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Perry F. Philipp Archives
Perry F. Philipp •ï¿½1 Book
Diversified Agriculture of Hawaii (1953)
An Economist's View of Its History, Present Status, and Future Prospects
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (8 Reviews)
    The Far East and Pacific Ocean
    1. Colonial Development and Population in Taiwan by George W. Barclay
    2. A Report on Taiwan's Population to the Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction by George W. Barclay
    3. Selected Works by Mao Tse-Tung
    4. The Umbrella Garden by Maria Yen
    5. Japan's Decision to Surrender by Robert J.C. Butow
    6. Some Dependent Peoples of the South Pacific by Linden A. Mander
    7. Diversified Agriculture of Hawaii by Perry F. Philipp
    8. Seventh Continent by W. Arthur Scholes
    Foreign Affairs, January 1955, p. 346