Jacobs, p. 52 - 1 Review
                                          1. Life With Picasso by Francoise Gilot and Carlton Lake
                                        17. The Reporter Puzzle, pp. 53-54
                                        18. [+]
                                          From Imp to Blimp by Sarel Eimerl, pp. 55-58 - 1 Review
                                          1. A Little Learning by Evelyn Waugh
                                        19. Cover by Gregorio Prestopino
                                      6. [+]
                                        December 17, 1964 Issue = 17 Articles
                                        1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-7
                                        2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 8-11
                                        3. The Civil-Rights Maze by Elizabeth Brenner Drew, pp. 12-14
                                        4. Self-Help in Philadelphia by Hannah Lees, pp. 15-17
                                        5. Southern Politics and the Negroes by Paul Duke, pp. 18-20
                                        6. Brazil's Adroit New Leader by Milan J. Kubic, pp. 21-22
                                        7. Of Cars and Steel and Tottering Guideposts by Thomas R. Brooks, pp. 23-24
                                        8. Tshombe's Four Hundred by Peter Schmid, pp. 25-26
                                        9. The War on Poverty by Alfred L. Malabre, Jr., pp. 27-29
                                        10. The Philippines Can't Be Taken for Granted by Denis Warner, pp. 30-32
                                        11. [+]
                                          The Posthumous Adams by Kenneth S. Lynn, pp. 33-34 - 1 Review
                                          1. Henry Adams: The Major Phase by Ernest Samuels
                                        12. [+]
                                          Portraits of Three Painters by Hilton Kramer, pp. 35-37 - 3 Reviews
                                          1. My Friend Degas by Daniel Halevy
                                          2. Nocturne by James McNeill Whistler
                                          3. Lautrec by Lautrec by Philippe Huisman and M G. Dortu
                                        13. A Streetcar Named Kazan by Gordon Rogoff, p. 38
                                        14. The Reporter Puzzle, pp. 39-41
                                        15. The Multiplex Muse by John M. Conly, pp. 42-43
                                        16. The Hero in Two Metals (verse) by Dilys Laing, pp. 44-50
                                        17. Cover by Gregorio Prestopino
                                      7. [+]
                                        December 31, 1964 Issue = 17 Articles
                                        1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-6
                                        2. The Reporter Puzzle, p. 7
                                        3. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 8-9
                                        4. The ABC of MLF by Andre Fontaine, pp. 10-13
                                        5. Allied Disunity and German Politics by George Bailey, pp. 14-16
                                        6. Financing the U.N. by H.G. Nicholas, pp. 17-18
                                        7. A Bowl of Gumbo for Curtis Bryant by Paul Good, pp. 19-21
                                        8. The Pope, the Bishops, and Edward Gibbon by Osbert Hastings, pp. 22-25
                                        9. 'Hello! Wonderful! The World Is One' by Rafael Steinberg, pp. 26-27
                                        10. Giving, Getting (short story) by Nancy Huddleston Packer, p. 28
                                        11. A Domesticity by John Engels, pp. 29-30
                                        12. The Holiday Spirit (drawing) by Fernando Krahn, p. 31
                                        13. [+]
                                          A Plague of Our Own by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, pp. 32-34 - 1 Review
                                          1. Accident Research by William Haddon, Jr., Edward A. Suchman, and David Klein, ...
                                        14. [+]
                                          Thought in a Green Shade by George Steiner, p. 35 - 1 Review
                                          1. The Machine in the Garden by Leo Marx
                                        15. [+]
                                          Curiouser and Curiouser by Barbara Carter, p. 36 - 1 Review
                                          1. The Strange Tactics of Extremism by Harry A. Overstreet and Bonaro Overstreet
                                        16. The Libretto as Literature by Frederic V. Grunfeld, pp. 37-42
                                        17. Cover by Reg Massie
                                  2. [+]
                                    Issues of 1965 = 24 Issues, 430 Articles
                                    1. [+]
                                      Issues of 1966 = 24 Issues, 425 Articles
                                      1. [+]
                                        Issues of 1967 = 24 Issues, 417 Articles
                                        1. [+]
                                          Issues of 1968 = 12 Issues, 213 Articles