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Plato Archives
Plato •ï¿½57 Items / 1 Set, 40 Books
Portrait of Socrates (1938)
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Published Reviews
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    Books of the Day (10 Reviews)
    Charles Laughton and I, by Elsa Lanchester
    1. Charles Laughton and I by Elsa Lanchester
    2. Edwin Arlington Robinson: A Biography by Hermann Hagedorn
    3. The Waterfront Labor Problem by Edward E. Swanstrom
    4. My Pilgrimage for Peace by George Lansbury
    5. Images in a Mirror by Sigrid Undset
    6. The Monument by Pamela Hansford Johnson
    7. The River Breaks Up by I.J. Singer
    8. Intuition by K.W. Wild
    9. Portrait of Socrates by Plato and R.W. Livingstone
    10. A Carrack Sailed Away by Mabel Farnum
    Commonweal, October 21, 1938, pp. 678-682