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Stefan T. Possony Archives
Stefan T. Possony •ï¿½60 Items / 27 Reviews, 11 Books, 22 Articles
A Century of Conflict (1953)
Communist Techniques of World Revolution
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Reviews of Books (Review)
    A Century of Conflict, by Stefan T. Possony
    1. A Century of Conflict by Stefan T. Possony
    American Political Science Review, December 1953, pp. 1166-1168
  2. [+]
    News Items (Review)
    A Century of Conflict, by Stefan T. Possony
    1. A Century of Conflict by Stefan T. Possony
    Human Events, August 12, 1953, p. 4
  3. Books
    Soviet Russia as It Is (10 Reviews)
    Stalin Versus Marx, by Klaus Mehnert
    1. Stalin Versus Marx by Klaus Mehnert
    2. The Russians in Focus by Harold J. Berman
    3. Russia and Her Colonies by Walter Kolarz
    4. Minerals: A Key to Soviet Power by Demitri B. Shimkin
    5. The Ultimate Weapon by Oleg Anisimov
    6. The End of a Revolution by Fritz Sternberg
    7. A Century of Conflict by Stefan T. Possony
    8. Stalin: A Self-Portrait by Joseph Stalin
    9. Stalin by Nikolaus Basseches
    10. My Uncle, Joseph Stalin by Budu Svanidze
    The Nation, April 4, 1953, pp. 290-291
  4. [+]
    Books in Review (14 Reviews)
    A Century of Conflict, by Stefan T. Possony
    1. A Century of Conflict by Stefan T. Possony
    2. Your War for Peace by Frank L. Howley
    3. Stalin Versus Marx by Klaus Mehnert
    4. Out of Red China by Shaotang Liu
    5. Asia Aflame by Ebed van der Vlugt
    6. Essays on Church and State by Lord John Acton and Douglas Woodruff
    7. Acton's Political Philosophy by George E. Fasnacht
    8. A House in Bryanston Square by Algernon Cecil
    9. Man Against Mass Society by Gabriel Marcel
    10. The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir
    11. My Uncle, Joseph Stalin by Budu Svanidze
    12. The Sensory Order by F.A. Hayek
    13. Abraham Lincoln by Herbert Agar
    14. The Jefferson Reader by Francis Coleman Rosenberger and Thomas Jefferson, ...
    The American Mercury, March 1953, pp. 118-130
  5. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (21 Reviews)
    General: Political, Military and Legal
    1. Holmes-Laski Letters by Mark DeWolfe Howe, Oliver Wendell Holmes, and Harold J. Laski, ...
    2. Harold Laski (1893-1950): A Biographical Memoir by Kingsley Martin
    3. The World and the West by Arnold J. Toynbee
    4. A Century of Conflict by Stefan T. Possony
    5. Containment or Liberation? by James Burnham
    6. The Ultimate Weapon by Oleg Anisimov
    7. Your War for Peace by Frank L. Howley
    8. Peace, War and You by Jerome Davis
    9. Lying in State by Stanton Griffis
    10. The Diplomats, 1919-1939 by Gordon A. Craig and Felix Gilbert
    11. Avenues of History by Lewis B. Namier
    12. Frontiers for Freedom by R. Gordon Hoxie
    13. Britain and the United States by Henry L. Roberts and Paul A. Wilson
    14. Bulwark of the West by Arthur C. Turner
    15. The Problem of Power by Lord Radcliffe of Werneth
    16. Why Democracy? by Alf Ross
    17. The Great Frontier by Walter Prescott Webb
    18. The German Executive, 1890-1933 by Maxwell E. Knight
    19. Kuomintang and Chinese Communist Elites by Robert C. North and Ithiel de Sola Pool
    20. Soviet Economic Institutions by Alexander Vucinich
    21. Protection of International Personnel Abroad by Carol McCormick Crosswell
    Foreign Affairs, July 1953, pp. 675-676