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Ruth Pitter Archives
Ruth Pitter •ï¿½9 Items / 6 Books, 3 Poems
Collected Poems (1970)
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Published Reviews
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    End of the Sixties (42 Reviews)
    Quickly Aging Here: Some Poets of the 1970s, by Geof Hewitt
    1. Quickly Aging Here: Some Poets of the 1970s by Geof Hewitt
    2. A Probable Volume of Dreams by Marvin Bell
    3. Good Times by Lucille Clifton
    4. Dreaming of Floods by Stuart Friebert
    5. Bearings by Jack Marshall
    6. Anonymous Sins and Other Poems by Joyce Carol Oates
    7. Expressways by J.D. Reed
    8. We Weep for Our Strangeness by Dennis Schmitz
    9. Journal of Return by Richard Shelton
    10. Lies by C.K. Williams
    11. An American Romance by Carol Berge
    12. False Gods, Real Men by Daniel Berrigan
    13. Indiana by Clayton Eshleman
    14. Black Pow-Wow by Ted Joans
    15. The Common Shore, Books I-V by Robert Kelly
    16. Wondering Where You Are by Robert Peterson
    17. Adam's Dream by Julia Randall
    18. Scattered Returns by L.E. Sissman
    19. Pilgrims by Jean Valentine
    20. Graves Registry, and Other Poems by Keith Wilson
    21. Fragment by John Ashbery
    22. Pieces by Robert Creeley
    23. Poems, 1965-1968 by Robert Graves
    24. The Alligator Bride by Donald Hall
    25. The Geography of Lograire by Thomas Merton
    26. T & G: The Collected Poems by Lorine Niedecker
    27. "A" 13-21 by Louis Zukofsky
    28. Fever and Other New Poems by Bella Akhmadulina
    29. Selected Poems by Anna Akhmatova
    30. Selected Poems by Yves Bonnefoy
    31. Guillevic: Selected Poems by Denise Levertov and Eugene Guillevic
    32. Coming Out Fighting by Philip Hobsbaum
    33. Foreign Bodies by Karl Krolow
    34. A New Decade by Pablo Neruda
    35. Notes to the Hurrying Man by Brian Patten
    36. Collected Poems by Ruth Pitter
    37. Voices by Antonio Porchia
    38. Idanre and Other Poems by Wole Soyinka
    39. Selected Verse by Georges Zuk
    40. Animae by W.S. Merwin
    41. Rivers of the Pacific Northwest by William Dickey
    42. Technicians of the Sacred by Jerome Rothenberg
    The Hudson Review, Spring 1970, pp. 180-198