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Karlis Racevskis Archives
Karlis Racevskis •ï¿½1 Book
Michel Foucault and the Subversion of Intellect (1983)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Deconstructing D'Amico, or Why Joel Whitebook is so Upset (2 Reviews)
    Michel Foucault, by Mark Cousins and Athar Hussain
    1. Michel Foucault by Mark Cousins and Athar Hussain
    2. Michel Foucault and the Subversion of Intellect by Karlis Racevskis
    Telos, Summer 1985, pp. 188-196
  2. Opinions & Views
    Discourse on a French Farrago (4 Reviews)
    Michel Foucault and the Subversion of Intellect, by Karlis Racevskis
    1. Michel Foucault and the Subversion of Intellect by Karlis Racevskis
    2. Michel Foucault: Social Theory as Transgression by Charles L. Lemert and Garth Gillan
    3. Roland Barthes by Jonathan Culler
    4. The Space of Literature by Maurice Blanchot
    Chronicles, September 1983, pp. 6-7