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Christian P. Potholm Archives
Christian P. Potholm •ï¿½19 Items / 10 Reviews, 5 Books, 4 Articles
Integration and Disintegration in East Africa (1980)
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Published Reviews
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    Recent Books on International Relations (10 Reviews)
    1. Afrocommunism by David Ottaway and Marina Ottaway
    2. Asking for Trouble by Donald Woods
    3. The Struggle for Zimbabwe by David Martin and Phyllis Johnson
    4. The Struggle for Zimbabwe by Lewis H. Gann and Thomas H. Henriksen
    5. Southern Africa Since the Portuguese Coup by John Seiler
    6. Africa South of the Sahara by L.H. Gann and Peter Duignan
    7. The USSR and Africa by Dan C. Heldman
    8. The African Development Bank by Kwame Donkoh Fordwor
    9. European Business and South Africa by Anne Akeroyd
    10. Integration and Disintegration in East Africa by Christian P. Potholm and Richard A. Fredland
    Foreign Affairs, Fall 1981, pp. 217-219