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The Impact of the Russian Revolution, 1917-1967 (1967)
The Influence of Bolshevism on the World Outside Russia
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    The Bolshevik Revolution and the Noncommunist World (Review)
    The Impact of the Russian Revolution, 1917-1967, by The Royal Institute of Internationa...
    1. The Impact of the Russian Revolution, 1917-1967 by The Royal Institute of International Affairs, ...
    Orbis, Fall 1968, pp. 906-908
  2. [+]
    The Impact of 1917 Abroad (Review)
    The Impact of the Russian Revolution, 1917-1967, by The Royal Institute of Internationa...
    1. The Impact of the Russian Revolution, 1917-1967 by The Royal Institute of International Affairs, ...
    Survey, January 1968, pp. 142-144
  3. [+]
    Revolution and Aftermath (3 Reviews)
    The Fate of the Revolution, by Walter Laqueur
    1. The Fate of the Revolution by Walter Laqueur
    2. The Impact of the Russian Revolution, 1917-1967 by The Royal Institute of International Affairs, ...
    3. Revolutionary Russia by Richard E. Pipes
    Problems of Communism, January 1969, pp. 35-37
  4. [+]
    Modern Europe (4 Reviews)
    Fifty Years of Communism, by Geoffrey F. Hudson
    1. Fifty Years of Communism by Geoffrey F. Hudson
    2. Fifty Years of Communism in Russia by Milorad M. Drachkovitch
    3. The Soviet Union: A Half-Century of Communism by Kurt London
    4. The Impact of the Russian Revolution, 1917-1967 by The Royal Institute of International Affairs, ...
    The American Historical Review, December 1969, pp. 547-549
  5. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (13 Reviews)
    Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union
    1. The Impact of the Russian Revolution, 1917-1967 by The Royal Institute of International Affairs, ...
    2. The Fate of the Revolution by Walter Laqueur
    3. Juggernaut by J. Malcolm Mackintosh
    4. Twenty Letters to a Friend by Svetlana Alliluyeva
    5. A Geography of the U.S.S.R by John P. Cole
    6. Journey into the Whirlwind by Eugenia Semyonovna Ginzburg and Paul Stevenson, ...
    7. Workers' Paradise Lost by Eugene Lyons
    8. Soviet Political Schools by Ellen Propper Mickiewicz
    9. The Politics of the European Communist States by Ghita Ionescu
    10. The United States and Eastern Europe by Robert F. Byrnes
    11. Economic Development in Communist Rumania by John Michael Montias
    12. A Short History of Yugoslavia by Stephen Clissold
    13. Ten Years After by Tamas Aczel
    Foreign Affairs, January 1968, pp. 408-410
  6. [+]
    Book Marks (16 Reviews)
    Stalin: A Political Biography, by Isaac Deutscher
    1. Stalin: A Political Biography by Isaac Deutscher
    2. The Young Stalin by Edward Ellis Smith
    3. Stalin by Leon Trotsky and Charles Malamuth
    4. Ten Days that Shook the World by John Reed
    5. Through the Russian Revolution by Albert Rhys Williams
    6. The Soviet Achievement by J.P. Nettl
    7. The Soviet Union: The Fifty Years by Harrison E. Salisbury
    8. Unofficial Art in the Soviet Union by Paul Sjeklocha and Igor Mead
    9. The Impact of the Russian Revolution, 1917-1967 by The Royal Institute of International Affairs, ...
    10. The First Fifty Years: Soviet Russia, 1917-67 by Ian Grey
    11. The Bolshevik Revolution by Philip S. Foner
    12. The View from Lenin Hills by William Taubman
    13. The Politics of Ideas in the USSR by Robert Conquest
    14. Revolution in Russia by Edward W. Pearlstein
    15. A Portrait of All the Russias by Laurens Van Der Post
    16. International Communism in the Era of Lenin by Helmut Gruber
    The Nation, January 22, 1968, p. 124
  7. [+]
    Book Reviews (21 Reviews)
    Studies On Africa
    1. The Reds and the Blacks by William Attwood
    2. Freedom and Unity: Uhuru na Umoja by Julius Kambarage Nyerere
    3. Mauritania by Alfred G. Gerteiny
    4. Portuguese Africa by Ronald H. Chilcote
    5. The Dragon's Embrace by E. John Hevi
    6. Patterns of African Development by Herbert J. Spiro
    7. Black Skin, White Masks by Frantz Fanon
    8. The Anatomy of Uhuru by N.S. Carey Jones
    9. Africa: The Politics of Unity by Immanuel Wallerstein
    10. Independent Africa by L.C.B. Gower
    11. An African Season by Leonard Levitt
    12. Latin America in World Politics by Norman A. Bailey
    13. The West Indies and the Guianas by D.A.G. Waddell
    14. The Origins of Malay Nationalism by William R. Roff
    15. Brazilian Planning by Robert T. Daland
    16. Southeast Asian Tribes, Minorities, and Nations by Peter Kunstadter
    17. The Fall of Sukarno by Tarzie Vittachi
    18. Battles in the Monsoon by S.L.A. Marshall
    19. Socialist Parties in Postwar Japan by Allan B. Cole, George O. Totten, and Cecil H. Uyehara, ...
    20. Victor Charlie by Kuno Knoebl
    21. The Impact of the Russian Revolution, 1917-1967 by The Royal Institute of International Affairs, ...
    Current History, February 1968, pp. 102-106