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David Pollock Archives
David Pollock •ï¿½3 Items / 2 Books, 1 Article
The Politics of Pressure (1982)
American Arms and Israeli Policy Since the Six Day War
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    The Politics of Pressure, by David Pollock
    1. The Politics of Pressure by David Pollock
    Political Science Quarterly, March 1984, p. 187
  2. [+]
    The Middle East and North Africa (11 Reviews)
    Israel in the Begin Era, by Robert O. Freedman
    1. Israel in the Begin Era by Robert O. Freedman
    2. Sadat and Begin by Melvin A. Friedlander
    3. Zakhor: Jewish History and Jewish Memory by Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi
    4. The Politics of Pressure by David Pollock
    5. President Kennedy's Policy Toward the Arab States and Israel by Mordechai Gazit
    6. Party Politics in Israel and the Occupied Territories by Gershon R. Kieval
    7. Going All the Way by Jonathan C. Randal
    8. Republic of Lebanon by David C. Gordon
    9. The PLO and the Politics of Survival by Aaron David Miller
    10. Afghanistan's Two-Party Communism by Anthony Arnold
    11. Atlas of the Arab World by Michael Dempsey
    Orbis, Summer 1983, pp. 502-519
  3. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (12 Reviews)
    The Middle East and North Africa
    1. The Arab-Israeli Wars by Chaim Herzog
    2. Road to Peace by Matti Golan
    3. The Politics of Pressure by David Pollock
    4. I Speak for Lebanon by Kamal Joumblatt
    5. Faith and Power by Edward Mortimer
    6. The Imam and His Islamic Revolution by Robin Woodsworth Carlsen
    7. Economic Origins of the Iranian Revolution by Robert E. Looney
    8. Land and Revolution in Iran, 1960-1980 by Eric J. Hooglund
    9. Egypt by Derek Hopwood
    10. The Transformation of Egypt by Mark N. Cooper
    11. Libyan Sandstorm by John K. Cooley
    12. Oil and Turmoil by Dankwart A. Rustow
    Foreign Affairs, Winter 1982, pp. 476-477