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Raymond Plant Archives
Raymond Plant •ï¿½3 Books
Hegel (1973)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Political Theory, History of Political Thought and Methodology (Review)
    Hegel, by Raymond Plant
    1. Hegel by Raymond Plant
    American Political Science Review, December 1974, pp. 1744-1745
  2. [+]
    Spreading Hebel's Wings---II (9 Reviews)
    Hegel, by Raymond Plant
    1. Hegel by Raymond Plant
    2. Hegel's Political Philosophy by Walter Kaufmann
    3. Hegel's Political Philosophy by Z.A. Pelczynski
    4. Hegel's Philosophy of History by Burleigh Taylor Wilkins
    5. Hegel's Theory of the Modern State by Shlomo Avineri
    6. Introduction to the Reading of Hegel by Alexandre Kojeve and Allan Bloom
    7. The Young Hegelians by William J. Brazill
    8. The American Hegelians by William H. Goetzmann
    9. From Marx to Hegel, and Other Essays by George Lichtheim
    The New York Review of Books, June 12, 1975, pp. 39-42
  3. [+]
    Spreading Hegel's Wings (10 Reviews)
    Introduction to the Reading of Hegel, by Alexandre Kojeve and Allan Bloom
    1. Introduction to the Reading of Hegel by Alexandre Kojeve and Allan Bloom
    2. Studies on Marx and Hegel by Jean Hyppolite
    3. Hegel: A Collection of Critical Essays by Alasdair MacIntyre
    4. Hegel's Theory of the Modern State by Shlomo Avineri
    5. Hegel by Raymond Plant
    6. An Introduction to Hegel's Metaphysics by Ivan Soll
    7. Hegel's Idea of Philosophy by Quentin J. Lauer
    8. Hegel's Concept of Experience by Martin Heidegger
    9. The Religious Dimension in Hegel's Thought by Emil L. Fackenheim
    10. Hegel's Science of Logic by Arnold V. Miller
    The New York Review of Books, May 29, 1975, pp. 34-36