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Alfred Francis Pribram Archives
Alfred Francis Pribram •ï¿½5 Items / 4 Books, 1 Article
Austria-Hungary and Great Britain, 1908-1914 (1951)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Modern European History (Review)
    Austria-Hungary and Great Britain, 1908-1914, by Alfred Francis Pribram
    1. Austria-Hungary and Great Britain, 1908-1914 by Alfred Francis Pribram
    The American Historical Review, April 1952, p. 668
  2. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (12 Reviews)
    Western Europe
    1. No Green Pastures---The Negro in Europe Today by Roi Ottley
    2. The Fourth Republic of France by O.R. Taylor
    3. French Legionnaire by Alfred Perrott-White
    4. Belgian Foreign Policy Between Two Wars, 1919-1940 by Jane Kathryn Miller
    5. The Scandinavian States and Finland
    6. Peter Moen's Diary by Petter Moen
    7. The Rise and Fall of Hermann Goering by Willi Frischauer
    8. Dance of Death by Erich Kern
    9. Austria-Hungary and Great Britain, 1908-1914 by Alfred Francis Pribram
    10. The Hapsburg Monarchy, 1867-1914 by Arthur J. May
    11. The Multinational Empire by Robert A. Kann
    12. The Face of Spain by Gerald Brenan
    Foreign Affairs, April 1952, pp. 501-503