The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Mrs. Reginald Lane Poole Archives
Mrs. Reginald Lane Poole •ï¿½1 Book
Catalogue of Portraits in the Possession of the University, Colleges, City and County of Oxford (1926)
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Published Reviews
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    The New Books (4 Reviews)
    1. The New Common Sense in the Household by Marion Harland and Christine Terhune Herrick
    2. Catalogue of Portraits in the Possession of the University, Colleges, City and County of Oxford by Mrs. Reginald Lane Poole
    3. The Industrial Museum by Charles R. Richards
    4. The Adventurous Bowmen by Saxton T. Pope
    The Saturday Review, July 3, 1926, p. 908