The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
The Reporter Archives
The Reporter •ï¿½20 Years, 469 Issues, 7,856 Articles, 24,666pp
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← Previous IssueNovember 7, 1963 IssueNext Issue →
  1. [+]
    Issues of the 1940s = 1 Year, 18 Issues, 275 Articles
    1. [+]
      Issues of 1949 = 18 Issues, 275 Articles
    2. [+]
      Issues of the 1950s = 10 Years, 246 Issues, 3,947 Articles
      1. [+]
        Issues of 1950 = 26 Issues, 365 Articles
        1. [+]
          Issues of 1951 = 26 Issues, 359 Articles
          1. [+]
            Issues of 1952 = 26 Issues, 346 Articles
            1. [+]
              Issues of 1953 = 24 Issues, 354 Articles
              1. [+]
                Issues of 1954 = 24 Issues, 377 Articles
                1. [+]
                  Issues of 1955 = 24 Issues, 402 Articles
                  1. [+]
                    Issues of 1956 = 24 Issues, 426 Articles
                    1. [+]
                      Issues of 1957 = 24 Issues, 433 Articles
                      1. [+]
                        Issues of 1958 = 24 Issues, 439 Articles
                        1. [+]
                          Issues of 1959 = 24 Issues, 446 Articles
                        2. [+]
                          Issues of the 1960s = 9 Years, 205 Issues, 3,634 Articles
                          1. [+]
                            Issues of 1960 = 24 Issues, 445 Articles
                            1. [+]
                              Issues of 1961 = 24 Issues, 430 Articles
                              1. [+]
                                Issues of 1962 = 24 Issues, 420 Articles
                                1. [+]
                                  Issues of 1963 = 24 Issues, 399 Articles
                                  1. [+]
                                    Issues of Jan.-Mar. 1963 = 7 Issues, 111 Articles
                                    1. [+]
                                      January 3, 1963 Issue = 16 Articles
                                      1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 8-11
                                      2. The Reporter's Notes by Max Ascoli, pp. 12-15
                                      3. The Best-Kept Secret by Max Frankel, pp. 16-17
                                      4. The Argentine Mess by Gladys Delmas, pp. 18-20
                                      5. First Steps in Dominican Democracy by Rowland Evans, Jr., pp. 21-23
                                      6. Burma and the Balance of Neutralisms by Jerry A. Rose, pp. 24-29
                                      7. The Tortuous Path of the Indian C.P. by Donald Kirk, pp. 30-31
                                      8. Roger Milliken and the Textile Union by Richard Gorrell, p. 32
                                      9. The Superfluous People of Hazard, Kentucky by John Ed Pearce, pp. 33-36
                                      10. Two Gatherings by Reiko Nagura, pp. 37-39
                                      11. James C. Hagerty by Nat Hentoff, pp. 40-41
                                      12. Greetings from Emkwig by Hayes Jacobs, p. 42
                                      13. The Reformer Puzzle, p. 43
                                      14. The Last Knights by Edward Jablonski, pp. 44-45
                                      15. [+]
                                        Seven Voices by M.L. Rosenthal, pp. 46-52 - 7 Reviews
                                        1. The Jacob's Ladder by Denise Levertov
                                        2. Kaddish and Other Poems, 1958-1960 by Allen Ginsberg
                                        3. All My Pretty Ones by Anne Sexton
                                        4. Poems by Alan Dugan
                                        5. Views of Jeopardy by Jack Gilbert
                                        6. Preface to a Twenty Volume Suicide Note by LeRoi Jones
                                        7. The Opening of the Field by Robert Duncan
                                      16. Cover by Frederic Marvin
                                    2. [+]
                                      January 17, 1963 Issue = 13 Articles
                                      1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-14
                                      2. The Reporter's Notes by Henry A. Kissinger, pp. 15-19
                                      3. The Fifteenth Amendment Comes to Mississippi by Barbara Carter, pp. 20-24
                                      4. Doubts After Nassau by Edmond Taylor, pp. 25-26
                                      5. What Ever Happened to Lyndon Johnson? by Ward S. Just, pp. 27-30
                                      6. The Dilemma of a Guild Reporter by Milton Bracker, pp. 31-34
                                      7. Castro and Communism by Theodore Draper, pp. 35-47
                                      8. 'Work, for the Night Is Coming' by Lois Phillips Hudson, pp. 48-49
                                      9. [+]
                                        Literature Under a Deadline by George Steiner, pp. 50-51 - 1 Review
                                        1. William Hazlitt by Herschel Baker
                                      10. [+]
                                        Long Count by Gouverneur Paulding, p. 52 - 1 Review
                                        1. That Summer in Paris by Morley Callaghan
                                      11. The Reporter Puzzle, p. 53
                                      12. [+]
                                        The Worst Battle by Sarel Eimerl, pp. 54-58 - 1 Review
                                        1. The Price of Glory: Verdun 1916 by Alistair Horne
                                      13. Cover by Rocco Negro
                                    3. [+]
                                      January 31, 1963 Issue = 16 Articles
                                      1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 6-15
                                      2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 16-21
                                      3. As If We Were at Peace by Max Ascoli, pp. 22-23
                                      4. The Eighty-Eighth by Robert D. Novak, pp. 24-26
                                      5. The Government's Role When Bargaining Breaks Down by A.H. Raskin, pp. 27-30
                                      6. Tito on a Tightrope by Anatole Shub, pp. 31-34
                                      7. The Four Faces of Japanese Socialism by Edward Neilan, pp. 35-37
                                      8. Three Rules in Search of a Country by Philip Wright, pp. 38-41
                                      9. The Slippermakers by Antonio Barolini, pp. 42-47
                                      10. Fraud and Freud by Jay Jacobs, pp. 48-49
                                      11. The Last Minstrel by Nat Hentoff, pp. 50-52
                                      12. [+]
                                        Auden's Breviary by Alfred Kazin, p. 53 - 1 Review
                                        1. The Dyer's Hand, and Other Essays by W.H. Auden
                                      13. [+]
                                        Polish Pragmatism by Hans Landsberg, p. 54 - 1 Review
                                        1. Central Planning in Poland by John Michael Montias
                                      14. The Reporter Puzzle, p. 55
                                      15. [+]
                                        Irish Without Tears by James T. McCartin, pp. 56-60 - 1 Review
                                        1. Brendan Behan's Island by Brendan Behan
                                      16. Cover by John Clift
                                    4. [+]
                                      February 14, 1963 Issue = 18 Articles
                                      1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 6-15
                                      2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 16-21
                                      3. The Economic Education of John F. Kennedy by M.J. Rossant, pp. 22-24
                                      4. What's Wrong with the 'Alianza'? by James H. Street, pp. 25-28
                                      5. After Brussels by Edmond Taylor, pp. 29-31
                                      6. The Ivy-League Integrationists by R.W. Apple, Jr., pp. 32-33
                                      7. A Manual of Soviet Strategy by Raymond L. Garthoff, pp. 34-36
                                      8. At Cross-Purposes in the Sands of Yemen by David Holden, p. 37
                                      9. Cafe Scenes from the Middle East (sketches) by Bill Berry, pp. 38-40
                                      10. The Future of Tom Mboya by Stanley Meisler, pp. 41-43
                                      11. The Survivors by Herbert Gold, pp. 44-47
                                      12. Who Is That Laughing? by Ward S. Just, pp. 48-49
                                      13. The New Parabolist by Michael Harrington, pp. 50-52
                                      14. The Reporter Puzzle, p. 53
                                      15. [+]
                                        Fiction in India by Robin White, pp. 54-59 - 21 Reviews
                                        1. The Financial Expert by R.K. Narayan
                                        2. Grateful to Life and Death by R.K. Narayan
                                        3. The Guide by R.K. Narayan
                                        4. The Man-Eater of Malgudi by R.K. Narayan
                                        5. The Printer of Malgudi by R.K. Narayan
                                        6. Swami and Friends and The Bachelor of Arts by R.K. Narayan
                                        7. The Bachelor of Arts by R.K. Narayan
                                        8. Waiting for the Mahatma by R.K. Narayan
                                        9. Amrita by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
                                        10. Esmond in India by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
                                        11. Get Ready for Battle by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
                                        12. The Householder by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
                                        13. The Nature of Passion by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
                                        14. Nectar in a Sieve by Kamala Markandaya
                                        15. A Silence of Desire by Kamala Markandaya
                                        16. Dark Dancer by Balachandra Rajan
                                        17. Too Long in the West by Balachandra Rajan
                                        18. I Shall Not Hear the Nightingale by Khushwant Singh
                                        19. Mano Majra by Khushwant Singh
                                        20. Train to Pakistan by Khushwant Singh
                                        21. A Goddess Named Gold by Bhabani Bhattacharya
                                      16. [+]
                                        Bush-League Swift by Kenneth S. Lynn, pp. 60-61 - 1 Review
                                        1. The Ring Lardner Reader by Maxwell Geismar and Ring Wilmer Lardner
                                      17. [+]
                                        A Limit to Rapture by Gouverneur Paulding, pp. 62-68 - 1 Review
                                        1. Italian Journey, 1786-1788 by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, W.H. Auden, and Elizabeth Mayer, ...
                                      18. Cover by Frederic Marvin
                                    5. [+]
                                      February 28, 1963 Issue = 16 Articles
                                      1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-13
                                      2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 14-21
                                      3. A Meeting of Two Minds by Max Ascoli, pp. 22-23
                                      4. What Next for the Common Market? by Richard Grenier, pp. 24-26
                                      5. Shadows on the Success of 'Der Alte' by Daniel Schorr, pp. 27-28
                                      6. Washington Gives Canada an Election---and an Issue by William H. Hessler, pp. 29-31
                                      7. Whither the Republicans? by Rowland Evans, jr., pp. 32-33
                                      8. Foreign Aid by Ritchie Calder, pp. 34-36
                                      9. The Algerians on Their Own by John K. Cooley, pp. 37-39
                                      10. The Potato Throwers by Alma Stone, pp. 40-44
                                      11. How Many Days? (verse) by Dilys Laing, pp. 45-48
                                      12. [+]
                                        New Writers and the Russian Tradition by Rufus W. Mathewson, Jr., pp. 49-51 - 1 Review
                                        1. Dissonant Voices in Soviet Literature by Patricia Blake and Max Hayward
                                      13. [+]
                                        Beyond Politics by W.H. Auden, pp. 52-54 - 1 Review
                                        1. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Alexander Solzhenitsyn
                                      14. The Reporter Puzzle, p. 55
                                      15. [+]
                                        The Direct Approach by Sarel Eimerl, pp. 56-60 - 1 Review
                                        1. Margin Released by J.B. Priestley
                                      16. Cover by Gregorio Prestopino
                                    6. [+]
                                      March 14, 1963 Issue = 17 Articles
                                      1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 6-15
                                      2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 16-21
                                      3. Life Without the 'Times' by Max Ascoli, p. 22
                                      4. Who Will Mediate the Mediators? by Edward J. Silberfarb, pp. 23-25
                                      5. The Rhetoric of Walter Reuther by Stanley Levey, pp. 26-28
                                      6. Automation and the News Strike by Richard Severo, pp. 29-31
                                      7. School Aid by Mel Elfin, pp. 32-35
                                      8. The Illiterate Poets of Somalia by Jeanne Contini, pp. 36-37
                                      9. Castro and Khrushchev by Panatela, p. 38
                                      10. The Freeze by Noel Mostert, pp. 39-40
                                      11. Winter Flight, Blind Companion (verse) by Marya Mannes, pp. 41-43
                                      12. 'As Flies to Wanton Boys' by Tom F. Driver, pp. 44-47
                                      13. [+]
                                        A Book for One Reader by Austin Ranney, pp. 48-50 - 1 Review
                                        1. The Deadlock of Democracy by James MacGregor Burns
                                      14. The Reporter Puzzle, p. 51
                                      15. [+]
                                        Half Man, Half Beast by George Steiner, pp. 52-53 - 1 Review
                                        1. The Centaur by John Updike
                                      16. [+]
                                        Drums Along the Vistula by Fred Grunfeld, pp. 54-60 - 1 Review
                                        1. The Tin Drum by Gunter Grass
                                      17. Cover by Herbert Weintraub
                                    7. [+]
                                      March 28, 1963 Issue = 15 Articles
                                      1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-13
                                      2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 14-21
                                      3. NATO's Nuclear Dilemma: I. The U.S. Strategy; II. Second Thoughts on Flexible Responses... by Henry A. Kissinger, pp. 22-37
                                      4. A Return to the Frontier by Eileen Chang, pp. 38-40
                                      5. 'Chicago Ain't Ready for Reform' by Hal Bruno, pp. 41-43
                                      6. Aspects of Zanzibar (sketches) by Angela Conner, pp. 44-45
                                      7. New Drugs by Morton Mintz, pp. 46-51
                                      8. The Last 'French' Composer by Roland Gelatt, pp. 52-54
                                      9. The Reporter Puzzle, p. 55
                                      10. The Aerialists (verse) by Nancy Price, pp. 56-57
                                      11. [+]
                                        A Touching Tale of Lost Horizons by John P. Roche, pp. 58-60 - 1 Review
                                        1. The Ordeal of Power by Emmet John Hughes
                                      12. [+]
                                        A City Upon a Hill by John William Ward, p. 61 - 1 Review
                                        1. A Nation So Conceived by Reinhold Niebuhr and Alan Heimert
                                      13. [+]
                                        A Land Beyond Help? by Denis Warner, pp. 62-63 - 1 Review
                                        1. Indonesian Communism by Arnold C. Brackman
                                      14. [+]
                                        One Man's Treasures by Sarel Eimerl, pp. 64-68 - 1 Review
                                        1. The Familiar Faces by David Garnett
                                      15. Cover by John R. McDermott
                                  2. [+]
                                    Issues of Apr.-Jun. 1963 = 6 Issues, 99 Articles
                                    1. [+]
                                      April 11, 1963 Issue = 13 Articles
                                      1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-9
                                      2. The Reporter's Notes by Douglass Cater, pp. 10-13
                                      3. The General and the Miners by Edmond Taylor, pp. 14-18
                                      4. The Scrapping of Skybolt by Ward S. Just, pp. 19-21
                                      5. Patching Up Russia's Planned Economy by J.M. Montias, pp. 22-24
                                      6. When Will the Congo Be Ready for Independence? by Claire Sterling, pp. 25-28
                                      7. Canada Goes to the Polls by Homer Bigart, pp. 29-32
                                      8. The Jewbird by Bernard Malamud, pp. 33-35
                                      9. A Tunnel Under the Alps by Roland Gelatt, pp. 36-38
                                      10. The Reporter Puzzle, p. 39
                                      11. Record Notes by Nat Hentoff, pp. 40-41
                                      12. [+]
                                        What They Wrote and What They Were by David Littlejohn, pp. 42-50 - 1 Review
                                        1. Lawrence Durrell and Henry Miller by George Wickes, Lawrence Durrell, and Henry Miller, ...
                                      13. Cover by Christine Chagnoux
                                    2. [+]
                                      April 25, 1963 Issue = 17 Articles
                                      1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-13
                                      2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 14-21
                                      3. A Few Anguished Questions by Max Ascoli, p. 22
                                      4. A New Start for the Alliance by Eugene V. Rostow, pp. 23-28
                                      5. Taking Stock of Europe's Nuclear Defenses by Hanson W. Baldwin, pp. 29-33
                                      6. Laos by Stanley Karnow, pp. 34-37
                                      7. The Widening Gulf Between Mao and Khrushchev by Donald S. Zagoria, pp. 38-40
                                      8. The Uncuttable Budget by Robert D. Novak, pp. 41-44
                                      9. The Loneliest Governor by William S. Ellis, p. 45
                                      10. A Canterbury Tale by Robert Rushmore, pp. 46-47
                                      11. The Half-World of American Drama by Marya Mannes, pp. 48-49
                                      12. [+]
                                        The Blight by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, p. 50 - 1 Review
                                        1. The Great Hunger by Cecil Woodham-Smith
                                      13. For a Christening (verse) by John Engels, p. 51
                                      14. [+]
                                        Invaders and Invaded by William T. Hagan, pp. 52-54 - 1 Review
                                        1. Conquistadors in North American History by Paul Horgan
                                      15. The Reporter Puzzle, p. 55
                                      16. [+]
                                        Analyzing 'The Kick' by Nat Hentoff, pp. 56-60 - 1 Review
                                        1. The Reluctant Art by Benny Green
                                      17. Cover by Reg Massie
                                    3. [+]
                                      May 9, 1963 Issue = 14 Articles
                                      1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-11
                                      2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 12-15
                                      3. The 'New Men' of the Soviet Sixties by Priscilla Johnson, pp. 16-20
                                      4. The Screws Are Tightened Again by Abraham Brumberg, pp. 21-24
                                      5. Australia by Denis Warner, pp. 25-28
                                      6. The End of a Dream in Southern Rhodesia by Claire Sterling, pp. 29-32
                                      7. A Lawyer Leaves Mississippi by Barbara Carter, pp. 33-35
                                      8. The Day the News Managers Quit by Ward S. Just, p. 36
                                      9. Terra Incognita by Maya Pines, pp. 37-38
                                      10. Brecht on Broadway by Gerald Weales, pp. 39-41
                                      11. [+]
                                        Lafayette, Where Are We? by George Steiner, p. 42 - 1 Review
                                        1. On Revolution by Hannah Arendt
                                      12. [+]
                                        His Heart Belongs to Dada by Hilton Kramer, pp. 43-45 - 1 Review
                                        1. Self Portrait by Man Ray
                                      13. [+]
                                        Men, Women, and Others by Virgilia Peterson, pp. 46-50 - 1 Review
                                        1. Ascent of Woman by Elisabeth Mann Borgese
                                      14. Cover by Don Moulton
                                    4. [+]
                                      May 23, 1963 Issue = 19 Articles
                                      1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-11
                                      2. From Birmingham by George Bailey, pp. 12-15
                                      3. Is Haiti Next? by Adolf A. Berle, pp. 16-19
                                      4. Pacem in Terris by Max Ascoli, pp. 20-21
                                      5. The Italian Elections by Claire Sterling, pp. 22-24
                                      6. What Price Conventional Capabilities in Europe? by Bernard Brodie, pp. 25-33
                                      7. Hoffa Wins Again by Tom Brooks, p. 34
                                      8. Splitsville, U.S.A. by Elinor Richey, pp. 35-37
                                      9. A Barnyard View of Soviet Agriculture by Allen B. Ballard, Jr., pp. 38-40
                                      10. Are We Looking at the Wrong Budget? by Willard W. Howard, pp. 41-44
                                      11. Art Without Artists by Elaine Kendall, pp. 45-46
                                      12. Tea with Ivo Andric by Joseph Hitrec, pp. 47-48
                                      13. The Breaking of Rainbows (verse) by Howard Nemerov, p. 49
                                      14. [+]
                                        Partners in Disaster by Max Salvadori, pp. 50-52 - 1 Review
                                        1. The Brutal Friendship by F.W. Deakin
                                      15. The Reporter Puzzle, p. 53
                                      16. [+]
                                        World Turned Upside Down by Robert P. Knapp, Jr., p. 54 - 1 Review
                                        1. March to Saratoga by Harrison Bird
                                      17. [+]
                                        But Does it Work? by Virginia Held, pp. 55-56 - 1 Review
                                        1. The Spirit of American Philosophy by John E. Smith
                                      18. Record Notes by Nat Hentoff, pp. 57-60
                                      19. Cover by Gregorio Prestopino
                                    5. [+]
                                      June 6, 1963 Issue = 18 Articles
                                      1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-9
                                      2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 10-11
                                      3. The Birth of a Nation by Max Ascoli, p. 12
                                      4. A Beginning in Birmingham by Vincent Harding, pp. 13-18
                                      5. From a European's Perspective by Hans Morten Rubin, p. 19
                                      6. The Case for Tax Reform by Joseph A. Pechman, pp. 20-22
                                      7. U.S. Investments in France by Richard Grenier, pp. 23-26
                                      8. This Strange Thing Called African Socialism by Keith Kyle, pp. 27-29
                                      9. The Disappointments Of Ayub Khan by J.H. Huizinga, pp. 30-31
                                      10. The Air Force Coins a Word by David Burnham, p. 32
                                      11. Honeymoon in a Monastery by Fred Grunfeld, pp. 33-36
                                      12. Confession by Mark Gutzler, p. 37
                                      13. [+]
                                        Two Masters of Modern Art by Herbert Read, pp. 38-41 - 2 Reviews
                                        1. Rouault by Pierre Courthion and Isabelle Rouault
                                        2. Miro by Jacques Dupin
                                      14. [+]
                                        The Book Burners by Fred M. Hechinger, p. 42 - 1 Review
                                        1. The Censors and the Schools by Jack Nelson and Gene Roberts, Jr.
                                      15. The Reporter Puzzle, p. 43
                                      16. [+]
                                        A Moral Murder? by Sarel Eimerl, pp. 44-46 - 1 Review
                                        1. The Deed by Gerold Frank
                                      17. Record Notes by Roland Gelatt, pp. 47-50
                                      18. Cover by John Wilson
                                    6. [+]
                                      June 20, 1963 Issue = 18 Articles
                                      1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-9
                                      2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 10-11
                                      3. Remember Prague by Max Ascoli, p. 12
                                      4. A New Popular Front? by Edmond Taylor, pp. 13-19
                                      5. Swordfishermen of Scilla---drawings by Adriano Zannino, pp. 20-21
                                      6. Happy Ending in Kentucky by James A. Maxwell, pp. 22-23
                                      7. Coming to Terms with the Common Market by Peter Forbath, pp. 24-26
                                      8. Nonintervention by George Sherman, pp. 27-29
                                      9. The Big Chickens of James and Samuel by Paul Conklin, pp. 30-31
                                      10. Birth Control, Welfare Funds, and the Politics of Illinois by Hal Bruno, pp. 32-35
                                      11. The New Life by Fyodor Abramov, pp. 36-38
                                      12. A 58-Second Film Festival by Alan Levy, p. 39
                                      13. Bearing Gifts---verse by Dilys Laing, pp. 40-41
                                      14. [+]
                                        The Thrills of Recognition by Justin O'Brien, pp. 42-43 - 1 Review
                                        1. The Gates of Horn by Harry Levin
                                      15. The Reporter Puzzle, pp. 44-45
                                      16. [+]
                                        He Never Left Home by Hilton Kramer, p. 46 - 1 Review
                                        1. Who Lost an American? by Nelson Algren
                                      17. [+]
                                        Best-Laid Plans by Robert P. Knapp, Jr., pp. 47-50 - 1 Review
                                        1. The Two-Ocean War by Samuel Eliot Morison
                                      18. Cover by Gregorio Prestopino
                                  3. [+]
                                    Issues of Jul.-Sep. 1963 = 5 Issues, 81 Articles
                                    1. [+]
                                      July 4, 1963 Issue = 16 Articles
                                      1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-5
                                      2. The Reporter's Notes by Max Ascoli, pp. 6-9
                                      3. The Role of the Civil Rights Commission by Barbara Carter, pp. 10-13
                                      4. Englewood, New Jersey by Spencer Klaw, pp. 14-17
                                      5. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania by Hannah Lees, pp. 18-19
                                      6. Cambridge, Maryland by Wendell P. Bradley, pp. 20-21
                                      7. Disarmament by Laurence W. Martin, pp. 22-26
                                      8. A Drought Ends in Iowa by Drake Mabry, p. 27
                                      9. The Winds of Change in the Garden of Aden by Jeanne Contini, pp. 28-29
                                      10. The Prison of Jean Giono by Madeleine Chapsal, p. 30
                                      11. Metaphysical---verse by M.L. Rosenthal, p. 31
                                      12. Wagner Worship in Bavaria by Glenn M. Loney, pp. 32-34
                                      13. The Reporter Puzzle, pp. 35-36
                                      14. [+]
                                        Elitism on the Left by Kenneth S. Lynn, pp. 37-39 - 1 Review
                                        1. Anti-Intellectualism in American Life by Richard Hofstadter
                                      15. [+]
                                        Neo-Beat by Nat Hentoff, pp. 40-42 - 1 Review
                                        1. The Messenger by Charles Wright
                                      16. Cover by Richard Rosenblum
                                    2. [+]
                                      July 18, 1963 Issue = 15 Articles
                                      1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-11
                                      2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 12-23
                                      3. The Never-Ended War of the Middle East by Claire Sterling, pp. 24-28
                                      4. The Second Battle of Homestead by Joseph G. Colangelo, Jr., pp. 29-30
                                      5. The Right Honourable Foreign Secretary by Gordon Brook-Shepherd, pp. 31-33
                                      6. The Curbing of the Militant Majority by John P. Roche, pp. 34-38
                                      7. Refugee Reports on Red China by Stanley Karnow, pp. 39-42
                                      8. Black Is My Favorite Color by Bernard Malamud, pp. 43-47
                                      9. Revolt of the Brasses by Fred Grunfeld, p. 48
                                      10. The Reporter Puzzle, pp. 49-50
                                      11. Sarajeva---verse by Howard Nemerov, p. 51
                                      12. [+]
                                        A Failure, a New Beginning by Fred M. Hechinger, pp. 52-53 - 1 Review
                                        1. Where, When, and Why: Social Studies in American Schools by Martin Mayer
                                      13. [+]
                                        A Village Anarchist by Nat Hentoff, p. 54 - 1 Review
                                        1. The Society I Live In Is Mine by Paul Goodman
                                      14. [+]
                                        The Last Aesthete? by Sidney Alexander, pp. 55-58 - 1 Review
                                        1. The Bernard Berenson Treasury by Hanna Kiel and Bernard Berenson
                                      15. Cover by Joe Wolins
                                    3. [+]
                                      August 15, 1963 Issue = 16 Articles
                                      1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-13
                                      2. The Reporter's Notes by Philip Horton, pp. 14-26
                                      3. Castro, Khrushchev, and Mao by Theodore Draper, pp. 27-31
                                      4. The Sino-Soviet Rift by John Paton Davies, Jr., pp. 32-34
                                      5. The Hallucinogenic Drug Cult by Noah Gordon, pp. 35-42
                                      6. The Dull Part of Desegregation by Julius Duscha, pp. 43-45
                                      7. Gospel as Gimmick by Nat Hentoff, pp. 46-47
                                      8. The Growing Risk of Bureaucratic Intelligence by Hanson W. Baldwin, pp. 48-51
                                      9. How Many Strings on Aid to India? by Donald Kirk, pp. 52-54
                                      10. Northern Places by Marya Mannes, pp. 55-57
                                      11. Angler---verse by John Engels, p. 58
                                      12. The Reporter Puzzle, p. 59
                                      13. Record Notes by Roland Gelatt, pp. 60-61
                                      14. [+]
                                        Cher Maitre by Alfred Kazin, pp. 62-63 - 1 Review
                                        1. Sainte-Beuve: Selected Essays by Francis Steegmuller, Norbert Guterman, and C.A. Sainte-Beuve, ...
                                      15. [+]
                                        Tragicomedy in Five Acts by Sarel Eimerl, pp. 64-68 - 1 Review
                                        1. Francis Bacon: The Temper of a Man by Catherine Drinker Bowen
                                      16. Cover by Donald Higgins
                                    4. [+]
                                      September 12, 1963 Issue = 19 Articles
                                      1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-13
                                      2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 14-25
                                      3. The Peace Games by Max Ascoli, p. 26
                                      4. Ping-Pong on the Potomac by Meg Greenfield, pp. 27-29
                                      5. First Step to What? by Ernest A. Gross, pp. 30-31
                                      6. Isolating Our Allies by Nils Orvik, pp. 32-33
                                      7. Vietnam by Denis Warner, p. 34
                                      8. Fixing the Score in '64 by Ed Planer, pp. 35-36
                                      9. The Life and Times of Tony Pro by Robert S. Gallagher and Ronald Semple, pp. 37-40
                                      10. The Competition for Africa's Students by David Hapgood, pp. 41-42
                                      11. German Reparations and the Israeli Economy by William Mehlman, pp. 43-45
                                      12. The Day There Was No Money by William K. Zinsser, pp. 46-47
                                      13. A Palace in Sicily by Gouverneur Paulding, pp. 48-49
                                      14. Record Notes by Nat Hentoff, pp. 50-51
                                      15. [+]
                                        Of Growth and Gain by Arthur F. Burns, pp. 52-53 - 1 Review
                                        1. The American Economic Republic by Adolf A. Berle
                                      16. [+]
                                        'Something That Might Simply Be' by M.L. Rosenthal, p. 54 - 3 Reviews
                                        1. The Next Room of the Dream by Howard Nemerov
                                        2. Private Dooms and Public Destinations by James Schevill
                                        3. Collected Poems by A.J.M. Smith
                                      17. The Reporter Puzzle, pp. 55-61
                                      18. [+]
                                        Anything Goes by Hilton Kramer, pp. 62-68 - 1 Review
                                        1. Art USA Now by Lee Nordness
                                      19. Cover by John R. McDermott
                                    5. [+]
                                      September 26, 1963 Issue = 15 Articles
                                      1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-13
                                      2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 14-17
                                      3. The Test Ban by Senator Henry M. Jackson, pp. 18-19
                                      4. Science Goes to Washington by Meg Greenfield, pp. 20-26
                                      5. The Role of the Courts by J. Skelly Wright, pp. 27-30
                                      6. China's New Roads by Denis Warner, pp. 31-33
                                      7. Bolivia's Revolution Comes of Age by J. David Bowen, pp. 34-35
                                      8. Khrushchev Mends Some Fences by Charles Wassermann, pp. 36-37
                                      9. The Piper's Village by Akosua, pp. 38-41
                                      10. How to Make Lawyers Wish You'd Go Away by Robert Bingham, pp. 42-43
                                      11. [+]
                                        Dr. Conant's Bombsell by Fred M. Hechinger, p. 44 - 2 Reviews
                                        1. The Education of American Teachers by James Bryant Conant
                                        2. The Miseducation of American Teachers by James D. Koerner
                                      12. Chores---verse by Charles Edward Eaton, pp. 45-46
                                      13. The Reporter Puzzle, p. 47
                                      14. [+]
                                        Gravey Train by Kenneth S. Lynn, pp. 48-52 - 1 Review
                                        1. The American Way of Death by Jessica Mitford
                                      15. Cover by Bill Berry
                                  4. [+]
                                    Issues of Oct.-Dec. 1963 = 6 Issues, 108 Articles
                                    1. [+]
                                      October 10, 1963 Issue = 18 Articles
                                      1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 6-13
                                      2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 14-21
                                      3. This Negro Revolution by Max Ascoli, p. 22
                                      4. Beyond Tokenism by Douglass Cater, pp. 23-26
                                      5. Toward the Other Shore by Vincent Harding, pp. 27-31
                                      6. One-Man Rule in Algeria by Claire Sterling, pp. 32-35
                                      7. A Tandem to the Moon? by John W. Finney, p. 36
                                      8. The Congo by Russell Warren Howe, pp. 37-38
                                      9. Agony in Saigon by Denis Warner, pp. 39-41
                                      10. The Black Pawns of Bantustan by Thomas Sterling, pp. 42-45
                                      11. The Idea of a University by Howard Nemerov, pp. 46-49
                                      12. Of Toads and Half-Truths by John Speicher, pp. 50-53
                                      13. The Reporter Puzzle, pp. 54-55
                                      14. [+]
                                        'Coachmen's Music' by Fred Grunfeld, pp. 56-58 - 1 Review
                                        1. Memoirs by Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka
                                      15. [+]
                                        The Tribes of the City by Gouverneur Paulding, p. 59 - 1 Review
                                        1. Beyond the Melting Pot by Nathan Glazer and Daniel P. Moynihan
                                      16. [+]
                                        Should Girls Go to College? by William Knapp, pp. 60-61 - 1 Review
                                        1. The Group by Mary McCarthy
                                      17. My Best Love---verse by M.L. Rosenthal, pp. 62-66
                                      18. Cover by Gregorio Prestopino
                                    2. [+]
                                      October 24, 1963 Issue = 16 Articles
                                      1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 6-19
                                      2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 20-27
                                      3. Pursuit of a Mirage by Philip Horton, pp. 28-34
                                      4. Peru's New Politics by Gladys Delmas, pp. 35-38
                                      5. What de Gaulle Actually Said About Vietnam by Bernard Fall, pp. 39-41
                                      6. A Dean Departs from Ole Miss by Reese Cleghorn, p. 42
                                      7. The Speaker vs. the 'Hard-Liners' by Milton Viorst, pp. 43-44
                                      8. Is Austria Here to Stay? by George Bailey, pp. 45-47
                                      9. The Would-Be Writer Industry by Alan Levy, p. 48
                                      10. The Artist---drawings by Fernando Krahn, pp. 49-53
                                      11. 'Here I Stand (More or Less)' by Tom F. Driver, pp. 54-56
                                      12. The Threepenny Artist by Hilton Kramer, p. 57
                                      13. The Reporter Puzzle, pp. 58-61
                                      14. [+]
                                        Finger Exercises by David Littlejohn, pp. 62-63 - 1 Review
                                        1. Notebooks, 1935-1942 by Albert Camus
                                      15. [+]
                                        Rittenhouse Roundabout by Gerald Weales, pp. 64-68 - 1 Review
                                        1. The Perennial Philadelphians by Nathaniel Burt
                                      16. Cover by Gregorio Prestopino
                                    3. [+]
                                      November 7, 1963 Issue = 18 Articles
                                      1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-15
                                      2. The Reporter's Notes by George Bailey, pp. 16-21
                                      3. Fasten Your Seat Belts by Max Ascoli, p. 22
                                      4. Realignment on the Right by Roger D. Masters, pp. 23-25
                                      5. Labour Tries to Broaden the Base by E.M. Hugh-Jones, pp. 26-29
                                      6. The Chicken-War Stew by Peter Hendry, pp. 30-32
                                      7. Venezuela by A.A. Berle, pp. 33-34
                                      8. Unions and Automation by Bruce Bliven, pp. 35-38
                                      9. Austerity in Ohio by Robert Giles, pp. 39-41
                                      10. House for Sale---short story by James A. Maxwell, p. 42
                                      11. Success---drawing by Fernando Krahn, p. 43
                                      12. Jim Dandy---verse by M.L. Rosenthal, pp. 44-47
                                      13. [+]
                                        JFK: Bricks and Broken Glass by John P. Roche, pp. 48-49 - 2 Reviews
                                        1. John F. Kennedy, President by Hugh Sidey
                                        2. JFK: The Man and the Myth by Victor Lasky
                                      14. [+]
                                        A Free Man in Prison by Elie Abel, p. 50 - 1 Review
                                        1. Montenegro by Milovan Djilas
                                      15. The Reporter Puzzle, p. 51
                                      16. [+]
                                        Attack on an Idol by Kenneth S. Lynn, pp. 52-53 - 1 Review
                                        1. Henry James and the Jacobites by Maxwell D. Geismar
                                      17. [+]
                                        A Gentle Ticking Noise by Robert Bingham, pp. 54-60 - 1 Review
                                        1. Confessions of an Advertising Man by David Ogilvy
                                      18. Cover by Jerry Pruitt
                                    4. [+]
                                      November 21, 1963 Issue = 19 Articles
                                      1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-13
                                      2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 14-25
                                      3. Is Italy Going Neutral? by Max Ascoli, pp. 26-27
                                      4. Italy's 'Apertura a Sinistra' by Claire Sterling, pp. 28-31
                                      5. Berlin by Jean Edward Smith, pp. 32-37
                                      6. The Battle of the Great Lakes by William J. Eaton, pp. 38-40
                                      7. Elephants in Tammanyland by Barbara Carter, pp. 41-43
                                      8. Russia by Priscilla Johnson, pp. 44-47
                                      9. Phoenix Unreborn by Richard L. Gilbert, Jr., pp. 48-49
                                      10. The High Cost of Living by Meg Greenfield, pp. 50-52
                                      11. Going Through the Motions by Tom F. Driver, p. 53
                                      12. No, But I've Seen the Movie by Derek Morgan, p. 54
                                      13. The Sedan---drawings by Fernando Krahn, p. 55
                                      14. [+]
                                        The Counter-Reformation Comes to an End by Andrew M. Greeley, pp. 56-58 - 1 Review
                                        1. The Mind of the Catholic Layman by Daniel Callahan
                                      15. [+]
                                        Eisenhower: What Did he Want? by Douglass Cater, p. 59 - 1 Review
                                        1. Mandate for Change, 1953-1956 by Dwight D. Eisenhower
                                      16. [+]
                                        Marshall: Who Was He? by Robert P. Knapp, Jr., p. 60 - 1 Review
                                        1. George C. Marshall: Education of a General, 1889-1939 by Forrest C. Pogue
                                      17. The Reporter Puzzle, pp. 61-64
                                      18. [+]
                                        More Cloak Than Dagger by Edmond Taylor, pp. 65-68 - 1 Review
                                        1. The Craft of Intelligence by Allen W. Dulles
                                      19. Cover by Jerome Witkin
                                    5. [+]
                                      December 5, 1963 Issue = 20 Articles
                                      1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-13
                                      2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 14-18
                                      3. The 22nd of November by Max Ascoli, p. 19
                                      4. Mr. Meany's Curse by A.H. Raskin, pp. 20-22
                                      5. A Better Day for Brother Randolph by Thomas R. Brooks, p. 23
                                      6. White-Collar Automation by Thomas O'Toole, pp. 24-27
                                      7. Santo Domingo by Donald A. Allan, pp. 28-31
                                      8. Nehru's New Centrism by Ashwini Kumari, pp. 32-34
                                      9. My Old Ladies by Mary Zavada, pp. 35-36
                                      10. The Stalin-Trotsky Split by Jerry A. Hough, pp. 37-39
                                      11. The Situation---short story by Bloke Modisane, p. 40
                                      12. Black Woman---verse by Leopold Sedar Senghor, pp. 41-49
                                      13. The Reporter Puzzle, pp. 50-51
                                      14. The Colossal Nightingale by Fred Grunfeld, pp. 52-55
                                      15. [+]
                                        In Defense of a Friend by Xam Ilocsa, pp. 56-57 - 1 Review
                                        1. The McLandress Dimension by Mark Epernay
                                      16. [+]
                                        New Ways in Architecture by Hilton Kramer, pp. 58-61 - 2 Reviews
                                        1. The Architecture of Fantasy by Ulrich Conrads and Hans G. Sperlich
                                        2. Architecture of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, 1950-1962 by Ernst Danz
                                      17. [+]
                                        Ban the Pooh! by Robert S. Gallagher, p. 62 - 1 Review
                                        1. The Pooh Perplex by Frederick C. Crews
                                      18. [+]
                                        Transcendental Tax Dodge by Gerald Weales, p. 63 - 1 Review
                                        1. The Cold War and the Income Tax: A Protest by Edmund Wilson
                                      19. Incompetence---drawing by Fernando Krahn, pp. 64-66
                                      20. Cover by Ronald Christensen
                                    6. [+]
                                      December 19, 1963 Issue = 17 Articles
                                      1. Who-- What-- Why--, pp. 4-9
                                      2. The Reporter's Notes, pp. 10-13
                                      3. Our New President by Max Ascoli, p. 14
                                      4. The Long Vigil by Marya Mannes, pp. 15-16
                                      5. The Hard-Won Destiny of Lyndon Johnson by Douglass Cater, pp. 17-18
                                      6. Interregnum on the Hill by Meg Greenfield, p. 19
                                      7. The Line of Succession by Lindsay Rogers, pp. 20-22
                                      8. Paul VI and the Bishops by Osbert Hastings, pp. 23-25
                                      9. A Southern City with Northern Problems by Hunter S. Thompson, pp. 26-29
                                      10. Baghdad by David Holden, pp. 30-32
                                      11. Young Man, Old Man by Alfred Kazin, p. 33
                                      12. The Last Pace But One---verse by Charles Edward Eaton, pp. 34-41
                                      13. [+]
                                        The Only Escape by John William Ward, pp. 42-43 - 1 Review
                                        1. The Americans by Oscar Handlin
                                      14. [+]
                                        Sand Against the Wind by Anne Fremantle, pp. 44-45 - 1 Review
                                        1. In Praise of Enlightenment by Albert Salomon
                                      15. [+]
                                        The Gentle Despots by Sarel Eimerl, p. 46 - 1 Review
                                        1. The Fall of the House of Habsburg by Edward Crankshaw
                                      16. The Reporter Puzzle, pp. 47-50
                                      17. Cover by Reg Massie
                                2. [+]
                                  Issues of 1964 = 25 Issues, 455 Articles
                                  1. [+]
                                    Issues of 1965 = 24 Issues, 430 Articles
                                    1. [+]
                                      Issues of 1966 = 24 Issues, 425 Articles
                                      1. [+]
                                        Issues of 1967 = 24 Issues, 417 Articles
                                        1. [+]
                                          Issues of 1968 = 12 Issues, 213 Articles